Re: The Official BBS VA Discussion Thread
You can make that two of us.
They so will. I know I already am.
You can make that two of us.
They so will. I know I already am.
Because Terra's VA isn't a celeb. That's why he isn't listed along with everyone else. They're MARKETABLE~.Why havent they released Terra's VA yet though? its been 3 months since the release dates been confirmed and still nothing.
-sigh- still no response. There is hope though. He posts like four or five times a day. Damn, too bad my phone doesn't have twitter on it. I have to use my friends BB.
You know what, I really think it's him:
"When I really need you Ven, I know you'll be there."
"What did I do, what did YOU do?"
And so what? We're having fun with speculations and assumptions about the VAs. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's a fandom; you're supposed to have fun with it, not go around with a stick up your ass because someone just said something as a joke. And it's not like young MX actually has a speaking part anyway. You just see him standing on the DI just for a few seconds before it fades
i wanna kno who is playing terra
The guy wasn't joking, he was being serious. And young MX DOES have a speaking role, did you forget? He only says about 5 words but it's still dialogue.
Hmm... if Matt Lanter does turn out to be Terra... then I'm wondering if Square Enix realized the story has a big Star Wars feel to it and decided to make it feel even more like Star Wars.
Well, I'm hoping he responds. I'm looking out for the "@blackcanary29" that might appear on his page. And he tweets a lot, so he might respond.
Hopefully we have found Terra. Then i can joke that Anakin is being taught by Luke then eventually turns to Spock's side.
Darn you Trekkie. =(
lol that would be pretty funny though.
Hmm...Lanter does sound like him. It's the closest thing I've heard (A LOT closer than Christian Bale).
But you got to admit, the Terra!Bale thing was fun. Batman being taught by the Joker?
BBS already is like Star Wars.
The Mystery Boss just needs to start handing out lightsabers.
It was lol
I doubt Bale would do it if he was offered anyway :/
why do you guys want to find out his VA so badly?
why do you guys want to find out his VA so badly?
oh i dont really think he is that bad.
I wouldn't say he's that bad. While he is my least favorite of the cast thus far I have to admit he still has potential. The only lines I found bad were the Cinderella scenes, and him assuring his dreams to Aqua, and Ven. Everyone just sounded off on the command board.αsiя;5219831 said:Because we want to know who is the blame for making Terra sound like a puss with no emotion.