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Star of Sirius - Challenge to Ubiquitous Apparatus

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Wicked Child

New member
Mar 29, 2009
at war with the mystics
Just a practice battle to test out Sirius.

Conditions -
Small town with civilians/outskirts of same town. Nighttime. Summer season, mild weather.

Template -

Age is something which compels the human mind and imagination, and something which almost all physical matter is subjected to. Even stars are slaves to time’s toll. But the star’s ageless contents, previously unknown to mankind, is what truly is compelling. Alien life is something which is scoffed at, obsessed over, and thought about constantly; not to mention the possibility of a higher power in the universe. Excluded all theories of religion, I am here to say that there is spiritual presence around us. Note that this doesn’t mean anything of Gods or Angels, but something more which lives inside life. The thing, the soul, that gives us life, is all around us. It is a presence, though not always a physical one.
Spiritual manifestation comes in the form of a fallen star. Something is borne within stars during their lifetimes, and when they die, that being is released. I am one of these beings. Don’t mistake me for a God or an Angel, because I don’t believe in the existence of either of those beings. I do, however, believe in the nature of my power - souls. Every living thing on Earth has a soul, though sadly humankind subjected them to the confines of religion, when they are so much more. They are the things which give you individuality, a mind, though not your physical makeup. That’s genetics. This is the genetics of the soul.
And that’s where my, a star’s child’s, power lies.
Allow me to explain.
Based on the condition of the souls around me ( and don’t try to tell me that there is anything in this world which does not have some kind of a soul, because I know better ) my power changes. I am naturally a being of metaphysical proportions, but I can manifest myself into a physical or mental form at any time, if I am in a physically or mentally capable region of course. I can likewise manifest physical, mental, or yes, spiritual objects or beings at will.
As you may have guessed by the nature of my ranting, I have chosen a life of violence for the sake of peace. Yes, this may share the same usefulness as fucking for virginity, but it is my choice and my eternity. Eternity until I die, naturally, which is not a concept which I am particularly fond of, but it is one that I have grown conscious and familiar with. If I choose to fight others or rule over a world or two, I must at some point be prepared to face opposition. And that is what I am speaking of. I am prepared to defend myself and my power.
That power is extensive, but the basics of it do lie in the nature of the souls around me. The "lighter" the souls, the happier I am. The "darker" the souls, the more pissed off I can be, and the more violent my power.
I see I will need to break this down for you further, so now that I’ve given you a proper introduction of myself, I will provide you with one of the profiles you’re so fond of. I am as follows;

Name: .. Difficult question, considering I’ve only thought briefly of a name for myself. I will simply state the star which I came from, though it is not dead quite yet.
Sirius. ( The First of the Star Children )

Age: As explained before,
I am quite ageless, though I choose to manifest myself as approximately twenty six in human years. I have been present for many years, as long as my father star has been in existence.

Gender: I choose to manifest myself
as a male.

Species: While I am, by nature, a star’s child, I choose to manifest myself
as a human.

Appearance: I will keep this description brief, considering I can manifest myself however I please. But my preferred manifestation is as follows;
as I’ve said, human male. Generally with black hair which extends to my eyebrows in a choppy cut, above my blue eyes which are framed by high cheekbones. I suppose I’m somewhat tall, at oh say about 5 foot 11 inches, and my weight consists mainly of muscle and bones at one-hundred and sixty-six pounds. Fairly average, nothing special in that. My fingers, however, are particularly long and thin, a dead giveaway to my preferred weapon of choice. And no, it is not the piano you clever little children.
I generally choose to wear a casual pair of ripped jeans and either go shirtless, or go in a tuxedo top with shirttails and tie. Sometimes I wear a white undershirt and black leather jacket if I’m in a more casual mood. My skin color isn’t exceedingly pale, though naturally white, but with a healthy tan. I change this detail up at random.
I enjoy wearing classic black and white runners, or checkered shoes. As far as accessories go, I wear studded bracelets and chain necklaces.
The only plain, obvious, quality which can define me from my other star child counterparts, or for that matter any other being, is my lack of a defining physical quality. I choose to blend in, though for show I may sport a pair of wings or a halo. Just for kicks. I suppose that I can state that there are two long scars on each of my arms and even I am not sure how they got there. Some deformation within the star of Sirius, I suppose, but they are present in whichever physical form I take.

Personality: Must I psycho-analyze myself? Very well .. Let’s see ..
I suppose I tend to be a bit bold, though I do have manners. I am a well educated star child, and I don’t care to hide that. My fellows describe me, as the eldest, a being of leadership qualities, though I don’t believe that characteristic is true. I don’t tend to value the "lives of others", but I do strive for peace on Earth. I just don’t care if three or three-hundred individuals have to die for the sake of that goal or any other. I enjoy ruling over others, and I am not a humble person.
But don’t get me wrong, I do have morals. I understand the human condition, but sadly I have been amongst the souls, minds, and bodies of humans for so many years I fear that I may have become subjected to human emotions. Analyzing my own condition has brought this fact into even further clarity for me .. Perhaps I should take a step back from humanity for a while. Go back to the star of Sirius. But not today.

Power: I have already described the basis of my power. The details are far too extensive to list, though I must say that my power is not limited to the condition of the soul’s of others. Rather, I can even control those conditions. As you may have guessed, I can also manifest any physical object of my desire. My favored choices include these large claw-like blades on my fingers, though instead of ripping your body they rip what’s beneath. Or your body. Whatever I please. It’s ..too complicated to explain to you right now.

History: I was borne from the star of Sirius, and I have a family of fellow star children. That’s all that you need to know right now. Maybe later, as I grow as an individual, I will explain further. That seems like such a faraway concept, considering how long I’ve been in existence .. But for as long as I’ve been alive, I still realize that I have a ways to grow. My goals are simple; for now I will live out my eternity until I find something more.

Interests: I take great enjoyment in music. I’ve manifested for myself a portable music device and I love the hell out of it.

( note that the addition of "soul control" per-say is not for Sirius to literally control souls. The point of it was to have his powers influenced by the conditions of the energy around him. A little odd sounding, but it makes sense in my mind. I realize that his powers are vague, but this is just a practice battle and a rough draft. I intend to make his powers more obvious the more that I use him, so thanks for helping me out. )
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Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Name: Reforge Seru

Age: A meaningless notion for Reforge at this time. He looks to be in his late twenties.

Appearance: Having creamy mocha colored skin, Reforge stands at 5’10, and has a strong body build. His body is visibly perfectly proportioned, and his posture is very graceful and defined. Reforge's face and head have an overall calm expression set to them and the soft features of his nose and chin seem to relinquish the thoughts of how cruel he can be. His nose isn't pointed, but just the right roundness, so that it rests on Reforge's face and balances it. He has arched eyebrows that set off very clear, yet piercing pale Grey and azure blue rimmed eyes that easily give the impression of looking into a pool of everlasting tantra being. Even so his face isn't anything that one might want to call normal either.

His lower face is partially covered with reddish golden plating that moves up from his neck and covers his chin and the sides of his cheeks. It looks somewhat scaled and spreads backwards behind his ears before stopping. Both sides of his lip are pierced and he also has dual eyebrow piercing on both sides and multiple ear piercings. His tongue is also studded.

His hair is an auburn color, with a hint of a golden hue. From his neck down the visible part of his exposed lithe upper body, muscles are visible, but Reforge's upper torso is covered with golden plating that appears to be like draconian scaling and show the perfection of a body that is in sense; divine. He has a small heart shaped rune of his chest that glows white on and off and he also has a larger one on his back. Both of his arms have series of multiple symbolic rune shaped additions, but each arm itself also has plating similar to his face and chest. While one hand is gloved, the other is always glowing whitish gold with red static around it. The opposite hand has a heart rune on it as well.

On his left shoulder, Reforge adorns a tattoo, and he has quite a few scars that tell a tale of a somewhat violent past. He wears no pants so , more or less perfect globes of rounded muscular flesh taper off into defined thighs that are barely covered by a thin strip of silken cloth, and the armored red gold leg guards that stop right at the knees. Now not only do they have the most spectacular notion of scaling that seems otherwise inhuman, the feet of these materials are clawed and look like the feet of a lizard or dragon-like being, but the most prominent feature would have to be the large wing span or white and gold wings that Reforge often summons at will, but these seem to have a purpose greater than flight.....

Personality: This is a description that usually deals with the implication of emotional output, or a complex of actions derived from a given mind set or situation. Reforge is rather complex in his beliefs, and most of his actions are based on how he actually feels like displaying interest in whatever matter he is dealing with. One could say that Reforge is in himself a spectrum of persona traits that could be dull, or explosive; Humble, or eccentric........

Power(s): Reforge is able to use abilities that have anything to do with magick, physical, spiritual and other properties as his innate manipulative and existence of the idea of pure power itself makes him able to formulate, use, breakdown, interpret, and above all else create or destroy what he pleases. Due to the highly unnatural, or more so twisted logics to his being, Reforge is one of a kind, thus his structuring is not based upon DNA but the raw makeup of existence which he apparently controls so siphoning ANYTHING from him won't ever work. There is point in trying to control what he is or his properties.

His ability could be described as the prowess to both build and ruin on a whim, yet depending on the situation or place, Reforge himself will limit these properties given whom, or what he is facing…..situations of certain factors determine more so what he is able to do. Reforge's primary functioning places him inside the stream of time space but buffers how he is affected with a chronic-shield which is why time space anomalies do not affect him, though Reforge does not readily control time itself.Reforge is an epitome of extremities, and he can move ANYTHING with his manipulative powers.

Fortinbras- This is pole blade like staff that has an odd appearance, being that of a shimmering white outer coating, even though most of the weapon is tampered magickal essence and cannot be seen. There are swirling gold and white misty forces surrounding the weapon and the top glows at all times with a no colored energy. This staff has massive constructive and destructive prowess and by contemplating the forces of what are through its own conscience,which gives it near unlimited forces to power it. Fortinbras can augment Reforge’s abilities and allow the use of any kind of magic though it is not deemed magick. The bottom and top parts of Fortinbras produce energy blades that are weapons made of multi-layered essence-cohesive. The only thing that Fortinbras cannot cut is absolute nothingness.

Bendis and Meltis- These are two hard spheres that normally are housed near Reforge’s shoulders or back. Their names mean; “Blessing” and “Curse”. Both are heavily coated in the essence of flux magick being and they can be used for attack or defense. A twisted Yin Yang arrangement is housed on both of them. Something that Reforge refers to as “vacuum” where no time concept exists can spawn from the manipulation of Bendis and Meltis. When this occurs Reforge establishes a perfect shield and shifts outside interferences unto nothing. These spheres can cause repeated dimensional disturbances which build up and cause space phases to cause anomalies with. An essence field can also be created that affects the reality around Reforge and those around him by spreading out five layers of energy that can capture opponents inside the polarized and distorted space.

Bio: Yeh I don't feel like putting one up/

Wicked Child

New member
Mar 29, 2009
at war with the mystics
Just a notice; sorry I haven't been able to post. Personal life problems. :/
At most give me a couple more days to get my creative self back together, haha. I'll edit the opening post in here.


Apr 21, 2005
Quit being an individual and post in third person like everyone else.

Wicked Child

New member
Mar 29, 2009
at war with the mystics
Down with the man. : ) That's just for the template in any case. Wicked Child's not a fan of first person posts in actual battles.

Let's do this shit.

A waxing moon and hundreds of stars shone their light down to the ground, lighting the way of their breathing counterpart. Sirius walked with a contained sort of grace, as if he had no worries and nowhere in particular to be. In actuality, this was the truth. He had taken up residence in a small town on the planet Earth, far away from its larger cities and civilizations. The perfect place for a relatively innocent nomadic man to keep a low profile and, for the time being, enjoy himself.
A light breeze carried the scent of night on its back to Sirius's nostrils. As odd as it would sound, he had become familiar with the local sights, sounds, and yes, scents of his temporary home. Tonight, the wind smelled of something new. The walking man thought nothing of this; just another newcomer, like himself. Sirius's enhanced senses allowed him to be particularly aware of his surroundings, which suited the man just fine. All the better to become familiar with the different places he chose to reside in, and for a nomad, familiarity with your homes is necessary to lead a successful - and lengthly - life.
Sirius took strides with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. His feet hit the dirt path ( when will these people get their roads paved? ) in a monotonous rhythm, kicking up small bits of dust whenever they landed.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pa-pat.
Sirius stopped. If anything was there, one of his senses surely would have notified him. Had his cushioned life softened him, perhaps? ( Never ) .
Maybe just his imagination, or perhaps he had picked up the footsteps of a person in town and mistekingly thought they were on the path he was taking. Surely that was the case. Nevertheless, Sirius warily fine-tuned his senses, but continued walking all the same.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Just the familiar monotonous beat once again. That's all it was. Either his imagination or someone in the town. He wasn't too far away now, anyway.
Sirius allowed his mind to wander as he eased his senses once more. He thought of his time spent in this town whose name he hadn't cared to learn or remember. The people were quiet, which was a nice change from the large noisy cities he had become accustomed to. Better yet, they kept to themselves, which suited Sirius just fine. From whom he had spoken to, however, Sirius had come to realize that they were a fairly kind bunch of small town rats.
The town itself consisted of a not very large variety of stores, including one small shopping mall that was slowly dwindling down to a black hole of empty clothes racks and abandoned potted plants, a coexisting police / fire station, a half filled public library, the community theater, and of course the town's homes. No school to be spoken of, but Sirius wasn't fond of children anyway.
This town wasn't the smallest of the small, but it wasn't large enough to draw attention to itself in any case, and it had plenty of farmland skirting it. This made excellent training ground for Sirius. That is, if he ever did choose to take up weapons such as swords and the like. ( Never know. Stranger things have happened to people who have lived much shorter lives than me. )
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pa-pat.
( Holy fucking Polaris. )
This time, Sirius did not stop walking. He was getting closer to the town ... but he should have been able to shut his hearing out to that infernal beat by now.
Pat. Pa-pat.
( There. )
Now he could smell the damned thing, just a couple dozen meters to his upper-left.
Pa-pat. Pa-pat.
More irritated than nervous now, Sirius promptly entered his Vision state and ripped a hole to the annoyance's origin and found it to be -
( .. I'm insane today. Forget it .. the small town life is making me soft after all. )
He "teleported" back to his original path and continued walking, a little more wary of himself than his surroundings now.
Pat. Pat. Pa-pat.

Didn't explain Vision earlier.
Vision = alternate dimension exquivalent to the energy put off by different fuels stars use. Sounds a bit hoaky right now but I'm working on the kinks.
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