Re: The Official VA Discussion Thread - What VAs do you want to see return for KH3?
First off, sorry to revive a 10 day old topic, but this is my first chance to post in a while and I had to get caught up.
I listened to some of Xaldin's cutscenes on youtube and he didn't sound so weird in 2.
It shouldn't be this bad.
Like Ethy said
The things that change in seven years...
Voices just change over time, if you do not get to keep your footing in the character.
I mean just listen to James Arnold Tayler as Tidus in FFX and then in the Dissidias, quite the difference I'd say. (For the better.)
Last time the VA voiced him was in 2010 and that sounded fine.
True, but Dilan never sounded anything like Xaldin to me.
Xaldin in KHII sounded like he honestly didn't care about anything. He was cold and monotone.
Dilan though sounded like the opposite, a guy who, while doing his duty, is open to kids, and I beleived that he really wanted to protect Radiant Garden from monsters, when the Unverse boss showed up.
Xaldin sounds WEIRD. I didn't remember him sounding that weird in KH2. He sounded more British there, but in Days he sounds very Asian.
Asian? To me his voice just sounded more rough than his KHII counterpart. Which again is what happens when you don't get to keep your footing in the character for years.
Like in one interview I once heard with a VA, where the VA said that the hardest part in being called back to voice a character, was when said character was previously just some unnamed guy in the crowd.
(I have a vierd suspicion that it is KHI's interview with Ben Diskin, but I really don't remember) And Xaldin, Demyx & Luxord all had very little dialogue in KHII, so I am villing to count them under the category of that unknown dude in the background. If only they had had more scenes in both games it wouldn't have been as noticable.
Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with you.
I cringed when watching the scene with all the characters, and their voices weren't quite right.
But my cringe was more of sadness, then of anger, because these guys never got a chance to voice their characters in these past 7 years. (Again, I don't think Dilan & Xaldin are the same.) And it's not like it was completely impossible for them to show up.
Here's hoping they (David, Ryan & Robin) get to voice their charcters again some other time.