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The neverending theories

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Puddle Jumper

Hobo with a shotgun
Feb 14, 2005
This will be as far fetched as it gets. So prepare to flame my ass if this sounds ridiculus, but here goes:

First a little introduction of both Sora as BHK. ((This will be a URL intro ))

Sora: http://www.kingdomhearts2.net/info/kh2characters/sora.shtml
Appearance: http://kh2.co.uk/assets/images/clothes.jpg

BHK: http://www.kingdomhearts2.net/info/kh2characters/bhk.shtml
Appearance: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/sorakeyblademastr_unknown/Kh2%20images/KingdomHeartsII-BHK.jpg

For further information on both characters, please click here: http://forums.kingdomhearts2.net/forumdisplay.php?f=11 One of the topics should hold information about either Sora, BHK or both. Heres the official BHK Topic: http://forums.kingdomhearts2.net/showthread.php?t=8899 and there aint no Sora Topic yet.

Light, Dark and Twilight

This is my Theory about Twilight .. but first:

Good is pared up with the power of light. Light shines within every heart, as dimmed as it might be.
Evil is pared up with the power of Darkness. Darkness was born out of the hearts of those who desired light above all. Within all darkness lies a spark of light.

Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light.
Everyone loved the light.
Then people began to fight over it.
They wanted to keep it for themselves.
And darkness was born in their hearts.
The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's hearts.
It covered everything, and the world disappeared.
But small fragments of light survived...in the hearts of children.
With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world.
It's the world we live in now.
But the true light sleeps, deep within the darkness.
That's why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other.
But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open.
And the true light will return.
So, listen...

Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you.
Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you.
Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away...
((Taken from: http://forums.kingdomhearts2.net/showthread.php?t=17035 ))

Twilight: This is my theory of Twilight, It aint much, but is a theory of mine.

There are two basic roads; a road to darkness and a road to light. Those who do not wish to take either path choose the middle path: The Twilight path. The people who are Twilight accept the darkness in there heart, but they do not give up on that spark of light either. They are in perfect balance in both soul as body. They are neutral.
They created a perfect compromise between Light and Dark. The powers they wield are both Light as Dark.

Theory 2:

BHK's name:

BHK will always remain BHK in our eyes, no matter what name will be given to us. But that is where the problem lies! His name has not been given to us yet! So here I am with a little theory of mine which I already posted somewhere else ... But I felt like posting it again

Kingdom Hearts Chain of memories: http://www.gamespot.com/gba/rpg/kingdomheartschainofmemories/

A twilight town world card was created by Vexen. The Card came from the other side of Sora's heart. Since Sora has never been to Twilight Town before and BHK resides in Twilight Town, I believe that Sora and BHK are connected by heart and soul. It is common knowledge that everyone has a identical twin out there, perhaps not always by body but definatly by soul. What if in Kingdom Hearts, these twins are separated by dimensions. What if BHK was Sora's Dimensional Twin ... So that results in this: BHK's name could be: SORA.

That's it ... flame me if you must... i'll just skip that and read where I went wrong.


Gurren Brigade FTW!
Apr 5, 2005
those character bios are wery old, just that you know
I don´t like the name theory, but twilight teory seems
pretty good, don`t know......


New member
Feb 4, 2005
Another alternate reality theorist. haven't KL crushed those theories yet. You was nice until you said different dimension. Square wouldn't do something that corny! All keyblade master are connceted by the other side of their heart. Riku could also go to twilight town in CoM because BHK and all the other keyblade masters are connected by the memories that lie in the other side of their heart. Axel killed Vexen so that Sora wouldn't realize how powerfull keyblade masters really are. That also explains why riku was able to go to worlds in CoM that Sora only went to. No twins in kh universe. Besides can you imagine what will happen if all the keyblade masters; riku, sora, bhk, mickey, knew of that power.

Puddle Jumper

Hobo with a shotgun
Feb 14, 2005
Darknetwork said:
Another alternate reality theorist. haven't KL crushed those theories yet. You was nice until you said different dimension. Square wouldn't do something that corny! All keyblade master are connceted by the other side of their heart. Riku could also go to twilight town in CoM because BHK and all the other keyblade masters are connected by the memories that lie in the other side of their heart. Axel killed Vexen so that Sora wouldn't realize how powerfull keyblade masters really are. That also explains why riku was able to go to worlds in CoM that Sora only went to. No twins in kh universe. Besides can you imagine what will happen if all the keyblade masters; riku, sora, bhk, mickey, knew of that power.

Well, what I meant with dimension was this:

BHK lives in a 'dimension' where the dusk are threatening the universe. The dusk are the light versions of the heartless. For BHK resides in the 'dimension' where Darkness is like light in our dimension. Light is in his dimension the threat, not darkness. i think that Twilight town is the boarder world between those two dimensions.
And I know, this is pretty farfetched, but actually, I'm sorry to say, everyone at the KH2 team has only given this much information for us to go mad at Theories. This could be equally as ture as false and your post could be equally as true or false aswell.


Silver Member
Oct 13, 2004
BHK lives in a 'dimension' where the dusk are threatening the universe. The dusk are the light versions of the heartless.

Dusk aren't related to Heartless in any way. They are not light versions of them. Dusk are Twilight. Dusk are Nobodies.

For BHK resides in the 'dimension' where Darkness is like light in our dimension. Light is in his dimension the threat, not darkness.

The Unknowns are not Light and the Dusk aren't light either. Light is not attacking Twilight Town.

And even though the town is called Twilight Town it was never stated that it was in the Twilight demension even though there is a possibility.

So Sora and the BHK COULD live in the same dimension which is the Present.

And what do you mean Darkness is like light in our demension?

i think that Twilight town is the boarder world between those two dimensions.

Why would just one town be the border of 2 dimensions/realms? The doors separate the dimensions. They are the borders between each of them. Then inside that realm/dimension the walls separate the worlds.

Since Sora has never been to Twilight Town before and BHK resides in Twilight Town. I believe that Sora and BHK are connected by heart and soul.

The Org's headquarters are in Twilight Town. The BHK's friends resides in the so just becuz the BHK has the keyblades doesn;t mean he and Sora are connected by heart and soul. Sora could be connected to an Org member or the BHK's friends, you are obviously ruling out other possibilities just to make your theory work.

It is common knowledge that everyone has a identical twin out there, perhaps not always by body but definatly by soul

Common Knowledge? There is no proof that you actually have a soul. That's just something people BELIEVE because of their religion, what they read, or thats just them.

That's just like saying that your heart is the emotion center. All your heart does is pump blood. It does not let you feel love. But some people believe it does....when it clearly doesn't unless its just magic which is another thing people believe in but theres no 100% correct proof that its real.

Also, if you BELIEVE that this is what I believe then you yourself is just proving me right. Becuz there is no 100% correct fact that I believe this or not. I may have said it but it doesn't mean I believe it or not.

What if in Kingdom Hearts, these twins are separated by dimensions. What if BHK was Sora's Dimensional Twin ... So that results in this: BHK's name could be: SORA.

So what does that make Namine to Kairi? Her dimensional twin? So is DiZ Ansem's dimensional twin. Are the BHK's friends the dimensional twins of Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka?


New member
May 23, 2005
Canada Rules
cant argue with that and i beleve what you say but in the world of kingdom hearts things are not always logical( come on have you seen the shape of there hearts)

Puddle Jumper

Hobo with a shotgun
Feb 14, 2005
KL, thank you for correcting me on a few matters such as the dusk. But I have to say that you are wrong on a few matters aswell. Provide me proof that we do not have a soul and I can agree with you. Your soul is who you are. Your personality, conscience, emotions, thoughts, ... All those things form your soul. It could be no more than a definition, but I like to think that there is more to it. It's the thing that keeps me unafraid of the afterlife. You know, heaven and hell ... I do not like to think that we cease to escist completely.

And all I did was making possibilities, for the completete story of KH2 has not been revealled yet. Everyone is just making theories based upon the little knowledge of the game we have.

And perhaps you are right, Perhaps Twilight Town is in the same 'dimension' as Sora. But maybe the wall that seperates that world from everything is a different kind of wall .... Just guessing here ...... becouse the Dusk clearly don't excist in Sora's dimension. Or I could hav looking cockeyed again when watching the trailers.

And about the connection between Sora and BHK. There already are a few things that point out that they could be connected: They look alike, both keyblade whielders, perhaps even the same personality ......

So what does that make Namine to Kairi? Her dimensional twin? So is DiZ Ansem's dimensional twin. Are the BHK's friends the dimensional twins of Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka?

Could be, we never know ....

One last thing ... I HATE when people spell that name wrong :D It's Naminé, not Namine


New member
May 17, 2005
Hmmmm...... I like you theory about light, dark, whatever.

Regarding the names, theres a pattern as I presume everone knows already...
The characters' names align with environmental elements in Japanese.

Sora- sky
Riku- land
Kairi- sea
Namine- wave (as in sea)

The boys names are related to land features, while the girls are related to water.
So, if BHK is not an alternate identity of Sora, I think his name will have to do something with a land-like element. Like mountain (yama-> maybe like yamato?!), valley ( tani-> i have no idea how this can turn out.)

anyways, this is higly likely, although the names turn out to be extremely corny and uncool like me :p.


New member
May 17, 2005
ahhh thanks dragonfly. don't worry *pat pat on the back* I agree with you on your theory on twilight. Its both light and dark right? mystical....
anyways, i thought the land/sea theory could be somewhat acceptable with the emergence of Naminé (wave). thats when I thought booyah, I see what's coming!!!!!

well, some feedback from KL the king of theory crashers would be inspirational!


New member
Feb 4, 2005
You proved yourself wrong dragonfly, i too believe in a soul but if the soul is your idenity, what makes you an indivivdual then it can't be copied, no one can have your expereinces and what your feelings or thoughts. A person can look like you but can never be your twin when it comes down to soul.


New member
Feb 4, 2005
are you telling me there is some one like you that acts exactly like Dragonfly. As friendly as that sounds, Not likely at all.

Unknown Zinko

New member
Nov 30, 2004
Twilight: This is my theory of Twilight, It aint much, but is a theory of mine.

There are two basic roads; a road to darkness and a road to light. Those who do not wish to take either path choose the middle path: The Twilight path. The people who are Twilight accept the darkness in there heart, but they do not give up on that spark of light either. They are in perfect balance in both soul as body. They are neutral.
They created a perfect compromise between Light and Dark. The powers they wield are both Light as Dark.

Basically right. Twilight is using both light and darkness but in the end to turn towards one. Like Diz asks riku if he is taking the twilight road to nightfall( using the balance of light and dark to eventually become all dark) and then Riku says no the road to dawn (using light and darkness to become all light) So twilight is using both light and dark but eventually using one of them in the end.

As for twilight being light then letting darkness into your heart but keeping a spark of light.
Riku turns completely dark in Kh1 and after CoM becomes lets the light into his heart , so it works both ways.
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