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Fanfiction ► The Warriors of Twilight: The Haunted Mansion PT 5!

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Apr 11, 2009
Re: The Warriors of Twilight: The Haunted Mansion PT 3!

Yeah Sutaa is still a non-believer, until something happens.... :3

Chapter 3- part 4:999 ghosts in the walls, 999 ghosts

Sora and I watched our steps as we headed up the creaking stairs to the attic. Micheal and Megan both pointed at an old portrait of a woman who must have looked like Mr. Evers wife, because he started to look worried.

"She died here, in this house." Each word Master Gracey said sounded more painful as he went on telling Sara about Elizabeth. "She was so very young. So very..... beautiful. She was in love with the heir to this mansion." Sara finally spoke.

"Your grandfather." She said softly.

"And he loved her more than life it's self. But they were from different worlds and couldn't be together. Then she took her own life... poison. And his life became unbearable so without hope, and , love and Elizabeth he hung himself." Sara gasped.

"His soul wonders these halls. Waiting for her to return, if you listen carefully you can still here the beating of his broken heart."
We were back with Madam Leoda and were watching Sara and Master Gracey inside of a crystal ball until Ezra asked Jim a question.

"Are you upset?" Jim looked at Ezra dumbfoundedly and said,

"The guy is dead and he's trying to get with my wife! And the house isn't really for sale! Yes I'm upset!" He started walking around the room and I bit my lip. Nope, nope, nope, Master Gracey can't be a ghost, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! I snapped back to earth when Emma asked a question to Madam Leoda.

"Is it her? Is it truly our dear departed Elizabeth come back to us?" She said as we all leaned in closer.

"It is true, her soul walks these halls. But, do not be decived, all things are not as they appear, for the curse to be lifted the truth must be known, and for the truth to be known you must find the key." I looked at the head in the crystal ball and tapped on it a few times. I might have pissed her off but I wanted to know about this, "key" she spoke of. It could've been another keyblade weilder or a keyhole!

"What are you talking about ball lady, what key? A keyblade or what?" She darted her eyes back and forth and looked at us.

"Enter the tomb under the great dead oak, and travel down deep under the ground, and there you will find the key that must be found. Find the black crypt that bears no name, or soon your fate will be the same." Sora looked at me and smiled.

"So if we find this key we can just get right outta here?" He asked impatently. He must be thinking the same thing I am.

"The key is the answer to all!" She said probably trying to scare us. Megan looked at her dad and shook her head.

"There's only one problem how do we get out of here?" She asked turning her head to Ezra and Emma. Ezra smiled and said quickly,

"There's always my way..." And soon enough we were flying out of the mansion's walls in a horse draw carriage towards the cemetary. The only thing weird was that the horses were dead! Then as I looked outside my mouth dropped and i couldn't breath.

"Sora look!" I said tapping on his shoulder. He looked with me and his mouth dropped too. A partially transparent man was riding a unicycle in midair and a bunch other other ghosts were following him. We also saw two ghosts pulling out their guns for a draw and others talking in their own groups. Then finally beleiving I said,

"I see dead people." Sora smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder until I smacked the side of his head and he let go. Finally we stopped and got out onto the mossy ground.
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Silent Avera

Night Pirate Graphic Lemonade Maker
Apr 22, 2006
Somewhere only we know~
Re: The Warriors of Twilight: The Haunted Mansion PT 4!

"I see dead people." Acknowledgement is the first sign of recovery Sutaa.

But oh~ is she gonna be traumatized no~w! >X3


braver by the minute
Jun 9, 2009
Re: The Warriors of Twilight: The Haunted Mansion PT 4!

I like how Sutaa reacts to the ghosts lol.


Apr 11, 2009
Re: The Warriors of Twilight: The Haunted Mansion PT 4!

Oh yes Sutaa finally believes but now comes her worst nightmare.... mwah ha ha ha ha ha!!

Chapter 3- part 5: 999 ghosts in the walls, 999 ghosts

Fog was looming around all of the tombstones as we walked around the cemetary. I shivered a bit until we came across four singing heads.

"Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize.... do dum do dum do dum do dum, Spooks come out for a swinging wake,"

Emma and Ezra had to leave us because Ramsley would be looking for them I guess. That butler creeped me out. I dunno what it is just this weird feeling....

Suddenly Jim went up to them to ask them about where this tomb was. Cause we had gotten pretty lost.

"Guys sorry to bother you but uh I was wondering if you know where the Mausoleum was?"

"Dooowwn by the old mill streammm... old mill stream where I first met you..." What the heck were they not even listening to him? They just started singing a slow song that had nothing to do with a mausolium. So I tried next.

"No I think they said it was an old oak! Thats what they said! It's by the umm-"

"By the light, by the light... of the silvery moon.... of the silvery moon..." I was starting to get pissed off now. Sora shook his head and got a little closer to them.

"Look guys you sound great but we're trying to find a key! A key-"

"Where's the key wheres the key wheres the beautiful key? Find the key find the key-" If they interuppted us one more time I thought I was gonna strangle them! I looked at Micheal and Megan and I crossed my arms.

"The key that we are trying to find is in the Mausoleum! THE KEY IS IN THE MAUSOLEUM!" Oh god here it goes again.

"You left your keyyyyy in a mausoleum..... down in dixie." I shook my head and walked off so that they wouldn't annoy me anymore when I saw an oak tree and called out to the group.

"Hey guys! Its over here!" And I snickered when they started to sing another song and Sora finally said, "Just SHUT UP!" And he stormed over here. Thunder rumbled in the distance as everyone looked at the large Mausoleum. I looked at the old door and opened the lock quickly. Cobwebs fell onto my shirt and I brushed them off. On the door therrre was a warning. Megan started to read it aloud to us.

"Beware all who enter for here lies the passage to the dead." I rolled my eyes and Sora looked at me. He looked scared. I was surprised. Usually Sora isn't afraid of things like this. Jim walked over to the door.

"All of you stay out here. I don't want Micheal out here by himself, and I don't want Sutaa and Sora getting hurt."

"There's no way I'm staying out here!" I spoke proudly. Sora nodded and we stepped up next to the door and opened it. Jim grabbed a torch and we walked down the stone steps into the main area. It was creepy with all of the holes in the walls where the coffins were and the moat running around a gazebo in the center. Then finally Jim broke the eerie silence.

"Ok so we need to find the crypt... that ummm... that um-"

"That bears no name! Or soon your fate will be the same!" We all jumped as Megan came down the stairs. We all looked at the gazebo and inside of it was a black coffin with rose petals sprinked on the outside. We walked over a small bridge and Sora, Jim, and I pushed on it to make the top slide open. I crinkled up my nose at the smell of the dead body in it. It's bony arms were crossed as Jim looked at its hands. A normal house key was tucked in the fingers.

"What! This is it?" I said looking at it. "Not a keyhole or a keyblade? A boring old house key? That sucks." I crossed my arms and turned around angrily. Everyone followed quickly until we heard a loud growl come from behind us. There's no way I'm looking behind me.... no flippin way that I'm gonna see whatever that is... Dang it I turned around. The dead person in the coffin had sat up and it looked at us and snarled. All of us screamed quickly and I heard a clink as Jim dropped the key into the water.

"Holy crap!" I yelled as I brought out my keyblade. Sora looked at me with huge unblinking eyes and he did the same thing.

"Go get the key! We'll take care of everything!" We told Megan as the Zombie started walking towards us. Jim had the torch and was swinging it in all directions and I was hitting it like there was no tomarrow. Finally Sora was able to knock its head into the water. I gasped for air as I saw hundreds of zombies coming out of their coffins in the walls towards us. Megan was in the water wading around until we saw her plunge her head under and she swam around.

"Sora we need to get rid of these guys!" I yelled as we were becoming surrounded. Megan popped up from the water with the key in her hand and Jim took her hand. I ran straight into the crowd towards the stairs and made my way through. The group sprinted up the stairs over to the open door.

"Come on dad you can do it!" We heard Micheal shout to us as we hit the last step but then at the last minute the door slammed shut trapping us inside.


"There's always money in the banana stand."
Staff member
May 9, 2007
The End of Time
ive finally caught up!!! its awsome, keep up the great workXD

lol, kairi is useless as always


Apr 11, 2009
thanks for the comments! i'll have a new chappy up as soon as my internet starts working again!
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