Re: The Official BBS VA Discussion Thread
well i haven't been on the internet for a while and i decided to re-evaluate my opinion on willa holland for aqua (since everyone seems to be so positive about her last time). Anyways, it stil sounds as horrible as i remember (if not worst).
if HJO as a child could have done an excellent job for sora (i'm merely referring to kh1, because i think he shouldn't have done sora in re:Com-kh2) than i'm pretty sure willa holland could have done a better job. Willa Hiolland isn't that big of an ameteur to empathize with her. i feel some of you give her far less credit than what she deserves.
The problem i have with aqua is mainly that she is being "shy", she isn't expressing herself and usually for a first-time VA, they should know that more emotion applies. WIlla holland did a really bad job of aqua, like i said before (despite people agreeing or not) willa holland reminds me the VA of namine of re:COM, but more watered done (not in the sense of voices are similar but the acting itself). The main problem i have over willa holland over anything else is that she is portraying Aqua in a different way than what megumi tayoguchi has done. Megumi has voiced aqua as a strong person but gets intimate with her friend (in a brotherly-sisterly way if you know what i'm trying to say), but with willa holland she sounds shy and timid. i will not be able to enjoy aqua's scenario as much as i hope so hopefully i will just play the french version (if the french VA does a better job, i'm willing to bet she will).
Despite having strong feelings over Willa Holland's VAing, I do not blame her 100%. Tetsuya nomura was reviewing the VA of the japanese cast and was pretty strict with megumi tayoguchi in one certain scene. Since kh2, it's pretty easy to tell that the cast seems to be on a loose leash and they should have been more strict with willa holland if they wanted her to do well for aqua.
On a side note, so that i don't get too negative i praise all of the male VA's in the series. they were as close to my ideals and i'm glad they did a wonderful job. Especially Vanitas, but i do fear how his evil laugh will be, but considering it's the VA i know, i'm sure he can do a good job.