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The BHK theory I don't entirely support...

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That's right, It's my own theory that I don't necessarily support.
For a long time I've always hoped that the BHK was a new unique character that was not the shell of Sora or Sora himself. But to get closer to the possible answer, I must consider both sides of opinion. So that is why I devised a theory that suggests how the BHK COULD actually... BE Sora.

I believe it is possible, that the BHK is Sora while he is reconstructing his memories in castle oblivion.
Firstly I'll ask you all a question, I might be late in this but have you ever seen any pictures of the BHK with Sora, Riku or Kairi? I have not, which is one reason why it is possible that the BHK is Sora.

Sora is told by Namine that memories cannot be wiped, but only rearranged to create new memories that hide the true ones. So it would be safe to assume that while in the tank/pod most of Sora's memories were fluttered about and not properly arranged, which is where Sora's appearance changed to that of the BHK's. This would explain that resemblance between the two (even though I don't really see it...)

At the beginning, everywhere is white, and BHK speaks to DiZ, and All the BHK thinks about is Sora... Sora... because he is Sora, he asks "where is sora? Who is Sora?" HE IS LOOKING FOR HIMSELF. Then DiZ tests the BHK, and BHK confornts his memories and the Dusk, who are beings that DiZ controls perhaps, and portray the heartless that Sora fought in his dream. Then afterwards I suppose that someone (most likely DiZ testing him futher) tampers with the machine and Sora's memories, taking the ones of Twilight town and destiny Islands and merging them together. These new children he sits with portray the role of his old friends on the island, except Sora thinks this is all normal because his false memories again cloud his true memories. Twlight Town may as well be the first world in the game and takes on the role of destiny Island, where you learn how to play and adjust to the game. However BHK/Sora still in the back of his head keeps thinking about Sora. Eventually the BHK probably confronts Axel and Axel being the guy to spoil the fun would straight out tell BHK that he is Sora, and then gets him to meet up with Namine who again explains everything to him. (for the sake of the people who never played CoM)

Then the BHK finally realises who he is and begins to obtain his true memories, then becomes Sora, but with black clothes, as he has gained wisdom and knowledge througout this ordeal which is just the first world in the massive game known as Kingdom Hearts. Oh yeah and he meets up with Donald and Goofy again and they go to Disney castle and what not.

Ok then now is the time for you to (hopefully) tear this theory apart so that we may be one step closer to knowing who the BHK truly is...
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New member
Jun 22, 2005
Well this is a good theory but sad to say i cant think of anyway way to tear it apart and it could be true like the newest trailer translations say that at the start the BHK said sumthing like "I've been having these strange thoughts lately like is any of this for real.. or not?" just like Sora so thats were the whole retrieving memory thing comes in. Also you said about the Dusk portraiying Sora's battle with the heartless and thats when at the tgs 05 trailer comes in when it shows the BHK battleing that Big A$$ Dusk thing so most things in your thteory might be true.
And I like potatos too.


Ok... well good luck with those potatoes and thanks for your feedback. What does everybody else have to say about this theory?


New member
Nov 25, 2005
hes created from the disgaured memories of Sora, which makes him part of Sora, but his own person at the same time.


Lightkeeper05 said:
hes created from the disgaured memories of Sora, which makes him part of Sora, but his own person at the same time.
Oh ok yeah that is possible too. But I wouldn't like it.


Aww... I want you guys to destroy it! C'mon! Tear my theory apart!! Can't you find anything wrong with it? I'm looking for stuff wrong with it but its always harder for me to find things wrong with my own things...


New member
Sep 11, 2005
wow..its tough to break this one apart...but 1..namine is the only 1 to control memories..and she only controls the memories of the people connected 2 sora's heart..if i read correctly..u said some1 might have messed sora's memories by messing w/ the pod?

axel is studying bhk's growth of heart...wouldnt sora's heart have already been developed?

no matter how much sora's memories are tampered w/..it cannot create a new person... BHK is his own person ..hes no relative or other side of sora..even nomura said that... bhk and sora are not connected by blood..

we havent seen pics of bhk w/ kairi or riku or ppl outside of TT because
1) he has no way of getting out of TT
2) it will b a spoiler
3) he doesnt know they exist

well im brain dead now =/ ..hope that helped a little bit


DrkNessOfHeart said:
wow..its tough to break this one apart...but 1..namine is the only 1 to control memories..and she only controls the memories of the people connected 2 sora's heart..if i read correctly..u said some1 might have messed sora's memories by messing w/ the pod?
Well only she can as far as the Org. know... I think... So why couldn't someone else do it, like DiZ or someone else, and I think that only namine can do it wihout a pod, but if Sora was in the Pod there might be a way for anyone to use it.

axel is studying bhk's growth of heart...wouldnt sora's heart have already been developed?
Is he? I didn't know that...

no matter how much sora's memories are tampered w/..it cannot create a new person... BHK is his own person ..hes no relative or other side of sora..even nomura said that... bhk and sora are not connected by blood..
Well what I am saying is that the first level is all in Sora's head... because he is trying to regain his memories in the pod. SO he could actually change his appearance.. in his moind because he would have forgotten who he was. Also BHK and Sora not being relate by blood means sibling relationship. If BHK was Sora then that would bypass what Nomura said.

we havent seen pics of bhk w/ kairi or riku or ppl outside of TT because
1) he has no way of getting out of TT
2) it will b a spoiler
3) he doesnt know they exist
That doesn't stop them from coming to TT themselves.


I have no title.I do?Hmmm...
Oct 30, 2005
The wonderful land of Oz
Namine tells BHK he's not suppose to exist I learned that a Nobody is created when someone with a strong heart becomes a heartless so when Sora became a heartless there was a nobody form when he became normal the nobody became BHK when Sora opened the door to light he was released along with the nobodys he ended up in twilight town because thats where Sora was born


King of the Beavers
Nov 12, 2005
<Insert witty pun here>
Damnit Mitsukai! You spoiled the whole thing!
Seriously, that's one of the most in-depth and believeable theories out there.
It's a shame you don't believe in it too much though, it's really solid.
I like the idea of a tutorial being in Sora's mind, and not in the game, because it would suck if Sora, the same guy who defeated Ansem and locked Kingdom Hearts...somehow couldn't swing his keyblade and break a few boxes x_x.
So yeah, good job


Play hard, go pro.
Dec 14, 2004
Chillin' in mid
so you want to break this to shread eh?

Sora is told by Namine that memories cannot be wiped, but only rearranged to create new memories that hide the true ones. So it would be safe to assume that while in the tank/pod most of Sora's memories were fluttered about and not properly arranged, which is where Sora's appearance changed to that of the BHK's. This would explain that resemblance between the two (even though I don't really see it...)
Namine did say that but she wants to make it so that the true was are thre, sora being in the tank/pod thing is to recreate that bond with the true memories.How could soras apperance change another being looks? That doesn't seem logical at all. Changing memories doesn't change your being, just the being of your mind, or your well being, self image etc.

At the beginning, everywhere is white, and BHK speaks to DiZ, and All the BHK thinks about is Sora... Sora... because he is Sora, he asks "where is sora? Who is Sora?" HE IS LOOKING FOR HIMSELF. Then DiZ tests the BHK, and BHK confornts his memories and the Dusk, who are beings that DiZ controls perhaps, and portray the heartless that Sora fought in his dream. Then afterwards I suppose that someone (most likely DiZ testing him futher) tampers with the machine and Sora's memories, taking the ones of Twilight town and destiny Islands and merging them together. These new children he sits with portray the role of his old friends on the island, except Sora thinks this is all normal because his false memories again cloud his true memories. Twlight Town may as well be the first world in the game and takes on the role of destiny Island, where you learn how to play and adjust to the game. However BHK/Sora still in the back of his head keeps thinking about Sora. Eventually the BHK probably confronts Axel and Axel being the guy to spoil the fun would straight out tell BHK that he is Sora, and then gets him to meet up with Namine who again explains everything to him. (for the sake of the people who never played CoM)
He thinks of sora because he has already been told by namine about the strange boy that walked in with an unknown, that is how he found out about sora(i think) so he found this out and wants to know more so he asks diz, and then the big battle happens etc. The inplanted memories and the true memories can be murged, but wouldn't that be one of the first things namine does? Make the memories of twilight town destiny island. That would seem the most logical thing that she would do. Also, when did diz gain the power that only namine could do, menipulate memories. As far as we know he can't, that is why he has been using her, therefore he can't merge the memories. The new friends may be like soras ones, but not the same. Axel has been seen in many ways during that time, a teacher, and a foe. In the lastest trailor he has been seen as if tring to teach bhk how to weild the keyblade to the fullest, and bhk gives up.
Then the BHK finally realises who he is and begins to obtain his true memories, then becomes Sora, but with black clothes, as he has gained wisdom and knowledge througout this ordeal which is just the first world in the massive game known as Kingdom Hearts. Oh yeah and he meets up with Donald and Goofy again and they go to Disney castle and what not.
Then why would he be incomplete. Sora in the lateest trailor has been seen as to be said that he is incomplete being, so how could he get the clothes after becomeing complete. Of course he meets up with donald and goofy, but right after the entire pod thing. He gained knowledge and experience from the events in the first game, with knowledge of this, it makes him mature, bhk is just like him, as a early being.

there i did it
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I'm back!
May 13, 2005
What if KH2's entire story wasw just Sora's drifting memories in COM? MAJOR TWIST maybe? Maybe Sora'll just wake up saying "It wasn't a dream! Or was it? I don't know. What was that place anyways. so bizzare..."
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