The Two Tin Pin Masters! Sora and Riku!
"I don't need a Pin...My friend are my power!"
*pin heals and transforms into a new friendship pin*
*Neku can't even figure out how a pin can transform*
"How can I face everybody! I lost the Tin Pin tournament!"
"Aw, Riku, you've been hanging out at Shadow Ramen too long. You gotta be positive!"
"There's more than tin pin and hate...there's getting Shio Ramen at Ramen Don, and friendship...Don't you remember?"
"No...I don't..."
*Xemnas storms off*
I'm more convinced we are seeing memories of the past an present via dreams.
Beat looks fantastic in 3D, but yeah Joshua looks weird.dont know if anyone saw this yet- it was posted on kh13's site - Kingdom Hearts - 201112152040000
joshua looks weird in 3d xD
I think we knew Shiki was in long before we knew Beat and Josh were, Taocha.
And considering that Beat's saying "This time I'll save Rhyme," I think there's a pretty good chance that Rhyme will appear. Whether it's Noise!Rhyme or normal human Rhyme is yet to be seen.
Nomura said her name in an interview also citing "the others" so it was pretty much a confirmation.
I just had a thought, if the worlds in 3DS are before the worlds fell to darkness(ish) then could an unexpected Land of Departure appear? If Traverse Town was brought back then so could this.
So much win right here!!So, Ear Bunny. I want a tiger Dream Eater. And I will have them in the same party. I will recolor the bunny into reds and the tiger into greens. And I will call then Tiger & Bunny.
And for America too. I hope so.Do you think we'll get a release date for Europe or Japan at Jump Festa?
Oh that Musketeer video. It's too bad we don't get over the top musical numbers like that which appear out of nowhere and serve no purpose. I think they're pretty good and Disney does a good job with them.
Also something like this could happen:
Sora: "Hey Mickey do have to sing in order to join the Musketeers?"
Mickey: "Ya sure do Sora. But gosh, I'm not a very good singer. That's why I can't join."
Sora: *Flashback of Atlantica* "Well I guess I'm a shoe-in then hehe."
Mickey: "What was that Sora?"
Sora: "Oh nothing Mickey...nothing at all." *Whistles while walking away*
And I almost died laughing at this.Yeah i'm starting to think Mysterious Figure is going to be in KH3D now.
Riku: Well we've reached the edge of the Realm of Sleep
Sora: So what happens now?
*Mysterious Figure pops out of a dark corridor in the sky with his blades*
Mysterious Figure: Suprise Mother F@ckers!!!! It's trolling time!!
Sora and Riku: O.O So which form of Xehanort are you?
Mysterious Figure: What?
Sora: You are a form of Xehanort, right? By this point we expect Xehanort to be behind every adventure we get ourselves into. So which form of Xehanort are you?
Mysterious Figure: ....uh I don't know who this Xehanort is but my name is Steve....
How about Yen Sid inserting that world in the dreams so Sora and Riku would better understand their current situation? They get the Key of Sleep and important plot details at the same time.
Beat looks fantastic in 3D, but yeah Joshua looks weird.It's his hair; the hair frames his face very oddly.