Ohh.. my weekend was just peachy. To start.
On Friday my friend and I went shopping to get my other friend a birthday present, even though I wasnt going to the party, but yeah. She loved it. We got coffee and lollies and fizzy peach drink that tasted like happy xD Then I had dinner at a friend's place and we watched youtube videos about blending random things.
Saturday. The party I couldn't go to happened, while I was at home at an awkward family gathering (little brother's birthday) and my cousins broke the wall. There's a dent in it now ^__^
Sunday. My brother spent his birthday money on a wii so I was playing wii sports and super smash bros brawl all day. My arms are throbbing, but I knocked him out at boxing, so it was worth it.
And now I'm (supposed to be) doing homework. woo.