Well, here's a little piece of my story, for those who don't know.
I was born and raised in a very conservative home, one which was brought on by my mom. My dad has always been pretty carefree about various things, but my mom is your typical conservative Christian. Well, typical in many ways. As for homosexuality, well, she considers gays and lesbians to be less than human, the scum of the earth, and despicable people. As such, I have not come out to her. She's threatened to kick me out, physically harm me, cut me off, and various other things if I ever "turn gay."
The thing is, because of various circumstances and situations over the past few months, and also because of my lack of a girlfriend, I believe it to be pretty obvious at this point that I am gay. My mom even practically confirmed to me one night that she knew, though she also implied that she thinks I'm somehow fighting it? I let her believe it for the moment. She still insists that I meet more girls, talk to girls, flirt with girls, get a girlfriend, etc.
Because of my lack of freedom due to me trying not to let the wrong people find out I'm gay (people who would no doubt confront my mom about it), I haven't ever had a boyfriend irl, just a couple online. Neither of them really lasted that long, and neither ended well either, so despite the fact that I still like guys online (and like one right now, even), I've given up on actually dating online, it just doesn't work.
So yeah, I'm 20 years old and never been kissed, which people seem to find utterly shocking. xD I've never done anything with a guy for that matter, at all.
So there you have a piece of me, I might elaborate more later on. As for the no boyfriend thing, it does get to me at times. Right now I'm at a place where it's not bothering me, and I'm ok being single, but I know it will probably come back to haunt me in the future if I remain single. I'll just have to tough it out until I meet the right guy.