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Theories About KH2's secret Ending.

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The Old Master
Dec 2, 2005
Garland, Tx
Nomura confirmed Kingdom Hearts IS ALL Darkness. Sora was wrong. Ansem was right. There is NO Light in Kingdom Hearts. And Nomura DOES know. Said so himself. But he wants US to speculate on it until the next game.

And don't Double Post man. It's spam. Just edit your entry.


New member
Jun 25, 2005
Castle Oblivion
MAybe KEyblades were just....Created, maybe when there was darkness in the world.... all the light that was being shrowded...maybe it came together to make millions of keyblades... so Chosen ones could use them to defeat the darkness... each keyblade weilding different powers....As seen in the secret ending theres were millions.... and maybe they stored most of them... in the Door, Kingdom Hearts, and those three unkowns, seen in the secret ending...maybe they got into the door.... and Like we all saw, took the three keyblade, Rikus, Sora, And mickeys...

Quote:And don't Double Post man. It's spam. Just edit your entry.

K sorry


The Old Master
Dec 2, 2005
Garland, Tx
I HIGHLY doubt that. That looked more like a graveyard. Obviously if you read my theory you'll see what I think. But I doubt those Knights are even the TRUE owners of those Keyblades. And all those other Keyblades are False. No Keychains.

They DO NOT share the power that the TRUE Keyblades do. The TRUE Keyblades being the Kingdom Key, Inverted Key, and Way To Dawn.

And, if that world IS Kingdom Hearts, someone, probably a villain, killed the Inverted Key's REAL Master and stationed it behind the door. So that someone would have to travel through Darkness and face MANY tests. And only one with a STRONG heart could retrieve the Inverted Key and save the world.

Since The Inverted Key is NEEDED to lock back Kingdom Hearts. Obviously since it's the Key of that world.


New member
Dec 30, 2005
We know the inverted key is from the world of darkness. So mickey got it from someone in the world of darkness. maybe Xenohort?


New member
Jun 25, 2005
Castle Oblivion
Ah ok, anyway i think it is kingdom hearts, because that dragon was in there that you kill in the end of the game.... and u kill it inside the door remember?


The Old Master
Dec 2, 2005
Garland, Tx
He didn't get it from ANYONE. He would have KNOWN Xehanort. He knew him pretty quickly in Kingdom Hearts 2. And from the way it looks Mickey was searching for that Keyblade WAY BEFORE Xehanort became a Heartless and a Nobody.

He found it. Possibly at the Graveyard of Keyblades.


New member
Dec 30, 2005
That would mean there are REAL keyblades at the graveyard then. so there could be more real keyblades then.


The Old Master
Dec 2, 2005
Garland, Tx
No. Not Anymore. The Kingdom Is Gone. The Way Of Dawn was placed in the In-Between World, which IS The World That Never Was, Confirmed in the game. That last Keyblade to be left was the Keyblade of THAT world. The Inverted Key. No more, no less. And then the false Keyblades.

Unless they were devoured by Darkness.

birth by sleep

New member
Apr 7, 2006
Um when was it confirmed Riku left the keyblade in that world? No one ever said that, i want a quote of it. What do you think he was fighting Xemnas with? And just because he couldnt call on the power of darkness anymore didn't mean he couldn't wield the Twilight keyblade (Way to Dawn). He was meant for that Keyblade, as Sora was meant for Kingdom Key and Mickey for Inverted Key. Those are the three keys in the ground in the secret movie.

Here's my theory:

That world ( i won't yet speculate that it is Kingdom Hearts, because from what we're told, it takes a lot to get into Kingdom Hearts, and theoretically, it'd involve massive hearts or those keyblades that they're only getting when already IN Kingdom Hearts.) is where the keyblades were born/sit while waiting to be called upon.

My thought is those 3 characters (are new) went to the world of the Keyblades, and are taking hold of them, so that the Keyblade heroes cannot call upon them. They are Keyblade Masters, and there will be a war FOR the Keyblades, not a war BETWEEN the Keyblades, or at least not until the Heroes retrieve their blades.

The most intriguing aspect is that of "it all began, with birth in sleep". This clearly refers to one of two possibilities. Either what was born while Sora slept, or Roxas himself. Roxas was born when Sora stabbed himself, not after Castle Oblivion when Sora went into slumber. Perhaps something else was born when Sora was regaining his memories. Think about it. Nomura said in the game that the memories were being rearranged in his heart. Perhaps since he was technically a heartless still (although having regained human form) when his memories were changed back, something was born from his shed memories. Perhaps another nobody of Sora was created, or a heartless copy of himself, and that's the hooded figure in the distance, also coming for a Keyblade that belongs to him. That peoples that picked up the keyblades were chasers, and they found the world and the keyblades, and the Evil Sora is coming for his as well, and eventually, our Heroes will have to come for them.


New member
Jan 5, 2006
BraveryOfAChild said:
Well about Zexion, I don't know alot about him, but I have a hunch that he might be Riku's Nobody, cause from what I understand, they haven't revealed Riku's Nobody. I know that for a fact Ansem isn't Riku's Nobody. The Ansem we fought in the first Kingdom Hearts series was a fake, a shell of the real Ansem, a Heartless. I say that he's Riku's Nobody cause they have the same characteristics.



ummm....no, Zexion is not Riku's nobody, Zexion, if you read the Secert Ansem Reports, was a disciple of Ansem the Wise, Riku didnt really lose his heart, it just was taken over by Xehanort's Heartless, and while Xehanort had Riku's Body, he was tranported to the Realm of Darkness(or w/e that place is called)


New member
Mar 16, 2006
Who wants to know? Did I mention I like Kingdom He
Ok. I have a few theories. From a post I did yesterday by the way. Also there's so many Question and Answers risen. Anyways, her'es the theories:(Zexion's/Ienzo's wep might be in it. Possibly that.)
For one thing, the first six members of the organization either gave their hearts to darkness or lost their hearts to darkness when Ansem the Wise told them to stop. They gave up their human form to obtain power beyond. You notice how they all have control over an element. By the way, I have a few theories of my own. Ok, So Ienzo gave his heart to darkness. What if... Ienzo, Zexion's true form, were to come back. Say, per chance he could be a heartless, but then he were to obtain his human form back and have a keyblade because his heart was stronger. Also this, a theory of Xehanort(by the way you guys have been spelling it wrong the whole time. lol.). Xehanort was found by Ansem the Wise and he had forgotten everything before he was found. What if... He was only a Heart and Body or a Heart and Soul. He would be half a person. But still with a heart. What of the heartless? I'm guessing in ancient times there was one person without a strong heart and turned into a heartless and he started thriving on the hearts of others, but then one day a person with a strong heart stood up to it and created his own weapon. While the keyholes, I'm not sure how they were created. I guess the heartless spread across the universe and the keyholes were the only way he could stop it. With the keyblade. then when he had rid everywhere of the heartless, it had been a long time since he used it. Then there were many that had strong hearts and suddenly they too had keyblades soon when the heartless came once again. They might've fought hardly and fought to the death. So it must've been a lost civilization in a battle against the heartless who had lost their lives. The battles might've lasted 1,000s of years. When finally one stood. Maybe Xehanort was the final Keyblade wielder of that time and he entered Kingdom Hearts and lost part of him. That's when he landed in Hollow Bastion with him only half. He was Another. Lost his memories when he took quite so many blows. Then he gave his heart to darkness, thus creating his nobody. But that leaves one question. His heart. If a heart is seperated from one part of it and still has one, I would think it'd be normal with the other still a mystery. Then if the other half is gone it's just a third of something that are too thirds. Then what does it create? Another? This must mean that he still is alive. So that might explain the field of keyblades and Xehanort. Yet that leaves another question. Who are the three armored keyblade wielders? Are they parts of Xehanort? Are they new keyblade wielders? Is it the power rangers? Are one of them possibly bat man?! Who knows. Yet that rises another question. What are the 3 keyblades stuck in the ground? I also have yet another theory! lol! The one keyblade wielder that first showed. I wanted to point out that it is a keyblade without a keychain that he's wielding! Is this possibly the true form of the keyblade? So many questions... And so many answers we can come up with.

Oh yah and the third symbol. I noticed it before that one guy posted it, but anyways, it holds up the theory of a third form, perhaps when the body and spirit are seperated to make... Another. Xehanort!
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The Old Master
Dec 2, 2005
Garland, Tx
Birth, you mis-understood MY theory ENTIRELY. Riku DID NOT always have THAT Keyblade. BUT THAT IS the Keyblade of the In-Between World, which IS The World That Never Was. There is a Keyblade for each world, and there are four worlds, Light, Darkness, In-Between, Present.

Somehow that Keyblade chose Riku, or Riku found it during hs travels in TWTNW. As for the Keyblade Graveyard, you should pay more attention. I believe it was the World Of Darkness, BEFORE it was locked behind the door of kingdom Hearts.

That world DID not always lay beyond the door. I feel that was the door BEFORE Darkness had fully warped it into what we see in the games. It's STILL the World Of Darkness, just not fully tainted. But the time of the games it had become entire consumed by Darkness, and probably also because of all the False Keyblades that lay in the world.

It's possible False Keyblades, Those Without Chains, are created from Darkness.


And you do realize those three Keyblades are THE EXACT ones that Sora, Riku and Mickey have used. Those Keyblades Existed LONG BEFORE Sora, Mickey and Riku got ahole of them. Those may be their TRUE, first Masters, but I doubt it.

The Kingdom Key

The Inverted Key

The Way To Dawn Key


Those always existed, and those ARE the ones the Knights pick up. And they are ALL NEW Characters. Not parts of someone or crap like that. ENTIRELY NEW. And one way or the other those events ARE in the Past.

And we all know about that Keyblade having No Keychain. That obviously means it's a false Keyblade, as the Oblivion in that ending didn't have a Keychain. Due to the fact that Nomura was hinting, No Keychain, Not a True Keyblade.

The ONLY True Keyblades are that of each world, Light, Darkness, In-Between, and Present. Nomura himself confirmed this LONG ago.


New member
Apr 5, 2006
Hollow Bastion
My understanding of the KH2 Secret ending is as follows:

- Ansem's Reports are shown to somehow reveal that someone used them to unlock the true meaning of the Heart, what it's really made up of, and is using the Reports to unlock and take Kingdom Hearts.

- The Keyblades had to have come from some World that has never been reveiled to us yet, and the Armored Chasers (or so I'm understanding is who they are) are the true weilders, and possible creators of the Keyblades.

- The creature the Large-Keyblade weilder is standing upon is possibly the creature Sora defeated during the Xemnos fight, or a new form of creature that will be featured in KH3, possibly from beyond the Door or inhabitants of the World the Keyblades came from.

- The "graveyard" of keyblades may possibly be former keyblade weilders who couldn't take the power, or just signs of all the Keyblades that have ever been / are (I think I saw the Keyblade you receive in Port Royal there).

- I doubt the next boss will have anything to do with Xehanort or Ansem or their Heartless / Nobodies. Mainly because Xehanort lost his body when he became a Heartless, and both it and the Nobody was destroyed. He is also refered to as a "Memory" in his indication of his exsistence in the words at the end. I think it could be the leader of the Keyblade Weilding knights, the man who wanted them created to control other worlds. No one ever said Keyblades were created for good.

- The man walking is either:
- Xehanort (just to stick with other's ideas) coming to talk with the Chasers.
- Sora to either fight them, join them, or talk with them.
- Riku to learn more of Keyblades.
- The master of the Chasers / creator of the Keyblades.

- The reference to "Keyblade War" could be a reference to the past, and why so little keyblades exsist now, or a reference to an actual all out war between keyblade weilders. "Master of Keyblade" may refer to the King of the World, the creator of the Keyblades. "Chasers" are probably the knights, unless it's a new creature we have to fight. "The Lost Two" may either be two knights, Sora and Riku, the Original KeyBlade Weilders, Namine and Roxas, Xehanort and Ansem, or the creators of the Keyblades. I think it refers to Sora and Riku.

my thoughts. Any ideas?

Darky Dee

Dec 13, 2004
Secret Scene said:
Entry 1:
The keyblade is said to hold phenomenal power.

Entry 2:
One legend says it's weilder saved the world. While another says he wrought chaos and pain upon it.

Entry 3:
I must know what this keyblade is. A key opens doors.

Entry 4:
Master of the keyblade; the lost two, memory of Xehanort, chasers, keyblade war.

Entry 5: It all began with... birth by sleep.

Click Here to view the secret scene in english on YouTube.

Meh, thought I should post those for people to get their thoughts refreshened.

birth by sleep

New member
Apr 7, 2006
Innerdemon- you need to reference more, you really do speak FOR Nomura a lot, and a lot of what you call "confirmed" I've no idea where you're pulling the info from.

As for Ansem's 0 Report, I think I understand it now. He's researching the Keyblades, most likely because he wants to unlock Kingdom Hearts, and the keyblade would seemingly be the easiest route. That means part of what Xenahort was doing before he came to meet Ansem the Wise included researching the Keyblade.
Perhaps Xenahort was trying to reach the Keyblade, and realized he'd have to give up something to wield it. His memories now taken, the process of attaining a keyblade forgotten. Someone picked up his memories somewhere, and is picking up where he left off- making themselves a keyblade bearer.



The Old Master
Dec 2, 2005
Garland, Tx
Sleep, it's not my fault you people don't read the Interviews you can find 'em ANYWHERE. One way or the other he confirmed this. I'm not going to post a damn quote each time I say Nomura confirmed. What damn reason do I have to freaking lie about it?

I'm pretty sure Kingdom Hearts Ultimania has a slew of interviews of Nomura. Look for Famitsu #2 under 2006. That's where MY Confirmation's come from. And read the others too. Cause that's ALSO where I get my Confirmations from.

And you know what, HERE IS the link too:



And, Sleep, Ansem's 0 Report is ONE WE ALL KNOW. It's just under 0 tag. As that's how the Japanese have it. 0 through 12. It's NOTHING new.

birth by sleep

New member
Apr 7, 2006
At what point did we have Report 0? And don't tell me I don't read the interviews, I've read every update on this site in the past year until joining after I completed it, so I can and do read thanks.

Furthermore I wouldn't call you out on it, but in reality you've been spouting off a good 4-5 times about CONFIRMED THIS CONFIRMED THAT, well if you can't show me where then I can only think you're bashing everyone elses ideas down to support yours with claims of confirmation.

I mean, what kind of theory is it that fake Keyblades are being created anyway? If they're fake they're worthless, they can't open shit.

Point being in a thread of THEORIES, you should listen instead of demand praise and give crap to anyone with an idea.


The Old Master
Dec 2, 2005
Garland, Tx
Japanese have the Reports listed 0 through 12. Our game is not that game. I gave you the link. Read all the interviews, there's MY proof. Also, I never said the False Keyblades was CONFIRMED. That's my theory.

Man, you really need to just chill out and make sure you read my posts CORRECTLY. Obviously you've mis-understood ALOT of what I've said. I'd read over it again if I were you.
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