Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
So Kitsune-chan... um.. ya know that anime with Takuto and Meruko in it? I forgot what it was called.. I saw it yesterday.. and... IT WAS GREAT!!! So.. can you tell me.. if you know where to find some episodes to download? Please? Great Okay!
The anime's name was Full Moon Wo Sagashite. You could find more eppies in www.animesuki.com
Oh yeeah, if you want, you could hear some FMWS music here: www.songjapan.com
Just go to the search bar and put Changin' My Life. It would have: Myself and Eternal Snow from FMWS
Also if you go to search bar again, put Orange Range for Bleach's Asterisk and Naruto's Viva Rock.
I hate it when i forget about these forums i miss so much on this topic. Well anyways........ I can't really think of any ideas right now! *Bangs head on desk until i can think of an idea*.
*still wondering when this will be updated again* Yes it takes awhile for this to be updated but when it is it's worth it. *Also wondering how many people CS will invite to this topic then how many people CS's invited people will invite*
Ooo... Kenshin.. OH OH! KOARU AND KAGOME!! Well.. since Inuyasha and Kenshin kinda have the same life with Kagom and/or Kaoru.. What if... Kenshin also had one of the prayer beads? Me hopes you guy get me.