The NBC games coming out in October in the states in 2005?! OMG that is unbelievable since it came out last year in November or something in Japan! And yeah, it bombed in sales (not very popular). Anyways, that is a big problem, well I hope the delay in release doesn't happen in KH2! Since the Japanese KH2 sites suck compared to American ones in new coverage.
Since this is the theorys page, ill post my idea on what the BHK's name might be. I posted it somewhere else yesterday, but Ill post it again incase you didn't see it.
Regarding the names, theres a pattern in the names of the main characters created for the KH series, as I presume that it has been mentioned before...
The characters' names align with environmental elements in Japanese.
Sora- sky
Riku- land
Kairi- sea
Namine- wave (as in sea)
The boys names are related to land features, while the girls are related to water.
So, if BHK is not an alternate identity of Sora, I think his name will have to do something with a land-like element. Like mountain (yama-> maybe like yamato?!), valley ( tani-> i have no idea how this can turn out.)
And we should keep in mind that the Japanese names in KH have not been altered when released in the states. So whatever decided in the Japanese version will not be greatly changed. I think Square-Enix chooses the name of characters so that they are accpetable when translated in English.
For example the this pattern can be seen in name of the lastest charcter, Xaldin. When put in Japanese there is no formula, unlike as we see in English, where the organization members' names all conatin an "X" (Axel, Larxene, etc).
And IF BHK ia member of the orgaization, his name can possibly include an "X", the symbol of unknown... interesting huh?