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Here’s a list of questions being asked around the spoiler section of Birth by Sleep. Here's as much information as I've gathered, feel free to add more questions and such to the thread and I’ll put them up! Hopefully this will help slowdown all these repeated threads.
Who is Vanitas?
-Vanitas is Ventus’s darkness in human form created by Master Xehanort.
Vanitas unmasked:[url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/Vanitas.jpg[/url]
Why does Vanitas look the way he does?
-When Master Xehanort created Vanitas he removed the darkness from Ven's heart. Without darkness Ven's heart was left incomplete, thus he eneded up in a comatose state.
Ventus's incomplete awakening: [url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/brokendestai.jpg[/url]
In order to complete his heart he connected with Sora whose heart can connect with anyones. This help fill the gap from the missing darkness.
So why Ventus?
-Before the events of Birth by Sleep, Ventus was Master Xehanort's Apprentice. In order to complete his plans Master Xehanort needed a heart of pure light, and a heart of pure darkness. For more infromation look for "What was Master Xehanort's Plan?" question.
Where is Ventus now? And what happened to Vanitas? [Ven/Aqua Endings Ahead]
-Okay. I'm going to try and make this easy as possible. Vanitas and Ven fused together, this forced them to fight within Ven's heart (the final boss for Ven). Ven managed to beat Vanitas, thus causing him to fade away. Since he fused together with his darkness(Vanitas), he disconnected with Sora's heart. Once defeating Vanitas, Sora offered to connect his heart again with Ven, who denied and went to sleep within Sora's heart.
After the battle Aqua took Ven's comatose body to the Land of Departure where she transformed the castle into Castle Oblivion. She put Ven in the Room of Repose, and left him there. He remains there now.
What's the connection beetween Ven and Roxas?
-At the end of Birth by Sleep Ven's heart went to sleep within Sora's. During the events of Kingdom Hearts Sora unlocked his heart to free Kairi's, but also released Ven's heart. This heart went into his Nobody, Roxas, giving him the appearence of Ven, and a heart.
So how is Roxas a Special Nobody?
-Roxas is special because he is a Nobody with a heart (Ven's heart), thus he is able to weild a keyblade and feel emotions.
So how is Coded connected to Birth By Sleep?
-Coded sets the stage for the next Kingdom Hearts game. Mickey sends a letter to Sora explaining the events of Birth by Sleep and how he needs to help everyone.
Who is the Silver Haired Man at the begining of the stories?
-The Silver Haired Man is a younger Master Xehanort. Yes he lived on Destiny Islands.
Young Master Xehanort:[url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/YoungMasterXehanort.jpg[/url]
What happened to the Land of Departure?[Aqua Ending Ahead]
-After Master Eraqus was killed the Land of Departure fell into darkness. Aqua returned here with Ven after the final battle and proceded into the castle. It turns out that Eraqus revealed to Aqua a fail safe that would prevent the land from being completely destroyed by darkness. Using Eraqus' Keyblade Aqua uses the failsafe to open a keyhole and then change the world into Castle Oblivion making it impossible for anyone but her to find the Room of Repose. There she placed Ven and proeceded to look for Terra.
What was Master Xehanort's plans?
-Master Xehanort's plan was to create the X-Blade. In order to do so though he needed a heart of pure light (Ventus), and a heart of pure darkness (Vanitas). If Ventus hadn't worked out, Vanitas planned on using Aqau for the heart of pure light.
What is the X-Blade?
-The X-Blade is an extremely powerful Keyblade, one capable of opening Kingdom Hearts and starting the Keyblade Wars over again.
Picture of the completed X-Blade:[url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/completex-blade.jpg[/url]
Picture of incomplete X-Blade: [url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/incompletex-blade.jpg[/url]
What was the X-Blade's Keychain?
-The keychain is two Kingdom Key's crossed over a heart.
Picture of Keychain/Vanitas Face Reveal: [url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/X-BladeChain.jpg[/url]
What’s the difference between the secret boss and the final boss?
-The secret boss is an optional boss, while the final boss is required to fully understand the end of the story; both are available during the final episode. The Final Boss is only availble for Aqua, the Secret Boss can be played on all three scenarios.
What's the final episode?
-The final episode is a playable segment for Aqua that occurs after you complete all thee scenarios and collect all the Xehanort reports.
Who is the Secret Boss?
-The secret boss is Absent Silhouette Vanitas.
Picture of Vanitas Silhouette:[url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/vanitassetiment.jpg[/url]
Who is the Final Boss?
-The final boss is available for Aqua's scenario is Xehanort (post possession), and then Xehanort (post possession) and Guardian.
Picture of Xehanort and Shadown: [url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/XehanortandShadow.jpg[/url]
When does the Secret Ending take place?
-The secret ending supposedly takes place a year following the events of Kingdom Hearts II. This is supported by the fact that Ansem the Wise knows Sora, and stated he placed data within him during his slumber. (which took place between KHII and Chain of Memories)
You can watch it here subbed thanks to kh-13 and Heartstation!: [url=http://heartstation.org/bbs/]Birth by Sleep Play Log - brought to you by HEARTSTATION.ORG[/url]
Who was the cloaked man in the secret ending?
-The cloaked man is Ansem the Wise, leader of Radiant Garden during Birth by Sleep
How do we know the Secret Ending took place after the events of Kingdom Hearts II?
-Okay, if you didn't understand the first post then I'll try to explain it again.
Ansem the Wise states that he placed data within Sora while he was sleep. This means after Chain of Memories
Ansem the Wise also said it had been a year since he had last seen that boy. Which means a year after the ending events of Kingdom Hearts II.
What did King Mickey's Note say?
-It explains how Sora is the only one who can save Aqua, Ven, Terra, Namine, Roxas, Xion and Axel because his heart can connect with anyone.
When did Sora get the note?
-It is widely assumed to be around the same time Aqua meets Ansem the Wise, which is a year after the events of Kingdom Hearts II.
Why didn't Mickey tell Sora about Terra, Aqua, and Ven?
-Mickey explains what happens in his letter to Sora at the end of Kindom Hearts II.
How are Terra and Ven in the Land of Departure if the secret ending takes place 12 years in the future?
-This scene is meant to [U]symbolize[/U] the fact that Sora's heart is connected to all these people. It's not meant to be taken literally.
What is the next Kingdom Hearts game?
-Nomura stated that the next game will be another side game with major importance. It is known as the mysterious Kingdom Hearts game.
What’s the difference between Xehanort and Master Xehanort? (provided by Genocide)
- Master Xehanort is the old man from Birth by Sleep. Xehanort is the identity that Terra (fused with Master Xehanort) takes after birth by sleep. He later takes the name Ansem Seeker of Darkness for his heartless, and Xemnas for his nobody.
What are the Unversed? And what happened to them? (provided by MemoryMaster)
-They are creatures spawned from negative emotion created when Vanitas was born. They disappeared with his supposed destruction.
What is the Lingering Sentiment?
-The Lingering Sentiment is the secret boss in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix II. It is Terra's thought armor, following his body's possession by Master Xehanort. Nomura led us to believe that this fight was non-cannon (not relating to the plot) but was wrong. (Please help by proving any info on this thanks! And thanks to MAX_COLA_POWER! for brining this up!)
How did Xehanort (Post Possession) end up in Radiant Garden? (thanks to brosandi for the answer)
-When Ven defeats Vanitas the X-Blade is destroyed and causes an explosion of light that engulfed an unconscious Xehanort and transported him to Radiant Garden, thus setting up the plot for the final episode.
What happed to Terra? (His Ending)
-Terra's body was posed by Master Xehanort forcing him to become the Lingering Sentiment. He says he'll find a way to end this and then credits.
End of Master Xehanort Battle and Possession: YouTube -
Who is Vanitas?
-Vanitas is Ventus’s darkness in human form created by Master Xehanort.
Vanitas unmasked:[url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/Vanitas.jpg[/url]
Why does Vanitas look the way he does?
-When Master Xehanort created Vanitas he removed the darkness from Ven's heart. Without darkness Ven's heart was left incomplete, thus he eneded up in a comatose state.
Ventus's incomplete awakening: [url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/brokendestai.jpg[/url]
In order to complete his heart he connected with Sora whose heart can connect with anyones. This help fill the gap from the missing darkness.
So why Ventus?
-Before the events of Birth by Sleep, Ventus was Master Xehanort's Apprentice. In order to complete his plans Master Xehanort needed a heart of pure light, and a heart of pure darkness. For more infromation look for "What was Master Xehanort's Plan?" question.
Where is Ventus now? And what happened to Vanitas? [Ven/Aqua Endings Ahead]
-Okay. I'm going to try and make this easy as possible. Vanitas and Ven fused together, this forced them to fight within Ven's heart (the final boss for Ven). Ven managed to beat Vanitas, thus causing him to fade away. Since he fused together with his darkness(Vanitas), he disconnected with Sora's heart. Once defeating Vanitas, Sora offered to connect his heart again with Ven, who denied and went to sleep within Sora's heart.
After the battle Aqua took Ven's comatose body to the Land of Departure where she transformed the castle into Castle Oblivion. She put Ven in the Room of Repose, and left him there. He remains there now.
What's the connection beetween Ven and Roxas?
-At the end of Birth by Sleep Ven's heart went to sleep within Sora's. During the events of Kingdom Hearts Sora unlocked his heart to free Kairi's, but also released Ven's heart. This heart went into his Nobody, Roxas, giving him the appearence of Ven, and a heart.
So how is Roxas a Special Nobody?
-Roxas is special because he is a Nobody with a heart (Ven's heart), thus he is able to weild a keyblade and feel emotions.
So how is Coded connected to Birth By Sleep?
-Coded sets the stage for the next Kingdom Hearts game. Mickey sends a letter to Sora explaining the events of Birth by Sleep and how he needs to help everyone.
Who is the Silver Haired Man at the begining of the stories?
-The Silver Haired Man is a younger Master Xehanort. Yes he lived on Destiny Islands.
Young Master Xehanort:[url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/YoungMasterXehanort.jpg[/url]
What happened to the Land of Departure?[Aqua Ending Ahead]
-After Master Eraqus was killed the Land of Departure fell into darkness. Aqua returned here with Ven after the final battle and proceded into the castle. It turns out that Eraqus revealed to Aqua a fail safe that would prevent the land from being completely destroyed by darkness. Using Eraqus' Keyblade Aqua uses the failsafe to open a keyhole and then change the world into Castle Oblivion making it impossible for anyone but her to find the Room of Repose. There she placed Ven and proeceded to look for Terra.
What was Master Xehanort's plans?
-Master Xehanort's plan was to create the X-Blade. In order to do so though he needed a heart of pure light (Ventus), and a heart of pure darkness (Vanitas). If Ventus hadn't worked out, Vanitas planned on using Aqau for the heart of pure light.
What is the X-Blade?
-The X-Blade is an extremely powerful Keyblade, one capable of opening Kingdom Hearts and starting the Keyblade Wars over again.
Picture of the completed X-Blade:[url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/completex-blade.jpg[/url]
Picture of incomplete X-Blade: [url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/incompletex-blade.jpg[/url]
What was the X-Blade's Keychain?
-The keychain is two Kingdom Key's crossed over a heart.
Picture of Keychain/Vanitas Face Reveal: [url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/X-BladeChain.jpg[/url]
What’s the difference between the secret boss and the final boss?
-The secret boss is an optional boss, while the final boss is required to fully understand the end of the story; both are available during the final episode. The Final Boss is only availble for Aqua, the Secret Boss can be played on all three scenarios.
What's the final episode?
-The final episode is a playable segment for Aqua that occurs after you complete all thee scenarios and collect all the Xehanort reports.
Who is the Secret Boss?
-The secret boss is Absent Silhouette Vanitas.
Picture of Vanitas Silhouette:[url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/vanitassetiment.jpg[/url]
Who is the Final Boss?
-The final boss is available for Aqua's scenario is Xehanort (post possession), and then Xehanort (post possession) and Guardian.
Picture of Xehanort and Shadown: [url]http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af100/Spanky2lj2/XehanortandShadow.jpg[/url]
When does the Secret Ending take place?
-The secret ending supposedly takes place a year following the events of Kingdom Hearts II. This is supported by the fact that Ansem the Wise knows Sora, and stated he placed data within him during his slumber. (which took place between KHII and Chain of Memories)
You can watch it here subbed thanks to kh-13 and Heartstation!: [url=http://heartstation.org/bbs/]Birth by Sleep Play Log - brought to you by HEARTSTATION.ORG[/url]
Who was the cloaked man in the secret ending?
-The cloaked man is Ansem the Wise, leader of Radiant Garden during Birth by Sleep
How do we know the Secret Ending took place after the events of Kingdom Hearts II?
-Okay, if you didn't understand the first post then I'll try to explain it again.
Ansem the Wise states that he placed data within Sora while he was sleep. This means after Chain of Memories
Ansem the Wise also said it had been a year since he had last seen that boy. Which means a year after the ending events of Kingdom Hearts II.
What did King Mickey's Note say?
-It explains how Sora is the only one who can save Aqua, Ven, Terra, Namine, Roxas, Xion and Axel because his heart can connect with anyone.
When did Sora get the note?
-It is widely assumed to be around the same time Aqua meets Ansem the Wise, which is a year after the events of Kingdom Hearts II.
Why didn't Mickey tell Sora about Terra, Aqua, and Ven?
-Mickey explains what happens in his letter to Sora at the end of Kindom Hearts II.
How are Terra and Ven in the Land of Departure if the secret ending takes place 12 years in the future?
-This scene is meant to [U]symbolize[/U] the fact that Sora's heart is connected to all these people. It's not meant to be taken literally.
What is the next Kingdom Hearts game?
-Nomura stated that the next game will be another side game with major importance. It is known as the mysterious Kingdom Hearts game.
What’s the difference between Xehanort and Master Xehanort? (provided by Genocide)
- Master Xehanort is the old man from Birth by Sleep. Xehanort is the identity that Terra (fused with Master Xehanort) takes after birth by sleep. He later takes the name Ansem Seeker of Darkness for his heartless, and Xemnas for his nobody.
What are the Unversed? And what happened to them? (provided by MemoryMaster)
-They are creatures spawned from negative emotion created when Vanitas was born. They disappeared with his supposed destruction.
What is the Lingering Sentiment?
-The Lingering Sentiment is the secret boss in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix II. It is Terra's thought armor, following his body's possession by Master Xehanort. Nomura led us to believe that this fight was non-cannon (not relating to the plot) but was wrong. (Please help by proving any info on this thanks! And thanks to MAX_COLA_POWER! for brining this up!)
How did Xehanort (Post Possession) end up in Radiant Garden? (thanks to brosandi for the answer)
-When Ven defeats Vanitas the X-Blade is destroyed and causes an explosion of light that engulfed an unconscious Xehanort and transported him to Radiant Garden, thus setting up the plot for the final episode.
What happed to Terra? (His Ending)
-Terra's body was posed by Master Xehanort forcing him to become the Lingering Sentiment. He says he'll find a way to end this and then credits.
End of Master Xehanort Battle and Possession: YouTube -
Spoiler Show
KHBbS - end of Terra VS MX and TWIST
Spoiler Show
End of Xehanort Battle and Ending:YouTube -Spoiler Show
KHBbS - Birth by Sleep - Terra EndingSpoiler Show
What happened to Aqua? (Her Ending)
-Following the events at the Keyblade Graveyard Aqua returns to The Land of Departure to find it submerged in darkness. She finds Eraqus' Keyblade, and bring Ven inside the remains of the castle. While there she places his upon a throne and opens a keyholde behind it. The Castle turns into Castle Oblivion, she sets off after Terra.
-She meet Xehanort and proceeds to battle him. After the battle Xehanort stabs his heart with his keyblade. He is plunged into the Realm of Darkness, Aqua goes after him using her Keyblade ride. While tryign to escape she realizes that she cannot save both of them, emerging from her armor she bids him farwell and send the keyblade rider through the portal with her armor and keyblade leaving her trapped in the realm of darkness.
-While there she is attacked by Darkside heartless. Unable to continue on she gives up, Terra and Ven's Keyblades appear saving her. She contiues on until meeting Ansem the Wise setting up the secret ending.
Thanks to kh-13 for the video! Aqua Ending:YouTube -Spoiler Show
KHBbS - Birth by Sleep - Terra EndingSpoiler Show
What happened to Ven?
-Ven defeats Vanitas in his Dive to Heart, in doing so he is rendered imcomplete. Ven is once again forced to connect his heart to Sora, though this time he goes to sleep within him. Aqua places the sleeping Ven within the remains of the destroyed castle within Land of Departure and trasnforms it into Castle Oblivion. Ven remains is a sleep state within Castle Oblivion's room of awakening.
How did Braig lose his eye and get those scars?
-Braig trapped Master Xehanort and forced Terra to fight him. In order for Terra to win he had to accept the darkness within his heart. Using dark energy he shot Braig at point blank with a dark energy orb. In order to protect his other eye, Braig turned his head when Terra shot at him again.
When does the Original Soundtrack release?
-Piano Collections KINGDOM HEARTS Field & Battle will be released in Japan on Janurary 13, 2010.
What happened to the keychainless Keyblades?
-Nomura obviously scrapped the idea. As of now that’s all anyone can really say on the subject.
Why are there Heartless? I thought the apprentices created them
-Okay, the heartless have always existed. Xehanort's experiments brought the first one to Radiant Garden. The apprentices created emblem heartless not pureblood ones.
Is Yen Sid a Keyblade Master?
-Yen Sid is indeed a master of the Keyblade as seen here:
Xenoserphia's Birth By Sleep Playjournal *MASSIVE SPOILERS* - Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Message Board for PSP - GameFAQs Read when you get to Terra's story! (thanks to Loke13 for pointing it out!)
Where can I read the Xehanort Reports?
-You can read them right here thanks to Heartstation.org http://forums.khinsider.com/spoilers/143280-secret-reports-number-one-posted.html
What are the fundementals of wielding a Keyblade?
-One is able to weild a Keyblade as long as one has a heart.
Why is Roxas able to wield a Keyblade?
-Roxas can wield a Keyblade because he has a heart, to be more exact Ven's heart.
Can you do Mirage Arena by yourself
-Yes, you can play by yourself, but Nomura said that the final boss is as difficult as Absent Siloutte Vanitas.
Can you play online?
-It's limited to local play, similar to Day, but you can connect to a PS3 to play online parties, which if I'm correct I heard KHI might be planning for the future.
COM= Chain of Memories
ANSEM SOD= Ansem Seeker of Darkness, the main boss of the first Kingdom Hearts
CO= Castle Oblivion (the castle which Chain of memories takes plac)
AtW= Ansem the Wise (the ruler of Radiant Garden during Birth by Sleep)
TAV= Terra, Aqua and Ven
SRK= Sora, Riku and Kairi
MX= Master Xehanort
ME= Master Eraqus
Terranort= Post fusion of Terra and Master Xehanort
BBS= Birth by Sleep
LS= Lingering Sentiment Kingdom Hearts Final Mix II's secret boss, and Terra's thought armor
LoD= Land of Departure (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Terra, Aqua and Ven's home world)
OST= Original Sound Track
Vantus or Venitas= Combination of Ventus and Vanitas (during a boss fight in Aqua's scenriao)
Like I said above is I'm missing any questions please post them and I'll add them immeaditlely. And please help by adding info as well, I'll be sure to cite you! Thanks for all the help!
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