roxas duel wielding would be epic...both is pretty good too.
but it was meant to be sora.
but it was meant to be sora.
loli choose CLOUD!
he'll whip both of their asses !
Possible but not probable especially since Ven is sorta like Roxas? Which will be in BBS.i think roxas is over and done with. he's had his limelight.
This is true.If Roxas will be shown again it'll be in relation to Ven. Hence his worth as his own character came to an end with Days.
because Sora can be gay as hell I think Roxas should be the main character
Roxas acts more mature
Sora is the real hero, while Roxas just wants to be left alone. I don't want a main character around that doesn't want to be there. Roxas is cool and all, but he is the part of Sora that just wants to be a normal kid, and not a hero figure burdened with the responsibility of saving the worlds.
So Sora doesn't display all of his emotions, or have fits for everyone to see constantly.
If you actually look at his eyes in KH2 you'll see that they are very sad, and that he sometimes has to fake being happy for other people. There are certain scenes that display Sora looking down trying to hide his sadness, but then he'll put on his cheery face so that his friends, especially Donald and Goofy, won't know that something is internally wrong.
The fact is, if given an alternative to the main character, people will take it. There is always someone out there unsatisfied with a character. I mean look at Cloud and Zack, some people think that Zack should have been the hero of ffvii, and end up bashing Cloud.
Spoiler Show
Cloud thought he was Zack for the vast majority of FFVII
In KH2 he's already been through saving the world once, so why should he display seriousness all the time, anyway. He's more laid back and confidant, less awkward. He has experience at helping and saving people and worlds. He's surrounded by two goofballs to begin with, which only brings out his goofiness. Sometimes we're affected by the moods of our friends.
They're both pretty much the same in that aspect, imo. It's just that Sora, despite it all, did get a bigger picture presented before him. And to be nitpicky, he only truly went to save the universe because it involved saving his friends. KH1 - saving Riku and Kairi involved taking down Xehanort's Heartless. And that meant saving the universe because he was the main threat.
KH2 - finding/saving Riku and Kairi involved taking down the Org, who were also attacking all the friends Sora had made through his journey.
It can easily be compared with Roxas at the end of Days, Coming to take down Xemnas and Kingdom Hearts so he could spend his days with Xion and Axel again
It's just that for Sora, such occurances were the regular plot while for Roxas it only came at the end and didn't amount to much at the end.
He actually did. It's just that he was mood swinging in much shorter iterations than Roxas, whose mood changed over the duration of an entire year.
T_T I love him for that. So happy someone else realizes that too ♥
That's a tricky one, seeing howSpoiler Show
Cloud thought he was Zack for the vast majority of FFVII
So the plot basis is there if you wanna go there. However, Zack belongs in CC, and Cloud belongs in FFVII. Changing it around would've wrecked the entire balance of that series - just like switching Sora with anyone would've ruined KH. Well, not necessarily ruined it but changed it beyond recognition.
KH2 was a tricky one, as it was less him being confident as much as 'dumbed down'.