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Social Media

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Aug 13, 2008
Atsugi Kanagawa
So lately i've had some friends who were facebook users, drift off to other social media websites. A few i know simultaneously use more than one social media. There are certain preferences held between them individually, and as they brought up certain complaints to sites that they left, it led me to question my own preferences.

Even for me, as i view through my facebook i'm bombarded with baby photos, and naturally you have settings to block certain things, but that gets tiring after a while. Even i get bored of shifting through the same stuff.

So here's my question...what social media(s) do you prefer?

What got you there in the first place?

What complaints do you have of some, and of course vice-versa..


A boy named Crow
May 4, 2005
A world that never was
Embarrassingly, the KHInsider Forums are the closest thing to social media that I use. I do in fact have Facebook, but I sign on maybe three times a year; I also have QQ, which is a Chinese hybrid of Facebook and MSN, but I sign onto there even less.

I just get overwhelmed by it. The (real or imagined) pressure to electronically interact with all of these people, many of whom I only vaguely remember from high school or college, is too much for someone like me. I have lost contact in this way with some people that I really would have liked to stay in touch with, but for the most part I either accept that or find other ways to reestablish contact.

The forums work better for me because they offer a sort of mediation. Any interaction I have here is through the medium of Hidden, which is like a mask through which I can express myself but also take on this other character. And if I get tired or overwhelmed by it, I can simply -as the name suggests- take off the mask and disappear.

tl;dr I read way too much into the question


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
I was introduced to social media since 2006. I started off having my own myspace and fun about that was having your own background creations and profile music. It was really cool. It was a time where everyone used it to internally connect with each while working things out from school. I still have it but rarely go onto it and plus they're changing things around to be more a of modern facebook.

Now, I do have a Facebook. I don't use Twitter and if I did; it'd be to talk to celebrities or production team members that are really prominent. . The good side of Facebook. You have met plenty of people from a certain game or group of a message board. It ends up becoming a brother hood all of the sudden and when its over. You get some how connected with them Which is great. You won't lose contact that way.
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Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
KHInsider Forums. I've used this website as a source of information unless I'm looking for something more concrete. Usually, I can find new information regarding to anything Media related a lot faster here than anywhere else. If I'm wanting something like the news, I usually type in Google News for it and go from there. Compared to everywhere else, I feel the most comfortable with both of these sites and they're user friendly. And I happen to use tumblr a lot for book information; which is what I ideally spend surfing during my free time nowadays.

I can get bored of using the same social media after awhile. So I leave it alone for a few months before picking it back up. Namely, this happens to tumblr a lot. Google news, I use on rare occasions and it doesn't really bore me unless the news doesn't have anything new to talk about for a week. As for KHInsider Forums, I spend the most of my time on here then anywhere else. I do get bored, if I don't have something to do, but I come on here nearly everyday.

I actually dislike Facebook. Therefore I haven't had an account on there in over three years now. I don't really care about the people that are related to me and nothing is really private on there. Pretty much useless to me and takes a lot longer for any new information to surface. Sure, I know a lot people whom still use it, but it's not for me and I never really needed it to be honest. The only complaint that doesn't come from me is my elderly grandmother, whom dislikes how often it changes and isn't as easy to navigate. xD


New member
Sep 10, 2014
I had MySpace for a short while but it just got annoying with all the random people and bands wanting to friend me.

I have 2 Facebook accounts.. one with my first name and a made up last name, hometown, and the wrong birth year that requires my email address . I originally only made it cuz I wanted to see pics of an old friend and his kid and wound up adding my bf, his family, and members from other forums.

When my mom passed away, my dad made a comment that he was thinking about deleting his own FB account. And then kinda guilt tripped me into making one ("I'd keep it if you make an account"). So I made a 2nd account. And with that one, I have my family, family friends, and people from my hometown that I grew up with and some other peeps.

I also have a Hi5 profile. It's kinda like Mexican MySpace I guess. I don't really keep up with it anymore. The only reason I have it is because my daughter's dad has a profile and he's in Mexico and not part of her life. I post pictures and statuses about her occasionally so that he can see what he's missing out on and maybe realize that he made a huge mistake when he walked out on her before she was even born. I doubt he even checks or looks anymore, but yeah.

The Conquerer

The Bloody Warrior
Mar 6, 2006
I use Facebook a lot. I use it to connect with friends, learn about social events, and coordinate with my peers in regards to work related tasks. Without it, I would be in deep sh!t.


Oct 9, 2009
To be honest I'm not fond of social media or even think highly of it for a variety of reasons. I first came here looking for info only and just lingered around out of boredom and mostly still do it for that reason. I've had friends here and many of them are gone save for a select few.

I don't use twitter, myspace or anything really preferring the incognito of forums. Anywhere else and nothing is private anymore and I don't like having a lack of privacy nor do I want to turn on an account to be bombarded by pictures of people I barely know, their kids or any other random/dumb/"funny" images I know many would send me.

I've been asked why I lack such things numerous times and told several that "your one that needs a facebook!" since I'm acquainted with many people but there not people I want to be bombarded or followed by each time I just wanna sign into something.

And as far as I'm concerned on family with social media most are in driving distance to see me or me them and everyone has cellphones these days so there's no reason one can't call.

Guess I just prefer dealing with people in person even if I don't talk much or stay long in a large crowd.


Aug 13, 2008
Atsugi Kanagawa
wow...there's been some sad stories in all this. I don't frequent KHI as much as i used to...and maybe that's because a lot of the hype that was around in the....2006-2008(?) era didn't carry on. Plus...work plays a factor too, so i get too busy to frequent here.

I remember someone telling me how Facebook made some friends seem like strangers...


See You Space Cowboy!
Dec 6, 2010
Gotham City
My Facebook is a necessary evil. It provides a wealth of information. Do I like it? Not really. Do I use it? I mainly keep it active to keep in touch with family outside of the country.

I have a YouTube account that's mainly used to keep my favorite videos for easy access.

Tumblr is where I'm mainly at. I don't have any close friends that are into the same things I'm into so I express myself through the site.


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
Like I have stated. It comes with its good and its bad. I'm still in touch with really close friends of mine from High School and people that I have met from a videogame. And thanks to that, I was able to meet up with one today. I believe if people knew how to use to social networks the right way then everyone would be fine. Points like Sugarlips and Gram pointed out are really valid because people do forget the value of natural morals etc. I'm really thankful I'm part of this community. And I don't mind being internally involved with someone here. The point is to "Understand" and "Respect". Everything starts by family and then you grow.


Aug 13, 2008
Atsugi Kanagawa
I can agree with that. I've met plenty of friends over facebook. I've seen through facebook, that members of KHI have met eachother. Last year i met an older member of this forum in Singapore, and she gave me a bit of tour of the areas :)

So yes there is good to social medias too

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
Ever since I've come into my addiction to the internet, I have joined various Social Media sites from Myspace to Facebook; from Twitter to Tumblr. Hell, I would even go as far and say that forums act as a social media platform. So, in that regard, I have joined over 10 social networking/media sites.

Back in the Myspace days, I was on it as much as I could. Back when AOL Online was the fastest internet that we could get, I was on Myspace when I wasn't on the AOL chatrooms. Even after the two years that I went without internet(2005-2007), I would use school to go on Myspace(when it allowed me to). Then, in 2008 when I got internet via a slowass company by the name of Clearwire(now named Clear), I still stayed on Myspace, but about 2010, I migrated to Facebook. It was around this same time that I eventually explored other Social Media sites such as Tumblr and Twitter.

Now since I have had quite the history with social media sites, I have come to both love and hate them equally. On the plus side, they are great for expressing opinions, connecting with old friends and distant relatives. They also enable us to spy on our exes(maybe that's just me). However, I have found that when the owners like to tweak and update their respective sites, there's always going to be something that I'm not going to like. For example, when Google Plus was integrated into Youtube. I remember I hated when I first saw it. Hell, I still hate it, but it's more of a feature I dislike rather than hate. Another one was when the Timeline was introduced to Facebook. At first, I didn't like it, but now, as with the Google Plus thing on Youtube, it's just something I dislike rather than hate.

All-in-all, I don't think social media sites are bad nor would I say their good. They have their uses definitely, but when it comes to me, I just go on them whenever I feel like it and not like some people who can't stay away or distance themselves from it entirely.

Deleted member 36435

i send weird messages to prostitutes on craigslist if that counts


I shoot first there is no shooting back
Jun 7, 2005
-only log on to facebook to message people whose numbers i don't have or don't want to have
-had a twitter since '09 but i'm only at like 3.5k tweets (i tweet here and there though)
-had an instagram since '11 but only have like 80 pics posted
-have a tumbler but i haven't logged in since like 2 years ago (honestly the worst community EVER)
-have pinterest i kinda like it, helps me find stuff i want to get or need
-use soundcloud to post music i make or to find new music
-never really had a myspace and when i caught on, it was dying
-AIM was the GOAT back in middle school, so much fun was had.

that's p much it

i send weird messages to prostitutes on craigslist if that counts


Staff member
Sep 23, 2010
I had a MySpace which I was on religiously when I was younger and was totally all about formatting the HTML/whatever but when all of my friends jumped ship for Facebook I followed suit and logged onto my MySpace maybe a year or so ago to delete it permanently.

I used to use messenger systems pretty heavily (AIM/MSN/Yahoo/mIRC) but now I don't use any except for Facebook's and occasionally Mibbit (and maybe like that one time a year I log into Skype which is pretty much only if I get to interview a VA). Facebook is a love-hate relationship, because overall I don't like it and I'm pretty bad at it (updating statuses/replying to people sometimes haha) but it IS good for keeping in touch.

I was using Tumblr a lot, though I would hardly call it social media because it's incredibly difficult to talk to people on there. I stopped using it recently because everything I liked was getting spoiled for me and I realized it was 90% of the time BECAUSE of Tumblr. I still like it but it's kind of a time suck.

I have a Twitter but I pretty much never use it. I tried, but I'm really not good at updating statuses and posting my thoughts 24/7.

Some of the newer forms of social media (Instagram) seem fun and catch my interest but I'm already bad at what I do have so I doubt I'll get signed up on anything else. TOO OLD.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
They all serve specific functions for me.

Facebook: For family and friends. Good for getting dirt on people.
Twitter: To follow past teachers/professors. Good for game and world news.
Tumblr: Like and reblog cool art, texts, designs and awesome graphics. Hilarious posts.


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
Exactly. My point of view would be.

Facebook: Connected to people. No drama what so ever. You like FF and I like FF, let's talk. You post about FF, I'll comment.

Twitter: Try to write with your favorite Producer, Director, Celebrity or Athlete. It's rare to have them write back but its cool to see that's them on those accounts.

Tumbler: Better than photobucket.


Mar 12, 2012
Myspace is where it all started, back in 2005/2006? I made it to keep in touch with my niece who lives in the US, and she was also the only person, aside from a friend of hers, whom I actually knew on there. Around 2007 I made my first account on a social media platform to keep in touch with friends, it was a Dutch platform and since Facebook got big it had to shut down due to everyone moving there.

I use Facebook daily, though I mainly use it to talk to my family and friends who live outside the country, I don't really post much aside from drawings every once in a while. Tumblr is where I'm at all the time in my free time. Even when I'm not using it, it's always open in a tab. It's something I enjoy using because I can express myself and I can talk to people I don't know who have the same interests, something I can't really share with anyone else due to different interests.

I also have a Twitter, and I used to use it daily, but now I don't even bother to log in anymore. And lastly, I have an Instagram, which I use to post lame pictures of my artwork, cats, and other things of my extremely boring life, and keep track of some friends, celebrities, and artists.

The only complaints I have really are the people on Facebook itself, the Facebook Messenger app as a whole, and the fact that Tumblr has a shit messaging system.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
It's a secret to everybody.
Funny thing. I'm kind of an old soul trapped inside a young person's body when it comes to popular trends such as social networking sites and the like; hell, I just figured out what Twitter was, and I'm still not entirely sure how it works (lol). On the other hand, I guess this isn't the best excuse considering everyone and their grandmother uses social media these days.

Though I did use to have a Facebook up until around six or so years ago. I was reluctant to join, seeing as I had no friends or family members with whom I cared to keep in contact, but then I realized that I couldn't stalk view people's profiles without an account of my own, so I created one. I thought I was inconspicuous enough so as to avoid being found out—didn't even use my real name or profile pic, and I set my profile to private—but alas. Turns out my nosy cousin somehow found me, got me to add her, and then referred me to others. I eventually just gave in and started chatting with some old friends from ages ago, though, albeit rarely, and I posted the occasional status update. That's about as far as I went before I remembered why I hated social networks...and people, and I promptly requested a full deletion of my account; never looked back.

Since then, I've only used Skype, if that fits the mold of a 'social network.' I joined just a couple years ago after being coerced by a fellow member of another forum that I joined since I went inactive on here. It's a hub for all of the aforementioned forum's pointless drama, rumors and gossip, crap talking, etc., which is why I dropped a great deal of my contacts and have left several group chats on there, but it's my one and only social network of choice.

I guess there are many positive things to say about social networking sites; I've just yet to fully experience them firsthand. (For those that have, good for you (lol).) Then again, some say that forum communities are the spiritual predecessors to sites like Facebook and Twitter, so maybe I have...no, wait. Never mind. ;p


New member
Oct 5, 2014
I have a Facebook and Tumblr.

I'm not fond of Facebook because of the nonsensical posts that keep appearing on my news feed (and the lack of privacy), although I do look through for a few minutes to see if there is any interesting post to which I can contribute to (by interesting, I mean a discussion in which I feel like I should add my two cents). I mainly use Facebook to privately contact friends so my public activity lacks on Facebook. It is nice to see friends from my home countries post up pictures or short updates about their recent experiences though.

I use Tumblr a lot because I've become used to writing posts about myself there and I get to follow a lot of blogs of my interest and reblog them. It's true that Tumblr has a crappy messaging system but I hardly use messages there anyway. It's also a nice site to find people who like the same media/issues as you. I stay away from the volatile areas of course, so I don't know what happens on that end. The staff could and should do better in regulating the site though. Since Yahoo bought Tumblr (or something like that) I think there are going to be changes or restrictions on tumblr which aren't welcomed by many but I suppose that's the time when people start moving to a new platform again.

(I use phone messaging apps like Whatsapp or LINE heavily. Or Google Plus if we have occasional group video chats. It's easiest to get in contact with them there.)
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