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Fanfiction ► Sora's Sacrifice

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Awsome story so far! I wonder who will kill Sora, will it be Riku or Axel or maybe even King Mickey :ninja:


...0_o you okay?*not every day I see someone smash into a wall like that xp*

Dark-Sora 50

New member
Aug 28, 2004
Conrad's Heart of Darkness
You don't even know if Sora's gonna die yet! For all you lot know he could sacrifice his shoes for some candy-floss! lol. And his sacrifice is at the VERY end, which is a LOOOONG way off. Keep commenting guys! kaze_krazy, I see why you're crazy!

Dark-Sora 50

New member
Aug 28, 2004
Conrad's Heart of Darkness
Prenote: Sorry for the double-post, I just need to get this on the map lol. Here goes nothing peeps!

Chapter V: Thoughts And Dreams

A teenager stood on top of the clocktower in Twilight Town. He was wearing what appeared to be a black shirt with a zipper, a white jacket over it, not zipped up. He had black trousers, until down by the knees where they were white down to his black and greyish shoes. He had a white ring and a black ring on his left hand, preceeding a chequered black and white wristband. He had blonde hair, spiked up from the middle left-wards. His fringe was exactly in-between his eyes. His dark blue eyes glinted in the light. He was leaning on the wall just to his right. He looked at the forever setting sun. He looked down at the things happening below him. The people were bustling about their everyday lives, shopping, laughing and chatting together as usual. He thought for a long time.
"I've been having, these weird thoughts lately," he had told his best friends, Sempke, Krana and Naro.
"You're just being paranoid," they had told him. He knew he wasn't being paranoid. He had been inside a chain of weird dreams. It was bizarre. Why was this happening to him now? Were they some kind of a warning? Or something even more sinister?

A young girl walked up behind him.
"Sempke, don't bother trying to sneak up on me," he told her, turning round to look at her.
"You're pushing yourself too much, you know that?" she told him, walking up to him.
"You wouldn't understand," he replied solemnly, turning to face the town again.
"I don't care! What's wrong with you?" she asked again, irritably.
"I've told you already, you wouldn't understand," he repeated, still staring at the town.
"I'm serious!" Sempke exclaimed angrily.
"I know," the boy replied, turning to look at her again, "You can't seem to realize it. I'm not being paranoid!" he went on heatedly, tapping his head with his knuckle twice.
"I never said you were!" she answered angrily.
"Oh yeah you did! You said it along with the other two! "You're just being paranoid," that's what they said! You said it too!" he exclaimed, frustrated at his friend's inability to see what was wrong.
"What's been bothering you then? It's not like you ever tell me!" she screamed.
"Fine. I'll tell you," he answered calmly.

He was falling downwards. Falling through water, yet he could breathe properly. His feet touched a platform. It was a stain glass platform, depicting a maiden surrounded by faces he did not know of. He thought this was very bizarre. He suddenly heard a voice in his mind.
"So many things... so little time..." it said to him.
He tried to speak, but the words didn't come out.
"Step into the Light... and you shall progress forward..." the voice told the boy again. He stepped into the beam of Light coming from supposedly nowhere. Suddenly the platform began to disintergrate into the darkness. As he ran towards the middle of the platform, he stumbled and fell downwards into the blackness. He landed on another platform. There wasn't anything new except there was a heart depicted on it, with a large crown on the top. He was confused and perplexed with this.
"This can't be right.." he told himself silently, when suddenly something landed behind him. It was a white creature, with a square-like head and slithery arms, siphoned off by two-fingered hands. It slowly began to stalk closer to the teenager, who backed away slowly. He suddenly reached the edge of the platform. The thing jumped at him. He closed his eyes...

The thing had vanished. He opened his eyes again. The platform he had been on had vanished. He was now in a completely white room.
"What the hell is this?!" he screamed, and realised he could actually talk and hear the words. He whooped happily. He didn't notice a man dressed in red clothing approach him.
"I see you have made it here my boy," the man said suddenly, causing the teenager to jolt into action before looking round at the source of the noise. Nothing. Weird... thought to himself silently, looking round the room.
"Come out!" he exclaimed, and the cloaked man materialized in front of him. He was wearing all kinds of belts around his crimson cloak, in the middle of which was a strange symbol. The boy knew that symbol, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.
"Your heart is strong... it is truly powerful..." the cloaked man continued, pacing around the teenager, who was getting angrier by the second.
"Who are you?!" he exclaimed, running at the man, who simply vanished and rematerialized behind him.
"I am... nobody. Call me... DiZ..." he answered quietly, turning to look at the boy.
"How can you be nobody yet stand in front of me?!" the teenager screamed, frustrated.
"I shall explain all to you... Aros..."

To be continued...
What shall be told?
Don't miss Chapter VI: Gaining The Key!

Please comment peeps.
Cya around!

PS: ha ha! You will not know the fate of Sora until Chapter XI!!
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*Gasp! Something if going to happen to Riku too!? Well, good chapter! Can't wait for the next one!


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D

Kaze:*hits me upside the head, knocking me out* There. >_>

Sora & Aozora:..........That works too.....o_O

Me: X_X

The Used

New member
Jun 8, 2005
Yeah... The BHK looks like a...... Hmm.... Bob. Yes. Bob is good.
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Dark-Sora 50

New member
Aug 28, 2004
Conrad's Heart of Darkness
Thanks for keeping the Thread alive peeps lol. I thought of Aros because it's the opposite spelling of Sora (geddit?). Lol, it might suck, but hey! I'm the author! I don't care! MWHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!

ANyway, heere we go...

Chapter VI: Gaining The Key

"Your heart is strong and pure Aros," DiZ repeated to the teenager in front of him, "The perfect requirement for a Keyblade Wielder."
" 'Keyblade Wielder'? What exactly is a 'Keyblade' for a start?" Aros asked immediately after DiZ had complimented him.
"The Keyblade is a weapon of mysterious origin and purpose, given only to those few chosen ones who have enough strength in their heart to overcome many obstacles. Two legends have been told of it. One depicts the bearer destroyed his home World and brought ruin unto the universe, whilst the other shows the bearer saving his World and then the entire cosmos from darkness. There are currently three bearers of the Key at this given time. I sent two of them to Castle Oblivion to meet the other," DiZ told Aros, who listened intently, "The first of these bearers, the King of Disney Castle, Mickey, journeyed through the universe, searching for a way to destroy the darkness. The second Wielder, Sora, watched as his island home was destroyed by the darkness. He gained the Keyblade while fighting off creatures known as the Heartless. He fought valiantly against his own Darkside, but all in vain as his island was swallowed by darkness," he continued, looking into Aro's eyes, "The third Wielder, Riku, was the best friend of the second bearer. He gained the key in the World known as Hollow Bastion, but it was taken back from him by Sora after he chose the Darkness over Light, which the Keyblade ultimately is. Light. Riku succumbed to the temptation offered by Ansem, the seeker of Darkness, and merged with him to become all-knowing. He acquired a Keyblade able to unlock people's hearts, and release everything in it. The two Keyblade Wielders battle against each other in front of the Keyhole of Darkness-" he went on, before being interuppted by Aros.

"Sorry, what's a 'Keyhole'?" he inquired irritably, expecting information to be given.
"The Keyhole is the heart of a World. Every World has one. Even the one you live on," DiZ answered instantly, before continuing with his story, "Riku fell into Darkness as he was defeated by Sora, who went on to unlock his heart to save the one he loved. He himself fell into Darkness, before being reawakened by his best friend and lover, Kairi. He journeyed on with his two companions Donald and Goofy to destroy Ansem at the heart of Darkness. They did so, and sealed Kingdom Hearts, the centre of Darkness. Sora saw Riku again, and together they closed the door. The King, who had also appeared, helped Seal the Darkness away with Sora, whose home World was restored. He could not return there, however, as he still had to find Riku and the King, who had disappeared as the door closed. They came across Castle Oblivion, where... no. I'm sure they'll tell you what happened themselves," DiZ finished at last.
"But... what was that creature that attacked me just now?" Aros asked quickly.
"You shall find that out for yourself," DiZ answered.
"But..." the teenager began, only to be interuppted when the room suddenly changed again, and he found himself on a third stain-glass platform.

"DiZ!" he shouted, only to have nothing answer. He was wondering what to do next. He turned around, and looked in horror as something writhed up from a white portal in the floor. It stood up onto it's bent legs, and surveyed Aros, eyeless though it was. It's arms were unnaturally thin at the shoulders yet they held huge, square-like arms. On its face was a strange cross-like symbol, with an overly large end at the bottom. It seemed to have a blue scarf around its neck. It had no mouth. Aros looked positively awe-struck as it rose to it's full height, scanning its surroundings once again. He ran from it as fast as he could, only to stop himself on the very edge. The thing followed slowly, creating a sense of dread and fear purposefully to distract Aros from the task in hand. He turned back to face the monster. He braced himself for a battle to the death. Suddenly, a light shone in his hand for a few seconds, blinding him for the while they were there. The light disappeared, and in it's place, there lay a weapon. It looked like a key, with a silver shaft and gold handle. It was about five feet long, like a sword, if it were not shaped as a key. Aros realized it then - this was the Keyblade. The weapon of Light. The weapon of Darkness. The weapon of power. He looked up at the monster. It looked back at him. Aros took a deep breath, and charged at the thing....
To be continued...
What will happen next?
Don't you dare miss Chapter VII: The Organization!

Please comment peeps!
I'll cya around!


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Me: I knew why you named him Aros......cuz he's....ummm....<_< >_>......shutting up now....-_-;

Sora:.............OMG!!! I just realized "Aros" is "Sora" spelled backwards!!! O_O

Kaze:*shakes head in shame* >_>

Aozora:*slaps hand to forehead*....*sigh*....Update soon.....<_<

The Used

New member
Jun 8, 2005
Yeah I knew that was why you named him that. I still think you should call him Bob... Still, nice chapter.

Dark-Sora 50

New member
Aug 28, 2004
Conrad's Heart of Darkness
Good, cos the wait is over! Enjoy!

Chapter VII: The Organization

The man strode through the long winding corridors. So damn long, he thought to himself as he picked up speed. He was wearing a long black cloak wih a hood, his necklace strapped to near his shoulders. The hood was raised. He loosened it more as he walked. He was walking faster and faster. He was going to be late, he was certain. He broke into a jog. As he began to sprint he almost smashed straight into another person, who simply pushed him into the wall. He took no noticed, sprinting as fast as he could. He hurtled up the stairs, onto another hallway. The door was just ahead. He ran flat-out towards it. He eventually reached it, and turned the handle. It was locked. He turned it more, hugely frustrated. He turned it as hard as he could, he was becoming frantic. He was desperate to get inside the room. He twisted and turned it with all his might. Nothing.
"Damn these stupid doors!" he screamed as he literally kicked it open. It smashed into the wall opposite. Eleven people inside stared at the new arrival. They were wearing exactly the same clothing as him. Except one: DiZ. He looked at him expressionlessly.
"Into the front row," he said quietly. The newcomer threw himself there instantly.
"What took ya?" a female voice whispered to him.
"A certain Keyblade Wielder and resident psycho Marluxia," Axel replied, collapsing into a chair, "It took a lot outta me."
"Woah Axel, you're in for a serious kicking now dude," a man whispered from behind.
"Whatever," he replied carelessly.

"Ahem. Now that, we are ALL-" DiZ glared at Axel-"Here, we shall discuss the regrouping of the Organization. After the events of Castle Oblivion a year ago, we have begun to decline. I sent Axel to properly destroy Marluxia, the traitor. He appears to have succeeded-"
"I have Superior," Axel corrected him.
"Axel HAS indeed destroyed Marluxia. Larxene, I have dealt with accordingly. Vexen... I shall not discuss. Zexion I just managed to save. Lexaeus destroyed himself trying to drag Riku into Darkness. I have called the survivors of the events in the Castle here today to meet the new members. Beginning with-" he broke off, pointing at a smaller member. DiZ beckoned him up. He took off his hood.
"Riku has taken the path of the Dawn. His element is Twilight. He is Number 13," DiZ told the packed throng. Riku's white hair shone momentarily. He walked back to his seat. "Xaldin!" A tall man walked up. He lowered his own hood. He had jet black hair tied into a bun at the top, with sideburns running below his ears. "Xaldin's element is Water. He is Number 10." Xaldin sat back down.
"Demix!" This man's hood was already removed. "Demix here controls Sound. He is Number 9." Demix stood to the side, leaning against the wall. Mickey!" The King stood by Demix. "Mickey is Number 10. His element is the same as Riku's." "Ranix!" He stepped up. He stood to the left of DiZ. He had brown hair with a reddish tinge to it. He had one eye and his smashed one had a long, clear scar over it.
"I am Number 9. I control Wind," Ranix told them all before DiZ could explain. He walked back to where he was sitting previously.

"Quite a bunch of characters eh?" Axel told his female companion charismatically.
"Quite," she replied from beneath her hood.
"You know, I was thinking about me and you going to dinner tonight-" Axel began before being interupted by DiZ, who continued with the introductions.
"Kanix!" DiZ called again. Kanix walked forward. He had completely blue hair, curled up at the sides, and spiked up in the middle in a mohican shape.
"I am Number 4, and have taken Vexen's place. I control Ice now that he is dead," he said briefly before returning to his seat.
"Cranexia!" DiZ called uncomfortably. Axel's female companion stepped up. She lowered her hood. She had clear blue eyes and blondish hair. For a moment Axel thought she was Larxene.
"I'm Number 5, I'm replacing Lexaeus. I control Darkness, as he did..." she said solemnly to them, sitting back by Axel.
"Anrexia!" DiZ called again. He stepped in front of them all. He had orangey brown hair and darting black eyes.
"I am Number 8-" Axel looked perplexed-"And replacing Axel-" the crowd gasped- "I control Light," he told them briefly. Axel shot a look at DiZ, who didn't seem to notice.
"Have I been thrown out or something?" he whispered to Cranexia.
"I don't know myself," she replied perplexed.
"Nexus!" DiZ called. Nothing. Nothing at all.

"Nexus..?" he called again. Silence. "Since Nexus has seemed to have vanished, he was Number 3..." he muttered irritably, "We shall move on to promotions. Zexion, you have moved up to number 2, considering his suffering and his endurance and survival. Tell me Zexion, how DID you survive after the Replica was destroyed?" DiZ asked, while Riku shuddered nervously. He had destroyed his clone. Zexion stepped up.
"After I was absorbed, by the Replica I was trapped in motion, powerless to move. I used all the powers I could think of. Nothing. Then I suddenly noticed a large vaccum of energy. I smashed it with my fist. The energy Riku saw the Replica let out, that was actually me. I teleported away as soon as I could to recover. I would have faded if DiZ had not appeared. I recovered quickly with his help. I abandoned my plans and rested for a year," he told them all, DiZ nodding in approval. Axel looked absolutely perplexed.
"And finally. Axel!" the Superior cried. The Nobody was taken back for a second, but regained his composure and smiled confidently. He walked up to the front. "Axel, is now officially, Number 1!"
DiZ told them all. Axel looked amazed, "For all the hard work he did last year, uncovering a consipracy and helping defeat TWO traitors, Marluxia and Larxene. We are all in his debt."
"There's no need to thank me Superior, I was just doing my duty," Axel added in smugly.
"I have proceeded to move down and take Zexion's place as Number 6," DiZ told them all, to a rapture of shock. Axel was positively delighted. He now controlled the entire Organization...
To be continued...
What will Axel do now?
Don't you dare miss Chapter VIII: Unknown Battle!

Please comment peeps!
Thanks again!
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The Used

New member
Jun 8, 2005
AHH! Another chapter not in my PM's?! I wish you would stop forgetting...
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