Why would we pick up a site we didn’t know existed? And we did TWEWY news because we wanted to expand into more than just KH news and have something to do when KH was in its downtime. It was a nice way to distinguish us from the other fansites. We had plans on doing general Disney news and growing out that way as well but it’s not that easy when we work full time and just volunteer for free here. I was allowed the compromise of a Disney section. We also had plans on folding our old FF news site to this site as well but again…free volunteers working for free! It is hard enough working one site when you are in the middle of a work meeting. Handling multiple or having more news topics on one? Not possible. And volunteer work is by the wayside these days and people will go to a site that will pay them so adding staff isn’t easy.What hostility? From sites like Gematsu and Siliconera, to public joints like ResetEra and Reddit, Kingdom Hearts fans kind of being dicks about it was the cold reality; all NEO posts on the KH sub were promptly killed off for being off-topic, outright disdain on RE, and an utter lack of interest everywhere else, which brings the next issue: Why on earth should TWEWY fans have to "win over" KH fans, who again, have been the hostile ones, not the other way around? Again, it is its own thing, it's not a Kingdom Hearts spin-off, it should stand on its own merits.
If you want to point fingers at fanbases for.....I dunno, being "irresponsible" for not sharing the love, or...whatever, look at at the Persona or DanganRonpa communities. TWEWY is far more in their wheelhouse, and has far more in common, than it would have with Kingdom Hearts. A few stray elements like sharing a producer and cameos does not a cohesive, connective tissue make... If you wanted disparate communities to join hands and forge a circle of trust, those'd be it.
In fact, I honestly never did get why the site staff here decided to put KH and TWEWY in a blender. The two franchises are so far apart in presentation, writing, characterization, style, it's not even funny... It would've been much, much more efficient if you just made a brand new, dedicated TWEWY fansite, and plugged it every chance you could. In fact, that actually happened a long time ago - there was a site called "7 Days Limit" a long, looooooong while ago but it didn't last since the owners got into some kind of spat. You guys could've picked up the pieces! But sharing the space on KHInsider, without any meaningful distinction, pretending like TWEWY was some kind of spin-off... It was foolish, and it made no sense.
If you want to point fingers at fans for not doing Square's job more efficiently...well, let's just say KHI isn't exactly a shining beacon of marketing either. I actually know a thing or two about this! I'm....well, was, in marketing myself. =_=
I’m certainly not pointing my fingers at fans, I’m saying fan in-fighting was everywhere and it didn’t help matters alongside a tepid marketing “campaign”.
KHI isn’t some marketing arm. We hope our efforts do something to promote the two series we love, but we are here to be a resource and a home for discussion.
We’ve never treated TWEWY like a spin-off. If I had it my way we would have had a TWEWY section on its own years ago but it wasn’t allowed, so we worked with what we had until I could make a section for it.
Whatever work you did in marketing in whatever place you live in is fine knowledge and kudos to you for getting into it, but irrelevant to this particular chain of discussion about fandom infighting which was and still is out there and not just coming from KH fans. It’s a two-way street. Kirabook laid it out pretty well so I have no desire to rehash what she said.
I feel like you are coming at this with a wholly biased view as somebody who works/worked in marketing so you know how hard they work. You also are clearly a TWEWY fan with little love of KH fans which is fine. I hate KH fans too lol. TWEWY is my favorite above any other games, so I get it. But I’m not sure why you are desperate to genuinely argue against us as if we’ve committed some slight against TWEWY just by…reporting on it? when very few others were until the anime and sequel got announced. We just wanted to have fun and share news about a game we thought was really neat…minus one of our staff. He thought we were big idiots chasing after a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow of remix albums (the gold being the sequel). (I say this in jest btw. He was right to be skeptical and is usually right ❤)
My point is that we are doing this stuff because we love KH and TWEWY and Nomura just happened to put it in KH and it wasn’t big enough for its own separate site we could make so…

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