Does anyone think it's possible that MX planned everything?
I don't know why, but I'm getting this hunch about it. Everything Ansom SoD did, directly influenced Xemnas' plans, and quite frankly helped things progress.
Xemnas found Roxas awfully fast. (Notice that it was XEMNAS who found Roxas in TT, and yet, in other scenes we see Xemnas ordering people to search for new members. Why did Xemnas find Roxas?)
In Terranorts research in to the heart, and his memories, is it impossible that he discovered, much like AtW that if a Heartless is defeated first, with a Nobody soon after that they would RECONNECT?
Again I don't know why I have this hunch, but everything seems to fit this perfectly from my perspective.
Has Xehanort planned the existence of his Nobody? So that by indirectly working together, something could be achieved for when they return to the existence of a somebody? Have they actually achieved anything during the timeline of KH1 > KH2 that was know about?
What has Xehanorts Heartless learned? What has Xemnas learned? If their knowledge were to be combined within Terranort when he regains his form, could the combined knowledge lead to something greater? Did Terranort, before the seperation regain some memories of Terra or MX? And could some of this knowledge combined with Xemnas and Xehanort's Heartless be what he'd hoped for? =I
This is in the spoilers section due to the mention of Terranort and MX.
Flame, criticise or w/e.
I don't know why, but I'm getting this hunch about it. Everything Ansom SoD did, directly influenced Xemnas' plans, and quite frankly helped things progress.
Xemnas found Roxas awfully fast. (Notice that it was XEMNAS who found Roxas in TT, and yet, in other scenes we see Xemnas ordering people to search for new members. Why did Xemnas find Roxas?)
In Terranorts research in to the heart, and his memories, is it impossible that he discovered, much like AtW that if a Heartless is defeated first, with a Nobody soon after that they would RECONNECT?
Again I don't know why I have this hunch, but everything seems to fit this perfectly from my perspective.
Has Xehanort planned the existence of his Nobody? So that by indirectly working together, something could be achieved for when they return to the existence of a somebody? Have they actually achieved anything during the timeline of KH1 > KH2 that was know about?
What has Xehanorts Heartless learned? What has Xemnas learned? If their knowledge were to be combined within Terranort when he regains his form, could the combined knowledge lead to something greater? Did Terranort, before the seperation regain some memories of Terra or MX? And could some of this knowledge combined with Xemnas and Xehanort's Heartless be what he'd hoped for? =I
This is in the spoilers section due to the mention of Terranort and MX.
Flame, criticise or w/e.