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Things to think about

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New member
Sep 12, 2004
End of the World That Never Was
There are a few things I would like to point out:

Does the fact that a keyblade have a keychain or not on it mean anything about the keyblade itself or the weilder? I ask this because while the UEM's( and the D.S.'s as well) keyblade has a keychain on his just like Sora, Riku, and the King; but none of the three knights have a key chain have on their keyblades.

Also a few things came to my attention about the UEM. The first thing is the way he is dressed. If you go look at a picture of of Xehanort's heartless( who will be called Xehanort-H) and compare it to the UEM they are dressed very similarly( that can't be a coincidence). They also have the same color eyes and yes I know that the E.S.'s eyes also changes to that yellowish color, but I don't have any clue how that works( we named him Enigmatic for a reason) maybe they all come from the same clan or something. Another thing is the D.S. seems to be just like Xehanort-H's heartless companion, the one who hangs around behind him. I say that b/c they both materialize they same way: seemingly out of nowhere.

The timeline of when that stuff takes place also bothers me. Well i can honestly say I'm not sure where the next KH game is taking place timeline-wise. If you were to go by Sunset Horizons it would seem to be in the future b/c Sora, Riku, & Mickey's keyblades( if we're going to assume that those belong to them) are stuck in the ground looking quite battered. but if we were to go by Birth by Sleep it would seem like the past for two reasons: 1) the three keyblades aren't there anymore and 2) Mickey's keyblade is the Stargazer, which i think is a downgrade from his keyblade in KH2. Also that cutscene of Xemnas with the Aqua's( F.S.) armor and keyblade also lends to the side of all that being in the past.

Also there is no way that the BHS is Roxas. 1) because if this is the past then Ven( if that's his name would've came before Roxas and therefore Roxas would've been him, but that also is impossible because Roxas came from Sora and Sora was not around. 2) if this is the future then Roxas would be back inside of Sora, where he came from.

I think that's all I had...oh yea the UEM's keyblade looked like a cross between the Oathkeeper and the Oblivion, man i wish i could see that keychain

p.s. I just thought this was a weird coincidence both Xemnas( first labeled as the Enigmatic Man) and the Enigmatic Soldier were optional bosses. Just seemed like a weird coincedence to me

KeybladeK 35

New member
Mar 3, 2007
Somewhere playing KH XP
Yeah, I was very curious about the the old man and the Xeanhorts -H have the same get-up and that the E S and the old guy have the same eyes.

My guess is that maybe there is a conection between the two, maybe there are from the same clan, hell they could be related in a way, you know like father and son maybe, I dunno it's a guess

bladed asassin

New member
Mar 25, 2007
i think once we know when the time line is gunna fold out then things should clear up alittle untill we beat that game and then somthing else comes up and makes dicuss it


Silver Member
Mar 17, 2007
Yeah, I was very curious about the the old man and the Xeanhorts -H have the same get-up and that the E S and the old guy have the same eyes.

My guess is that maybe there is a conection between the two, maybe there are from the same clan, hell they could be related in a way, you know like father and son maybe, I dunno it's a guess
I agree with you maybe they are related!!!!!!!!:thumbsup:

Maverick E.S

Apr 8, 2007
In the rain
Yeah, I was very curious about the the old man and the Xeanhorts -H have the same get-up and that the E S and the old guy have the same eyes.

My guess is that maybe there is a conection between the two, maybe there are from the same clan, hell they could be related in a way, you know like father and son maybe, I dunno it's a guess

Yea im with ya on that too and also i can't think of anything at the moment 0_o
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