Xigbar was an apprentice to AtW during BBS.
Xigbar was an apprentice to AtW during BBS.
Yes, I know that. I'm a HUGE fan of Kingdom Hearts and have been playing for years and years, but I'm just wondering if Xigbar is in fact the DS. Or was. Xigbar's Somebody, Braig, was also one of those under the best apprentice, Xehanort, right? One of the five apprentices that were turned into Heartless/Nobodies along with Xehanort?
No, Braig. I definitely mean Braig. Because Xigbar has a scar on his face (and he has scars all over his body, too) and has an eye missing. It's said that Terra, during battle against MX and DS, hit DS in the face with the Keyblade (or 'Keyblade', since it has no chain) and knocked DS's helmet off, to which DS reacted by covering his face up and running off. Getting hit in the face by the 'Keyblade' would be enough to warrant a huge scar on your face and an eye getting knocked out, wouldn't it? And all those other scars -- battle scars. I know that Xigbar has these scars, but it's a general rule that Heartless/Nobodies look like their Somebodies.
Still; he was an apprentice. If the DS was a replica it wouldn't have made Braig that way, would it?
No, no. I'm not saying that the DS is a replica. I'm thinking maybe it's more like... ah, I don't know. Possession, or something. Like when Ansem, SoD, possessed Riku? Riku wore that weird outfit that we see Repliku wearing (USING AS A REFERENCE FOR CLOTHING). The DS has the same outfit. Riku's Soul Eater has the blue eye. DS's weapon has the blue eye. I'm starting to think that MX is a Heartless. Ansem, SoD, possessed Riku, and Ansem was a Heartless. I'm thinking maybe Braig... oh, I don't know, it's confusing. But maybe Braig was possessed by MX, who may be a Heartless. It's not just a coincidence that Ansem, SoD, and MX's outfits are very similar. I think a lot of people here are forgetting about Ansem, SoD.
makes sense, but why does DS seem so young in BBS and xigbar looks so old in kh2? thats only an 11-12 year gap.
that just blew your theory up.
heartless dont exist in BBS.
Mhm, exactly. When I first saw Luxord I thought he was in his fifties. The same for Xigbar. But you know, the longer you look, they seem to change before your eyes. I'm thinking maybe early/mid-thirties. That way, he would've been in his early/mid-twenties in BBS. If he is the DS. Plus, I mean, age doesn't even matter. A lot of people assume Xigbar is really old but he seems fighting fit to be able to do all the crap he does, like, you know, jumping down thirty-plus feet, hanging upside down out of thin air, doing his job well.
Scrap this. I think I was presuming things a little bit too much. Okay, I've just rethought about this and I don't think that Braig is the DS. I think that Braig has a strong connection to MX. I'm not saying Braig is MX.
1. u just double posted. 2. Braig just met VAT at one point in the game.
haha. Honestly, I don't see why people get upset about these things anyway.
Sure, I could just write out the theory from the get go but, that's boring.
This way, everyone is working together to try and solve something. For once people aren't simply trying to flame and disprove someone's theory -- they are coming together to try and understand it. I think it give off a more "community" feeling, which, to me, was kind of the point of the forums to begin with - to discuss the games as a community, not just attacking other people's opinions.
If you truly have such an issue with it, and truly believe it to be ridiculous and stupid than the answer is simple - don't come into this thread. That's all there is to it. I don't believe I am "God" of FOKH/KHI, nor am I sitting back and thinking I am just hot stuff for doing this.
I should probably make it clear that the only reason I made another one of these threads is because you guys said you wanted another one. Do you really think I enjoy this? Coming up with hints in images that connect and things like the jigsaw layout are tedious. I'm doing this for you.
Hmm, yeah, that does sound like a good idea now that I think of it. lol. Its good to have some type of fun on these forums without any flaming or all that stuff. but yeah, those pictures got me stumped though :dizzy:
That was mistranslations -- it never happened.It's said that Terra, during battle against MX and DS, hit DS in the face with the Keyblade (or 'Keyblade', since it has no chain) and knocked DS's helmet off
That was mistranslations -- it never happened.