There isn't any time travel or this game would have a completely different style. Just some deaging~
well maybe its like ven, the world's heart is still messed up from the heartless attacks, so the worlds are in a sleep like state. So sora and riku have to restore the "world's heart" to wake it up otherwise the inhabitants of that world could be lost forever or somthing and since the world is kinda asleep the dream eaters are able to appear. Isn't Travers Town suppose to be the like the remains of the worlds destoyed by the heartless, maybe fragmensts of the aleep world's hearts are there so thats why we are going back to traverse town. Sora and riku access the new worlds through the remnants of that world that make up traverse town, they drop into the worlds dream so to speak.
We don't know the manner in which Yen Sid sets the test up. He could have just put them to sleep and let their subconscious do the rest of the work. Or anything, really.
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Here's my thing. In BBS, Xehanort mentions that one of the powers of a Keyblade Master is that they can remove the heart of themselves or another... which Sora does in the VERY FIRST GAME. Doesn't that mean he's shown the Mark already, or at least some aspect of being a Keyblade Master?
I've sorta been hoping that this is a 'dream'...that becomes a 'reality.' Not like how Re:Coded where whatever happened in the journal felt as though it didn't matter (when a good majority of it didn't) but more like, Sora and Riku (or something else entirely) has brought these dream eating creatures into reality and the line between dreams and reality are 'teetering.'
That could also explain unnatural phenomena such as MF (him randomly appearing in a different timeline and out of thin air could probably be due to something bonking up with reality) and Xemans and Ansem flashing in and out of existence like they do but meh I'm just throwing ideas out `3`
All I get out of that is that you show the Mark at some point in the game, and are a true Master for the rest of it.
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Here's my thing. In BBS, Xehanort mentions that one of the powers of a Keyblade Master is that they can remove the heart of themselves or another... which Sora does in the VERY FIRST GAME. Doesn't that mean he's shown the Mark already, or at least some aspect of being a Keyblade Master?
Kingdom Hearts 3D in Famitsu Weekly said:"The “World Submerged in Sleep” is said to be connected to dreaming, it can be opened by unlocking the “Keyhole of Sleep” that exists in that world. Instead of Heartless, in this world there exist creatures that devour dreams called Dream Eaters. There are two kinds of Dream Eaters, those that consume dreams and plant nightmares and those that eat only bad dreams. Investigating the Dream Eaters becomes the key guiding to the “Keyhole of Sleep”."
"The “World Submerged in Sleep” is a complex story, but there were worlds other than those that Sora restored in KH1, some that were not submerged in darkness. Like the worlds of the princesses and Dumbo’s, etc. In the end of KH1 it was established that some of those worlds were restored, but not all of them. Those that were neither in light nor in darkness, but those that were submerged in sleep.
Since those worlds are essential asleep, the dreams of those worlds become the setting. Sora and Riku will travel to those worlds to awaken them from their sleep."
"Temporarily taking on their KH1 forms, they’ll enter into the worlds of sleep . Additionally, Yen Sid says that in order to become a Master, the self taught way that they use the Keyblade will be reset and that it is necessary they learn how to use the Keyblade appropriately from the beginning."