Can someone explain the dream to me? First Sora is falling in water. He says "I've been having these weird thoughts lately." "Like is any of this for real or not?" Then he falls fast threw the water and appears on Destiny Islands. He sees Riku and a huge wave knocks them under water. Why didn't Riku run to get away from the wave and why was he stand in the sea? Riku holds his hand out and Sora tries to grab it. The current carries him away. He floats back to the top and sees Kairi. He runs to her and Kairi smiles and laughs. Then suddenly Kairi sees another Sora falling and some comets. Are those comets that are falling? Why is there another Sora? Why is he falling? Sora falls through water and lands on a platform of Snow White. Man Sora has weird dreams!