Ahhh yes, that's right, thanks.
Hm. So then, while they may not be permanently bound to the RoS, that leaves the question of under what conditions can they get out. How did Riku pull that off? Did it involve Keyblade shenanigans? Despite being a big fan of DDD, my memory is crazy hazy on a fair few details.
Bringing this detail up also makes me realize that this makes chi[x] being in the RoS an even shakier idea, or at the very least, if it is a dream, the real version of the events we're seeing could still have been preeetty close to how we see it. That is to say, Chirithies could have indeed been involved in the "original event". Which is...adorable. Makes me smile.
Well, I mean. All worlds and realms are one doing Chi right? And all Chirithies are made an "odd" way, that being from the MoM himself not from actual dreams. So I think they can exist in all Realms, kinda like how Riku became a dream eater and still had the emblem. It might be hinting at Chirirties existing in all Realms they want, also because Chi. Like how Ava had one following her around in the trailer, or the Player's Chirity.
I am also glad that the Daybreak Trio is going to be relevant to the story.
And yes they are a trio, they have united