i like the chocolates =D
yea ive been gettin my mind off of it as u can see.
and by unpopular i mean im not as popular as my sis.
but yea b4 i thought of suicide, alcohohol came up, my dad used 2 own a bar, i have VERY easy access. but idk.
and about the cutting, i don't think id get that addictted 2 it.
how awkward would it b 2 be caught cutting?
Dad walks in "WTF?"
blood everywhere.
i faint.

srry about the off topic. i just had the funniest day EVEAH. so idk if this posityivity will keep up, but i hope it does!

Oh and i didn't do anything about it or talk 2 the counseler. i keep forgetting.
i thought i was the only seventh grader on here. oh well.