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Sora Riku and Kairi

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All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
1. We are. Moving to Pencil-vania in a year. Mom met a chick online. >_>;

What city? I'm in Pittsburgh.

2. Ha. It's bad that I don't who my dad is and my grandfather's dad is. All I know is my last name should have been Clark instead of Hill, so I could be related to a whole crap load of other people and not know it...

1. Had you been a Clark, you might be related to some people where I'm from. Delaware.
2. Last name. Now all I need is that first name, and you're in my Death Note. lol.

...f*ckking niggers...>>;

Whoa, that's some racist shit there. Why does it have to be like that?


Well I live in Boston so I live preatty close to you guys. Also PMF this might sound REALLY weird....but.....are you black? I've heard from other members that you are. Just wanted to know if it's true or not...//


What city? I'm in Pittsburgh.
Mum says upper Darby(?)

1. Had you been a Clark, you might be related to some people where I'm from. Delaware.
maybe, maybe not. There prolly are 600 different branches of Clark families like there are over a ka-jillion different Garcias and Sanchez here.
Born in Hawaii here, raised in TX, brought up on the internet.
2. Last name. Now all I need is that first name, and you're in my Death Note. lol.

Whoa, that's some racist shit there. Why does it have to be like that?
Because this nigga be hatin' and Uncle Ruckus is my grandfather.

rpg master: Yup. He's black, so am I, and kawaiishit...
Those are the only ones I know of here...
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about people that hooks p and later finds out that they are related.. I read about a man and a woman that were twins, but seperated by birth. They never knew that they had a twin, and they met later in life felllin love with eachother and married eachother and then they found out the truth... SICK!

probably one of those urban myths that arent true


^ No, it is true. There was a documentry thing on Lifetime about em.



made me chuckle lol

"oh of the billions of people on planet earth why dd i have to end up with YOU"


what does incest and long lost twins falling in love with one another have to do with Riku, Kairi and Sora?


People root for Rox and Nami and they're practically siblings...
Sora and Kairi look like bro and sis anyway...


New member
Oct 11, 2007
Cause the world is a sick, sick place VAT, and you seem to fit right in there next to Mel Gibson and Tarintino apparently lol I am so sick of these random couplings of characters from video games...jeez if you wanna see crap like that go play Star Ocean: The second story, there's 86 endings for you there..goddam


But the thing is, we don't want Star Ocean.
We want certain characters with other certain characters. We want Sora, not Claud or Fayt, with Riku or Kairi.

And plus, random couplings are fun. Some work alot better than the canon ones.


New member
Oct 11, 2007
Yeah, some do, but then again, it's not what the designers intended. A sign of a good game is where they dont' tell you exactly who goes with who, but they hint very heavily at who does.(For example, Kairi wanted to leave teh island with sora and not riku, obviously cause she likes him) When discussing something like this (theories or plot analysis) you have to stick to what they want you to think, otherwise, your ideas will be based on some weird alternate version where the same ruels don't nessecarily apply.


Yeah, some do, but then again, it's not what the designers intended. A sign of a good game is where they dont' tell you exactly who goes with who, but they hint very heavily at who does.(For example, Kairi wanted to leave teh island with sora and not riku, obviously cause she likes him) When discussing something like this (theories or plot analysis) you have to stick to what they want you to think, otherwise, your ideas will be based on some weird alternate version where the same ruels don't nessecarily apply.

Not what they intended?
This is Square. The fanservicing whores.
They know damn well what they are doing and even encourage it because us fangirls are the majority of their fans and are one of the reasons alot of the FFs are popular and being milked.
They know what they are doing. The pairing shit sells big time in Japan and America, and alot of recent anime's are taking notice and contributing.
We provide the money
They provide us with the characters
everyone wins
except the true gamers.


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Born in Hawaii here, raised in TX, brought up on the internet.

I loved a girl from Texs once...


rpg master: Yup. He's black, so am I, and kawaiishit...
Those are the only ones I know of here...

I think HadesDragon is black too, I'm not sure. Box_Ghost[It was my friend Sean], D_fallen_1 [I forgot what he goes by now] and a whle plethora of newbs who have come and gone over the past 2 years 8 months. Plus me. Can't forget me.

The one who <3's Roxas in a very sick manner said:
Yeah, some do, but then again, it's not what the designers intended. A sign of a good game is where they dont' tell you exactly who goes with who, but they hint very heavily at who does.(For example, Kairi wanted to leave teh island with sora and not riku

If we're going to go by the obviousness, and not what was said in the game, then no, Riku doesn't like Kairi. Had it not been for Disney, Sora and Riku would be gay, along with half of Org XII. Axel would be Riku's nobody as a plot twist, who as it turns out, is a reincarnation of Terra.

There is a whole subtle nuance about Riku's feelings towards Kairi. As you brought up, Kairi wanted to leave Riku behind and go with Sora. Basically, you can feel the tension between them "SORA IS MINE! I WANT THE LIGHT FOR MYSELF!" [Which supports my theory-old theory]

Although to counter this point I play the Riku card. [THIS IS YU-GI-OH TOWN MUTHAF--KA!] All of KH1, all he was trying to do was get Kairi back. And he couldn't have been trying to get her back for Sora seeing as how he's the one who was opposing him damn near the whole game.

On top of that, when Sora released his and Kairi's heart, Riku restrained Ansem-Seeker of Darkness from mutilating and raping Kairi, Donald and Goofy. Not to mention all the moments from KH2.

I think their relationship is that they deep down didn't like each other, until a tragedy [DI destroyed] brought attention to something else. Riku, trying to make amends, decided to get her back. He cast himself into deeper darkness. It was when he protected her, that she felt the same way towards him, actually like a friend.

obviously cause she likes him) When discussing something like this (theories or plot analysis) you have to stick to what they want you to think, otherwise, your ideas will be based on some weird alternate version where the same ruels don't nessecarily apply.

Well duh, she likes Sora. Why can't Riku get any lovin?


.............If I say yes, would you believe me?
I think HadesDragon is black too, I'm not sure. Box_Ghost[It was my friend Sean], D_fallen_1 [I forgot what he goes by now] and a whle plethora of newbs who have come and gone over the past 2 years 8 months. Plus me. Can't forget me.
Hades is Britanian...I MEAN BRAZILIAN...
He's got a tann-ish skin tone~

I love Riku vs. Kairi almost as much as SoRiku.
Their frustration to get Sora leads to cat fights and kinky sex.

Kairi: Hey Sora! Let's go shopping! I found the most cutest outfit I wanna get...
Riku: Er, Sora and I already had plans. We're gonna go hang out at my place and watch movies.
Kairi: Sora, you'll have PLENTY of time to hang out with Riku later, it's us time now!
Riku: Sora, you've been with Kairi all week! How about some time with your best friend?
Kairi: Pfft, so you can cough a feel while he isn't looking Riku?
Riku: What are you talking about?!
Kairi: I see the way you look at him! Like he's a piece of meat or something!
Riku: Heh, like you're any different? Hanging all over him like he's some trophy!
Kairi: At LEAST he is safe with me! Who knows WHAT kind of things you'd do him while I'm not around!
Riku: At least it'll be farther than YOU'LL ever get.
Kairi: *twitch* Riku you are such an ASS! C'mon Sora! We're going to the mall!
Riku: No, Sora's comming over to MY house.
Kairi: *growls* Rikuuuuu...!
Riku: *mock growl* Kairiiii...! *smirk*
*Kairi leaps at Riku punching him in the face while Riku pulls at Kairi's hair knocking her down, she pulling him down with her. The two cat fight while Sora wanders off into a black portal, being lured by candy*


New member
Feb 13, 2007
Inside: where the AC is at....-////-
.............If I say yes, would you believe me?
Hades is Britanian...I MEAN BRAZILIAN...
He's got a tann-ish skin tone~

I love Riku vs. Kairi almost as much as SoRiku.
Their frustration to get Sora leads to cat fights and kinky sex.

Kairi: Hey Sora! Let's go shopping! I found the most cutest outfit I wanna get...
Riku: Er, Sora and I already had plans. We're gonna go hang out at my place and watch movies.
Kairi: Sora, you'll have PLENTY of time to hang out with Riku later, it's us time now!
Riku: Sora, you've been with Kairi all week! How about some time with your best friend?
Kairi: Pfft, so you can cough a feel while he isn't looking Riku?
Riku: What are you talking about?!
Kairi: I see the way you look at him! Like he's a piece of meat or something!
Riku: Heh, like you're any different? Hanging all over him like he's some trophy!
Kairi: At LEAST he is safe with me! Who knows WHAT kind of things you'd do him while I'm not around!
Riku: At least it'll be farther than YOU'LL ever get.
Kairi: *twitch* Riku you are such an ASS! C'mon Sora! We're going to the mall!
Riku: No, Sora's comming over to MY house.
Kairi: *growls* Rikuuuuu...!
Riku: *mock growl* Kairiiii...! *smirk*
*Kairi leaps at Riku punching him in the face while Riku pulls at Kairi's hair knocking her down, she pulling him down with her. The two cat fight while Sora wanders off into a black portal, being lured by candy*

damn, now i got comic ideas stuck in my head....thanks, vat XD

fanservice is way better, imo^^ (RSK al the way !)

ps, VAT- wanna steal your avi sooooo badly ^________^ did you do that?
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