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The best Eraqus lingering Sentiments theory yet! (maybe)

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live, laugh, lobotomy
Aug 24, 2010
Sweet Home Alabama
1stly shouts go out to Taihaku & Goldplanner for giving me such a huge braingasm!

we have the being known as Xehanort the apprentice. A big clusterfcuk of Master Xehanort's heart fused with Terra's heart which was previously fused with Master Eraqus' heart all inside Terra's body. Now this instance reminded me of Sora's heart in KH1 in which both Kairi and Sora's heart were inside Sora's body, Ventus' heart is in there too somewhere.

When Sora released his heart and became a heartless, 2 nobodies were created: Roxas and Namine. Roxas was created due to Sora's heart being released and a heartless being created, while Namine was created to Kairi's heart being released and a heartless being created.

does the same logic in the instance of Sora releasing his heart hold the same logic as when Xehanort the apprentice opened his heart to darkness and became a heartless? If so would there not be THREE nobodies created when Xehanort the apprentice released his heart? One would be from Terra's heart being released, one from Master Xehanort's, and one from Master Eraqus'.

Obviously Xemnas would be either Terra's heart's nobody or Master Xehanort's. But shouldn't there still be two very important nobodies out there that haven't been discovered yet? If there IS only one nobody due to Xehanort the apprentice's heart being consumed is there a reason why?

Not necessarily. Looking at the Sora/Kairi/Ven example, it seems that Nobodies were only created when the hearts were actually released. Look at Ven's heart; it stayed with the body and soul as part of the Nobody. He didn't make a Namine-type Nobody of his own because while Kairi's heart left, his didn't. So, if Terra and ME's hearts simply stayed with (Terra's) body and soul when Xemnas was born, then Nobodies wouldn't have been created.

Here we go! Since only 1 heart (Ven's) stayed with the body & soul (Roxas) wouldnt the same be said for the creation of Xemnas/ASoD? with Xemnas having the heart of both Terra & Xehanort? I would think so leaving 1 last unacounted for heart, Eraquses! which in my opinion formed his own nobody & this nobody dawned Eraquses armor and is fought in BBS final mix. So I'm implying that Erquses lingering sentiment isnt that at all in fact he is actually a Nobody! (the only thing that can mess up my theory is wether or not the new secret boss is cannon because i though i herd someone say that he can only be fought in mirage arens, is this true?)
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Silver Member
Apr 21, 2005
Robotnik Land - Home of Pingas
(the only thing that can mess up my theory is wether or not the new secret boss is cannon because i though i herd someone say that he can only be fought in mirage arens, is this true?)

Yes, Eraqus can only be fought in Mirage Arena. Hence why you see Terra in his armor in the BBSFM trailer.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Didn't look at it that way. Very clever I say. :D

It's most likely not cannon. :p


live, laugh, lobotomy
Aug 24, 2010
Sweet Home Alabama
Yes, Eraqus can only be fought in Mirage Arena. Hence why you see Terra in his armor in the BBSFM trailer.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 but its such a good theory!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
im sending nomura a link to my thread & an e-mail pleading him to make eraquse sentiments & my theory both cannon!!!!!

Edit: is this confirmed? Just because Terra is in his armor dosnt mean its a mirage arena fight, werent fans dissapointed in the little use of armor. also both aqua and ven fight their final boss's with their armor on (helmet removed) & dont all 3 of them play certain parts of Deep Space with their armor on? I think it makes sense for Terra to equipt his armor when fighting Eraqus sentiments. Especially sense the enemy is wearing his armor, also Eraqus sentiments has motive to fight Terra, he was the last person he fought, Terra defeated him (kinda) & so bieng a nobody without a heart it would make sense for Eraqus to want to fight Terra or anybody else for that matter who stepped foot in LoD, you know protecting his turf & what not?
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May 16, 2007
Here we go! Since only 1 heart (Ven's) stayed with the body & soul (Roxas) wouldnt the same be said for the creation of Xemnas/ASoD? with Xemnas having the heart of both Terra & Xehanort? I would think so leaving 1 last unacounted for heart Eraquses! which in my opinion formed his own nobody & this nobody dawned Eraquses armor and is fought in BBS final mix (the only thing that can mess up my theory is wether or not the new secret boss is cannon because i though i herd someone say that he can only be fought in mirage arens, is this true?)

If Xemnas had Terra and Xehanort's Heart, then there would be no Xehanort's Heartless because, at the very least, XH is definitely made from MX's heart. You don't really give a reason for why those two parts of the heart would stay and Eraqus' would leave anyway.

If you're calling it a "Lingering Spirit" and yet say that it's a Nobody, that doesn't make much sense. Is Terra's LS a Nobody? More importantly, did Terra's heart need to be released in order to create his LS (this is rhetorical and you should know the answer)?

Personally, I think that when Xehanort the Apprentice released his heart, all three (Terra/MX/Eraqus) were released as one heart. Hence, one heart released, one Nobody created. The reason for this difference, as compared to Sora, is the means by which they were released. Sora used the Heart Unlocker (which unlocks a heart's potential) whereas Xehanort the Apprentice simply steeped himself in darkness. In the latter case, there's no means by which the hearts can be separated, only released.
Plus, Nomura has strongly hinted that Terra's heart is within Riku. If that's true, then Terra's heart was also a part of Xehanort's Heartless.
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Silver Member
Apr 21, 2005
Robotnik Land - Home of Pingas
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 but its such a good theory!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
im sending nomura a link to my thread & an e-mail pleading him to make eraquse sentiments & my theory both cannon!!!!!

Edit: is this confirmed? Just because Terra is in his armor dosnt mean its a mirage arena fight, werent fans dissapointed in the little use of armor.

1. Yes, it's confirmed. In an interview, it was stated that Monstro and Eraqus are both fought in the Mirage Arena.
2. Just because the fight is non-canon doesn't mean the character isn't either. Just throwing that out there.


live, laugh, lobotomy
Aug 24, 2010
Sweet Home Alabama
If Xemnas had Terra and Xehanort's Heart, then there would be no Xehanort's Heartless because, at the very least, XH is definitely made from MX's heart. You don't really give a reason for why those two parts of the heart would stay and Eraqus' would leave anyway.

If you're calling it a "Lingering Spirit" and yet say that it's a Nobody, that doesn't make much sense. Is Terra's LS a Nobody? More importantly, did Terra's heart need to be released in order to create his LS (this is rhetorical and you should know the answer).

Personally, I think that when Xehanort the Apprentice released his heart, all three (Terra/MX/Eraqus) were released as one heart. Hence, one heart released, one Nobody created. The reason for this difference, as compared to Sora, is the means by which they were released. Sora used the Heart Unlocker (which unlocks a heart's potential) whereas Xehanort the Apprentice simply steeped himself in darkness. In the former case, there's no means by which the hearts can be separated, only released.
Plus, Nomura has strongly hinted that Terra's heart is within Riku. If that's true, then Terra's heart was also a part of Xehanort's Heartless.

thats just it bro, we dont know what this new boss is (everyone is calling it a lingering sentiment so thats what i called it to avoid confusion but i am no longer implying that it is a lingering sentiment but a nobody & i will clear that up in the OP) its just a theory & im pretty sure it isnt the only one.

also no reason is given why Kairi's heart is the one that leaves & Ventuses stays.
May 16, 2007
also no reason is given why Kairi's heart is the one that leaves & Ventuses stays.

The Heart Unlocker separated Sora, Kairi, and Ven's hearts.
Kairi's heart went back to her body.
Ven's heart could not return to his body (locked in the Chamber of Waking- not like a drifting heart could find it, let alone anyone else except Aqua).
You could say, instead, that Ven's heart was dormant and the Heart Unlocker activated its potential within Sora's body.
And then the Heart Unlocker released the darkness in Sora's heart, like with Maleficent, causing it to be consumed.

Neither Ven nor Kairi's hearts had any darkness which could consume them.


live, laugh, lobotomy
Aug 24, 2010
Sweet Home Alabama
The Heart Unlocker separated Sora, Kairi, and Ven's hearts.
Kairi's heart went back to her body.
Ven's heart could not return to his body (locked in the Chamber of Waking- not like a drifting heart could find it, let alone anyone else except Aqua).
You could say, instead, that Ven's heart was dormant and the Heart Unlocker activated its potential within Sora's body.
And then the Heart Unlocker released the darkness in Sora's heart, like with Maleficent, causing it to be consumed.

Neither Ven nor Kairi's hearts had any darkness which could consume them.

Yeah their was, Ven's heart had already merged with Vanitas, Vanitas had plenty of darkness!


All right, don't have a crap attack
Nov 11, 2007
thats just it bro, we dont know what this new boss is (everyone is calling it a lingering sentiment so thats what i called it to avoid confusion but i am no longer implying that it is a lingering sentiment but a nobody & i will clear that up in the OP) its just a theory & im pretty sure it isnt the only one.

also no reason is given why Kairi's heart is the one that leaves & Ventuses stays.

Hmm I'm not particularly trying to dispute what you're saying (because I seriously am having a hard time following this). But saying the ELS is a nobody -- wouldn't that disable his use of the keyblade? Which he is clearly shown using.


The Radiant Hero
Jun 23, 2009
Hmm I'm not particularly trying to dispute what you're saying (because I seriously am having a hard time following this). But saying the ELS is a nobody -- wouldn't that disable his use of the keyblade? Which he is clearly shown using.
It has never been outright denied that Nobodies can use Keyblades. For instance some of the Ultimania Q's hint that it might have been only Roxas' connection to Sora that let him use a Keyblade, not that he has a heart too. It also mentions that Xemnas might have chosen not to use his Keyblade, which further hints that Nobodies can use Keyblades, though Xemnas is also a special Nobody, so... whatever. We don't know.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
While I see where Grass is going (this is what my friend thinks and we go back and forth all the time) I still think there is the possibility of extra nobodies. Why? Because at the moment there isn't any concrete evidence that a fused heart only creates 1 nobody. In sora's case:
-Kairi's heart seperated from Sora's heart. Because the heart was released from Sora and Sora became a heartless, Namine was born.
-Sora's heart was consumed by darkness and the remaining body and soul became what is known as Roxas.
-Ven's heart stayed with the body and was incorporated into Roxas. Because the heart was never released from the body no nobody was created from Ven's heart.

With Xehanort the apprentices case:
-the equal amount of 3 hearts were consumed by darkness: this fusion's heartless created Ansem seeker of Darkness (possible he was so strong because it was 3 hearts in one as opposed to others who only have 1 heart consumed).
-This is where it gets tricky and we fall into kingdom hearts rules that don't seem to be answered yet. Do the rules say that because there was only one huge heart consumed by darkness, that there can only be one nobody? Or does it actually count that all 3 hearts were consumed by darkness and a nobody was created for each one? (Terra's hearts nobody probably being Xemnas) After thinking about it for the past few days I don't think we have a concrete answer but it could be answered soon.

And you gotta admit an extra Xehanort nobody to defeat would be fun as final boss in KH3D =P


The Radiant Hero
Jun 23, 2009
It might just be me, but it seems like the Sora-Kairi situation almost exactly parallels the Terra-Eraqus situation. Both involve a victim losing their body to darkness/death and their heart taking refuge within the hero. Then the hero goes Heartless, so it seems to me that both situations should net a similar result: the creation of a Nobody from the release of the victim's heart (i.e. Eraqus and Kairi's Nobodies).

If we do an exact parallel of the entirety of the two cases, this is pretty much what we come up with. In each case there is a dominant heart, a defeated heart, and a refugee heart. For Sora, these hearts are Sora's (dominant), Ven's (defeated), and Kairi's (refugee) and for Terra the hearts are Xehanort (dominant... we think), Terra (defeated... we think), and Eraqus (refugee). So if we follow Sora's situation exactly, Ansem SoD is Xehanort's Nobody, Xemnas is the Nobody of Xehanort's heart leaving Terra's body (with Terra's heart left within Xemnas), and there should be an Eraqus Nobody running around somewhere. But again, it's pretty unlikely that the situations will be exactly the same.

And you have a great point, Grass, the incomplete Keyblade of heart may separate hearts differently than whatever method Xehanort used, so I'm not sure there is any situation which could directly parallel Eraqus' case.


New member
Sep 12, 2005
in the world of darkness
With Xehanort the apprentices case:
-the equal amount of 3 hearts were consumed by darkness: this fusion's heartless created Ansem seeker of Darkness (possible he was so strong because it was 3 hearts in one as opposed to others who only have 1 heart consumed).
-This is where it gets tricky and we fall into kingdom hearts rules that don't seem to be answered yet. Do the rules say that because there was only one huge heart consumed by darkness, that there can only be one nobody? Or does it actually count that all 3 hearts were consumed by darkness and a nobody was created for each one? (Terra's hearts nobody probably being Xemnas) After thinking about it for the past few days I don't think we have a concrete answer but it could be answered soon.

And you gotta admit an extra Xehanort nobody to defeat would be fun as final boss in KH3D =P

But the problem is there was only ONE body to create a nobody from (Terra's body), even if three hearts were released.. and yes there is a possibility that a second nobody was created in a similar way as Namine, but come on i don't see that happening or we should of heard something by now.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
If your theory is true. (Which I honestly doubt) Why would Terra be fighting ES?
If he was a nobody created when AX (Apprentice Xehanort) fell to darkness, how would ES be fighting Terra? Seeing as Terra's body was AX in a way.
Honestly, I don't like this theory, at all. But that's just the way I see it.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
I like the idea of all three hearts staying together within Xemnas. If Eraqus is inside Xemnas this would explain as to why Xemnas knows about CO and the CoW because of Eraqus's memories and I'm sure MX didn't know about the CoW. And of couse he wouldn't know where it is because Eraqus himself even said that Aqua would be the only one to know where, but Eraqus would still know about it.


live, laugh, lobotomy
Aug 24, 2010
Sweet Home Alabama
If your theory is true. (Which I honestly doubt) Why would Terra be fighting ES?
If he was a nobody created when AX (Apprentice Xehanort) fell to darkness, how would ES be fighting Terra? Seeing as Terra's body was AX in a way.
Honestly, I don't like this theory, at all. But that's just the way I see it.

awwww fuck< you're right! timings off, lol waaaaaaaay off! OK theory debunked everyone can go home now!


New member
May 18, 2010
I like the idea of all three hearts staying together within Xemnas. If Eraqus is inside Xemnas this would explain as to why Xemnas knows about CO and the CoW because of Eraqus's memories and I'm sure MX didn't know about the CoW. And of couse he wouldn't know where it is because Eraqus himself even said that Aqua would be the only one to know where, but Eraqus would still know about it.

Another possiblity that Xemnas knew about CoW is because Aqua could have told him about it. There is still the mystery about Xemnas going to the Chamber of Repose and talking with "another voice" as Xigbar says in KH2FM+ . Still something to think about and I kinda think its more plausible than Eraqus's side of the heart knowing about CO and the CoW.
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