1stly shouts go out to Taihaku & Goldplanner for giving me such a huge braingasm!
Here we go! Since only 1 heart (Ven's) stayed with the body & soul (Roxas) wouldnt the same be said for the creation of Xemnas/ASoD? with Xemnas having the heart of both Terra & Xehanort? I would think so leaving 1 last unacounted for heart, Eraquses! which in my opinion formed his own nobody & this nobody dawned Eraquses armor and is fought in BBS final mix. So I'm implying that Erquses lingering sentiment isnt that at all in fact he is actually a Nobody! (the only thing that can mess up my theory is wether or not the new secret boss is cannon because i though i herd someone say that he can only be fought in mirage arens, is this true?)
we have the being known as Xehanort the apprentice. A big clusterfcuk of Master Xehanort's heart fused with Terra's heart which was previously fused with Master Eraqus' heart all inside Terra's body. Now this instance reminded me of Sora's heart in KH1 in which both Kairi and Sora's heart were inside Sora's body, Ventus' heart is in there too somewhere.
When Sora released his heart and became a heartless, 2 nobodies were created: Roxas and Namine. Roxas was created due to Sora's heart being released and a heartless being created, while Namine was created to Kairi's heart being released and a heartless being created.
does the same logic in the instance of Sora releasing his heart hold the same logic as when Xehanort the apprentice opened his heart to darkness and became a heartless? If so would there not be THREE nobodies created when Xehanort the apprentice released his heart? One would be from Terra's heart being released, one from Master Xehanort's, and one from Master Eraqus'.
Obviously Xemnas would be either Terra's heart's nobody or Master Xehanort's. But shouldn't there still be two very important nobodies out there that haven't been discovered yet? If there IS only one nobody due to Xehanort the apprentice's heart being consumed is there a reason why?
Not necessarily. Looking at the Sora/Kairi/Ven example, it seems that Nobodies were only created when the hearts were actually released. Look at Ven's heart; it stayed with the body and soul as part of the Nobody. He didn't make a Namine-type Nobody of his own because while Kairi's heart left, his didn't. So, if Terra and ME's hearts simply stayed with (Terra's) body and soul when Xemnas was born, then Nobodies wouldn't have been created.
Here we go! Since only 1 heart (Ven's) stayed with the body & soul (Roxas) wouldnt the same be said for the creation of Xemnas/ASoD? with Xemnas having the heart of both Terra & Xehanort? I would think so leaving 1 last unacounted for heart, Eraquses! which in my opinion formed his own nobody & this nobody dawned Eraquses armor and is fought in BBS final mix. So I'm implying that Erquses lingering sentiment isnt that at all in fact he is actually a Nobody! (the only thing that can mess up my theory is wether or not the new secret boss is cannon because i though i herd someone say that he can only be fought in mirage arens, is this true?)
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