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I think it is a crazy mass of crazy just trying to confuse us, and maybe it's saying that the next Kingdom Hearts will take place in the future, because maybe Mickey, Sora,and Riku don't weild anymore because they are not alive............
well i think since its not going in order.it may be in the past...i mean everybodies saying ''its after the gang is all gone''..well what if it was before they even came..sort of like a prequal.how sora came to be..its very possible if you ask me
I think the secret ending in this one is more confusing then the one of Kh1..... damn Square-Enix!!! I just hope you get to play as one of those dudes in armor, now that would be cool and at the end you find out that you were playing Mickey the whole time.... now that would be preety cool... but lame also lame at the same time.
we should find out something about it at the e3 this year and thats may 10-12. I think the ending is just crazy and i dont know what to think about it other then there will be a new game