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Fanfiction ► Tai's Jouney

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Aug 2, 2005
in my room, where else?
My KH2 Story: The Dark Princess's Story

Im still new, so I don't know if I'm doing this right, so don't make fun of me please. This is my first story I ever made, so sorry if it's a little weird. Anyways hope you enjoy.

Everybody knows that there are Seven Princesses of Hearts, but is there a Princess of Darkness? She is known to destroy many worlds and to use people’s hearts as her power. The Princess of Darkness is also known to be the granddaughter of Ansem. At the time she was only 5-years-old, people say when she falls asleep her dark 15-year-old side comes out to destroy anything alive. She destroys anyone who has light in their hearts.
When she destroyed Pride Rock, she disappeared. Six years has passed when she disappeared, that’s when Ansem found her in the End of the World, trying to find a way out, with no memory of her childhood. Ansem took Tai, the Princess of Darkness to Hallow Bastion, to train her once more and awaken the destruction within her that can not be controlled by anyone, except herself. A year then past when Tai completed her training, but it wasn’t Tai anymore. She then called herself Raiha, Maleficent’s most faithful servant. When Maleficent ordered Raiha to destroy a world, Raiha would do it, and come back to Hallow Bastion in 2 hours or so.
Three more years passed, and then Riku came. During Riku’s journey, Raiha accompanied him through many worlds, taking him closer, and closer to the darkness. Raiha was the reason how Riku learned all of those dark powers. When Sora closed the Door to Darkness, he didn’t realize Raiha got inside the door, thus trapping her inside with the Heartless, Riku, and the king.

And so the story begins….

Chapter One: A New Start

Out in a field with the moon shining in the sky, a girl was lying on the ground as if she was knocked out. She opened her beautiful violet eyes to see where she was. “Ooh, what just hit me?” she asked herself while massaging her head. She stood up dusting herself off and straightening up. “Ow! I feel like I’ve been lying down for weeks,” she says while she flexes her arms and legs. Her long black cloak that goes all the way down to her ankles shined in the moonlit sky; she has long dark brown hair with a silver highlight in her long bangs that shined as bright as the moon. When she finished flexing she looked around herself, and only found herself in an empty field. She then asked “Where am I?”
“You’re in a crossroad to different paths,” a voice came out of nowhere.
“Who’s there!?” She turned around and found no one behind her. “Where are you!?” she asked frightenedly.
“There’s no need to sound frightened,” the same voice came out of nowhere once again, this time, it was behind her.
She looks behind herself once more to find a man in a red outfit, with red wrapping over his has except his left golden yellow eye and his mouth. “And everyone called you the Princess of Darkness?”
She then looked shocked when she heard that name. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Of course you do, Tai. You know who you are?!” he said with a low deep voice.
“Who are you? How do you know it’s me?” Tai said in fright and her eyes wide open. Backing up she asked “Where did you come from by the way?”
“Oh, nowhere…..somewhere. Someone has to come from somewhere.”
“I know. That’s why I asked,” Tai said annoyed.
“I am Diz; it’s a good of a name as it comes. I know it’s you because you can’t hide the Heartless symbol on both your forearms,” he said pointing at Tai’s right forearm, while Tai reaches out of her skirt pocket to get her black wristbands out. Tai put her wristbands over her wrist to cover up her marks.
When Tai was done she then said with her eyes half close “I can read your thought. You have a message for me…..don’t you?”
“You are gifted like they...”
“I’m not gifted! I’m cursed with a power that does nothing but controls me and destroys everything in my way. I can never escape from it,” Tai says with tears pouring and falling to the ground crying. “No one can save me. No one! I don’t even think he exists in this universe.” Wiping her tears away she asks “What is the message you wish to give me?”
“You have a long journey ahead of you. You will find what you’ve been searching for. Until then….you will find happiness. If you don’t believe me…what will you do?” When Diz said that very sentence, Tai knew what he meant.
“Are you saying…” when Tai turned around, Diz was already gone. “I hope you mean what you said. “If what you said is true…. I’ll be the happiest person in this universe. If it’s not, I’ll kill you.” Just where Diz was standing, there was a road. “Is this the road you want me to follow, Diz? I’ll do what you told me, only because you said I will find “him” Tai thought to herself. The wind blew in her face when she looked at the road that she will walk. When she started walking, she put on her hood to avoid anyone from recognizing her.

Chapter Two: The Journey Begins

Next day was still the same as the night before Diz gave Tai the message. “How long is this stupid road? Every world has a town or city…well except the Deep Jungle. But I never knew a road could be this frickin long. If only I’ve been to this world, I would of teleported there a long time ago.” Tai sits down to rest while wiping the sweat off her face. “Will he be in this world? I wonder how long my journey will be,” Tai said when getting up of the grass. “Time to start walking again.”
Tai never stopped walking, except for meals. Hours later, Tai reached a town at last. The town that Tai found is or was her old home, Twilight Town. “I thought I would never see this town again, after serving Maleficent, and traveling for a long time,” Tai thought to herself. “Will anybody recognize me?”
It was a cold rainy night when Tai reached Twilight Town. The streets were dark like they always were; the ground was dark but shining from the lights around in the streets. Tai put her hood from her cloak back on her head to keep the rain out of her hair and so people won’t see her face since its dark out. Tai kept walking for some time now. When Tai saw a building with TV screens on it, that’s when she stopped walking looking up at the tall building. “What is this feeling? I feel like something is coming. And I sense him…..he’s here,” Tai thought.
Out of nowhere, an army of Neo Heartless came out of the ground. “What are you standing there for?! Hurry up and take out your weapon!” a voice told Tai. Tai turned around and saw someone in a black cloak that’s exactly like Tai’s. He was taller and held two weapons that looked like overgrown keys.
“Are those Keyblades, Oathkeeper and Oblivion?” Tai asked while taking out her scythe.
“Yes, they are,” the boy said while putting his back on Tai’s.
“So you know how to fight. That’s good, probably I wouldn’t take all of them anyway,” Tai said getting ready to attack 20 Heartless at once.
“I can see you’re in the Organization, too.”
“I was in the Organization, I quit about a year ago,” Tai said in anger.
“Then why are you wearing that cloak?” the boy said while spinning in the air attacking the Heartless.
“I can’t escape the Organization. They put marks on me when I was born, so I can’t take this cloak off unless I find him, and I’ve been a member ever since. Besides black is my color and I need something to cover me up in the rain,” Tai said while attacking many Heartless.
Then the boy and Tai jumped on to the casino steps staring at the top as if the TV screen has caught their attention. Just then Tai saw someone on the top sitting on the roof. Tai’s not quit sure, but she thinks she sees a man with silver hair, wearing a black cloak like Tai’s and the boy’s cloak, and a black blindfold. Tai senses the boy that will save her, and that boy on the roof is where the power is coming from. “Is it him, is he the one,” Tai thought to herself. After that Tai and the boy jumped and started running up the outside walls of the casino swinging their weapons at the Heartless attacking them. The blindfolded unknown stands up staring at Tai. “Hey, boy!” Tai exclaims.
“Yeah? What is it?” he said swinging his two Keyblades at the Heartless in front of him.
“Do you know that man on the roof?”
“No. I thought you would.”
“Oh, I was wondering how he could see if he’s blindfolded,” Tai still running up the casino.
“You know, I’ve seen him here a few times, and he always has a blindfold over his eyes.”
Moments later, the blindfolded man stared at the sky, that’s when the clouds cleared up showing a meteor shower. Suddenly the man on the roof jumped off and started falling towards the ground. The boy running with Tai threw Oblivion at the blindfolded falling man, who caught it at an instant. The blindfolded man kept on falling when Tai and the boy passed him. The blindfolded man landed on the ground safely. Tai and the boy got to the top of the building, just to watch the blindfolded unknown fight the Heartless.
“Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show,” the boy said leaning and folding his arms around his head.
“Will he be okay?” Tai asked in concern.
“Of course he will, he’s got Oblivion, the strongest –“
“I know it’s the strongest keyblade!” Tai said annoyed and giving the boy an evil annoyed look.
The blindfolded unknown fought for no longer than ten minutes. After he destroyed many Heartless, he looked at the last remaining Heartless. Putting Oblivion away, he took out his hand and straightens out his arm.
“What is he doing?” Tai asked herself.
Moments later, the blindfolded unknown shout out “Dark Firaga!” then a black and violet flame shot out of his hand and hit two Heartless. After that attack, he started floating in the air wielding Oblivion. Next thing Tai knew, he disappeared and reappeared, and did the same routine over and over again. Until the blindfolded unknown was found high in the sky, then shot to the ground, summoning white light out of the ground.
“Wait, I know these attacks. I taught Riku these attacks along time ago. But…but how?! I thought he was lost in Darkness and I thought was the only one who made it out, I’m the only one who can survive that much power. Unless….is he the one I’m looking for?” Tai asked herself.
Minutes later, the blindfolded unknown destroyed every Heartless. He looked up at Tai on the casino roof.
“What is he….,” Tai thought. She then gasped, “What is this feeling? I feel warm and my heart is pounding like crazy. Are……are you…..Riku?”
The blindfolded unknown just kept looking at her then answered “yes.”
Tai gasped again. “You are!?” Then Tai jumped off the building.
“What the hell are you doing?! You’ll kill yourself!” the boy said looking down at Tai.
“I don’t care! This is Riku! I need to see him!” Tai said to herself while falling.

Chapter Three: A New Friend

Next thing she knew, Tai found herself in the ground with the boy standing next to her. “Hey? Are you O.K.?”
“What…..what happened?” Tai asked him, trying to get up rub her chin.
“You jumped off the building to try to reach that guy!”
“I know, I mean what happened? Is Riku here?” Tai asked the boy looking around.
“Well…..once you were at least 10 ft. close to the ground, he sinked to the ground, and you didn’t see, so you hit the ground.”
Tai was indeed disappointed. She thought that she would be with him at last. She thought that she would talk to him as her real self. She thought that she could finally get rid of her curse at last. “Do you know why he disappeared?”
“No, I don’t,” he knew Tai was sad that she never got a chance to reach him. “Sorry.”
“That’s okay, I’ll just go know,” Tai said standing up looking at the ground.
“Hey!” the boy shouted.
Tai turned around to see what the boy wanted. “Yeah?”
“It’s nice fighting with you. You’re a pretty good fighter.” Waving his hand and taking his hood off, showing a young boy with blonde hair.
“Thanks,” waving her hand goodbye. “You are too!”
“By any chance can you give me your name?” still waving his hand.
“It’s Tai. My name is Tai, but you can call me Raiha.”
“You mean you’re…?”
“Yeah I’m her. It’s nice fighting with someone for a chance.” Tai stopped waving her hand then started walking towards the east.
“Well….it’s nice fighting side by side with you. People call me the BHK.” Sticking out his hand waiting for a handshake.
“Nice to meet you,” Tai said while shaking his hand smiling.

To be continued.......
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New member
Aug 5, 2005
K, I have read your fan fiction and I like it. ^^ Maybe just fixing your wording towards the end of chapter 2 and not trying to sound like you're in a hurry to write it would help. ^_^
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