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Unpopular Gaming Opinions



red gay
Jun 6, 2015
Final Fantasy XIII is a lot of fun; I really like the paradigm system. It also has the best battle themes in all FF games. I like the whole trilogy, though I find XIII-2 the weakest.

Final Fantasy XV was more fun than I expected, but otherwise has way too many flaws for me to call it a really good game. The only thing keeping me hooked is/was the fact that the ideas themselves were interesting and that I weirdly adore Noctis.

Pokémon Black/White was incredibly ugly.

Re:CoM's battle system is fun and nice for a change.

Tales of Xillia was mediocre. Fun gameplay? Sure, but why did every second dungeon or field look the same? :/


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
The portrayed friendship between Max and Chloe in LiS is nowhere near "adorable" or "wishful to have", as many fans of the game claim, it's just plain awful. Chloe mostly acts like a jealous, possessive, bitchy child that tries to guilt-trip Max whenever she gets the chance and even expects from her to endanger her studentship just because she has to smoke weed inside the house. Also tries to make it look okay if she steals money, guns, personal data ... if I had a "friend" like that, I'd probably scream.


Bronze Member
Mar 1, 2008
Final Fantasy 7 is okay. I wish I liked it more, but it's one of my least favourite games and I can never convince myself to finish it despite how many times I've tried. The translation errors and story are kinda confusing. I am looking forward to the remake so I might be able to love the story in a more .... accurate portrayal, I suppose?

I also preferred 8, and people get mad at me for liking that but it's chill. Like what you like, brahs.

Not Ienzo

New member
Jul 29, 2017
-FFXIII and FFXIII-2 have the best FF soundtrack. I don't really see why people call them unmemorable, but I guess it depends on tastes.

-DDD for the 3DS isn't that good. At least, if you transition from console to 3DS then it's not. Mostly with the way they changed the buttons which took a while to get used to after BBS, and at the times the camera was so homed in on you which didn't help with Flowmotion. I haven't played 2.8 but it does seem much better than the original.

-Pokemon X and Y don't have much going for it besides the fancy 3D graphics (which are still not that great compared to Sun and Moon).


Jul 29, 2014
The only video games I play really are KH games, but here’s my opinions.

-while digimon games aren’t always good, I still think the scope is better than Pokémon games in that they try new things and don’t rehash the same formula. While quite a few flop, they have new stories each time and sometimes (cyber sleuth, DW3... FREAKING CYBER SLEUTH!!!!) they have fantastic stories. I went back and played DW1, and loved it for what it was (an obvious step forward from a tomagachi). Not to mention the Rumble Arena games. I spend so many hours playing those with friends.

-fire red and sapphire are the best Pokémon games.

-I liked KH Days and played through it multiple times. I would play through it again, but I do not own a ds anymore.

-I’m kinda said rhythm and singing games died out. They were good hang out with friends games.

-DDR>just dance

-I’m not a fan of FPS at all.


Aug 14, 2017
1) I really enjoyed Life is Strange, but I HATE how Chloe behaves. Yeah I get it, she had a hard past, but it doesn't excuse her behavior at all. I'm really glad to see that people here agree because all I see is people loving Chloe and being all excited about shipping her with Max and I can't imagine a person I want to ship with Max less.
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Also, some of the graphics are a little cringy and I would have loved some cleaner lines.

2) I'm... not a fan of Final Fantasy :x I only played FF9 (I haven't finished it, but I was close to the final fight), but I hate the gameplay. I hate the overworld. I do believe that the stories can be amazing and I am inclined to watch a Letsplay should I find a good one (*waiting for NicoB and that FF7 remake lol*), but I doubt I will ever touch another game of the series. I'm only entertaining the idea of playing XV because the gameplay supposedly is different.

3) I don't like First person views. It's so hard to maneuver the camera with them.

4) To be fair, I haven't played them, but from the graphics and various snippets alone the new Fire Emblem games don't feel like Fire Emblem anymore. I prefer the old games (6-10) and don't feel the need to play the new ones.

5) There are too many Pokemon. I still played Gen IV because of Heartgold and Soulsilver, but I couldn't really be bothered to learn the new Pokemon names :/ Yeah I know I'm ignorant (and have just outgrown the series in general, although I love to replay the old games from time to time).

6) I started Tales of Symphonia (after being hyped about it for years and finally buying it) and... idk I got bored 30 minutes in or so? ._. Idk whether I should give it another chance but damn, that money was wasted...


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
1) I really enjoyed Life is Strange, but I HATE how Chloe behaves. Yeah I get it, she had a hard past, but it doesn't excuse her behavior at all. I'm really glad to see that people here agree because all I see is people loving Chloe and being all excited about shipping her with Max and I can't imagine a person I want to ship with Max less.
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Also, some of the graphics are a little cringy and I would have loved some cleaner lines.

2) I'm... not a fan of Final Fantasy :x I only played FF9 (I haven't finished it, but I was close to the final fight), but I hate the gameplay. I hate the overworld. I do believe that the stories can be amazing and I am inclined to watch a Letsplay should I find a good one (*waiting for NicoB and that FF7 remake lol*), but I doubt I will ever touch another game of the series. I'm only entertaining the idea of playing XV because the gameplay supposedly is different.

3) I don't like First person views. It's so hard to maneuver the camera with them.

4) To be fair, I haven't played them, but from the graphics and various snippets alone the new Fire Emblem games don't feel like Fire Emblem anymore. I prefer the old games (6-10) and don't feel the need to play the new ones.

5) There are too many Pokemon. I still played Gen IV because of Heartgold and Soulsilver, but I couldn't really be bothered to learn the new Pokemon names :/ Yeah I know I'm ignorant (and have just outgrown the series in general, although I love to replay the old games from time to time).

6) I started Tales of Symphonia (after being hyped about it for years and finally buying it) and... idk I got bored 30 minutes in or so? ._. Idk whether I should give it another chance but damn, that money was wasted...

Rarely seen a post that I can so much agree on. I basically like Life is strange, but Chloe destroys a good portion of it, sadly, the story centers around her so much. She has her good moments, I won't deny those and those are great, but most of the time it's just "oh, Chloe, please just shut up for once". I got really mad when she actually blamed her father for DYING. Seriously, what's wrong with you?
And yes, I don't get the people who prefer that ending either.

2. I agree on the FF thing. I think the stories always sound amazing and the characters are interesting, the basic setting is cool but I always get lost in every freakin' overworld and the gameplay drives me nuts. FF9 and FF15 were the only FF games I ever finished, 10 was incredibly boring to me, only got halfway through. Seriously, I can only level weapons in FF8 with some stupid magazines I can find in the last corner of the canalisation? Are you cereal? FF9 was good though, loved that.

3. While I like the idea of FPS, I don't use it because it usually feels rather strange thanks to camera issues.

4. Cannot comment on that, but I dislike that we're now getting around one Fire Emblem per year, when companies do that it feels like they're burning out the franchise. Not fond of that.

5. Totally agree.

6. Also agree but I actually played 30 or so hours, still found it awfully dated. Graphics were okay, characters were awfully chlichéd imo, gameplay was boring, story up to that point was not worth making all that fuss people always make about that game. Dropped it when I reached some temple or something, didn't really enjoy that experience. Will give Xillia a try (one day), but I don't expect much.


Silver Member
Jan 2, 2007
1. I like RE5 more than RE4. Bonus: A less controversial one being that Revelations 1 is boring with only thing that games does right is the soundtrack.

2. I prefer DeS/DaS over Bloodborne. Granted I looove the setting for Bloodborne and the narrative with all its charming Lovecraftian horrors, but I'm not as keen on the combat.

3. So I know SH4 doesn't get as much of a good rep as SH3, and especially nowhere near as 2, but I think just as highly of that game.

4. DMC1 is by far the best DMC game overall, even tho the best combat goes to DMC4. This isn't that controversial per se (at least not the DMC1 part) but I know people in general prefer DMC3 over the others. Hideaki Itsuno kind misses the point of DMC1 because that game is far more than just stylish combos, and I can't say I dig the punk rock/music from DMC3.

I despise Zen

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red gay
Jun 6, 2015
4. DMC1 is by far the best DMC game overall, even tho the best combat goes to DMC4. This isn't that controversial per se (at least not the DMC1 part) but I know people in general prefer DMC3 over the others. Hideaki Itsuno kind misses the point of DMC1 because that game is far more than just stylish combos, and I can't say I dig the punk rock/music from DMC3.

DMC1 is definitely a masterpiece, especially considering its age. I do prefer playing DMC3, but I'd still say DMC1 is probably the best game in the series overall. It's also the only one that actually left me pretty damn scared multiple times, and in very different ways than horror games do. It was just...lonely and disconcerting.

Tyrant Raver

The Dragon
Oct 3, 2006
7th Street, Cerberus' Row

>Sans is overrated.

>Soriel Shipping needs to stop. Actually no, it needs to go away completely.

>I don't see the hype in the FF7 remake, it's the same damn story I've seen 20 times now. I could have just mod FF7 on my pc with better graphics using Tifa's Package Mod.

>Kingdom Hearts should stop with the branching story arcs and just make a complete game. No More Final Remixes.

>I did enjoyed Devil May Cry 2.

>Cuphead is not that hard to break your controller/keyboard over.

>I hate Dark Souls not because it's hard, but because most of the time it's unrewarding.

>Nioh is basically Dark Souls SHOULD have been, granted it's easier but the rewards after every boss fight were worth the rage, sweat and tears.

DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015

looooooool you know I meant that character from Mystic Messenger, yet the coincidence makes it sound ridiculously harsh xD

>Sans is overrated.
>Soriel Shipping needs to stop. Actually no, it needs to go away completely.

A sane person, knowing Undertale. Each time it's a gift. .... a -rare- gift, unfortunately
Which makes me want to confess...

- while Sans IS my favourite character from Undertale, a choice made after hours and hours of getting my ass kicked during his battle, analyzing every story element linked to him in the meanwhile (yeah how relaxing, but hey, death makes you contemplate), the fact that he is everywhere on the internet if you search for the game (because of the fandom), that there is so much fanart (and shippings.......because of the fandom) with him and a million AU versions of him, it all makes me really uncomfortable and almost ashamed to admit he's just that one guy I honestly like the most. This is not something ok and never happened to me in other fandoms. So yes, he is very overrated, to the point it can be toxic to stay for too long surfing the web for Undertale content... which is not a safe trip, folks...;

- the Undyne the Undying fight difficulty is overrated. It's actually easy-peasy. It's like a small pinch compared to the bone-crushing Sans fight, get real;

- I love the Unova region, with all its locations, music and themes;

- Pikachu, after alllllll these games and allllll these generations, is still the most overrated pokemon ever, and it wouldn't bother me that much if his stats weren't mediocre at best! sigh


Well-known member
May 14, 2017
East Coast, USA
looooooool you know I meant that character from Mystic Messenger, yet the coincidence makes it sound ridiculously harsh xD

A sane person, knowing Undertale. Each time it's a gift. .... a -rare- gift, unfortunately
Which makes me want to confess...

- while Sans IS my favourite character from Undertale, a choice made after hours and hours of getting my ass kicked during his battle, analyzing every story element linked to him in the meanwhile (yeah how relaxing, but hey, death makes you contemplate), the fact that he is everywhere on the internet if you search for the game (because of the fandom), that there is so much fanart (and shippings.......because of the fandom) with him and a million AU versions of him, it all makes me really uncomfortable and almost ashamed to admit he's just that one guy I honestly like the most. This is not something ok and never happened to me in other fandoms. So yes, he is very overrated, to the point it can be toxic to stay for too long surfing the web for Undertale content... which is not a safe trip, folks...;

- the Undyne the Undying fight difficulty is overrated. It's actually easy-peasy. It's like a small pinch compared to the bone-crushing Sans fight, get real;

- I love the Unova region, with all its locations, music and themes;

- Pikachu, after alllllll these games and allllll these generations, is still the most overrated pokemon ever, and it wouldn't bother me that much if his stats weren't mediocre at best! sigh
High five me on that for the Unova region remark grey, I love humilau's theme to bits! it also introduced golurk, one of my favorite pokemon.

Oh, guess I should put a few opinions of my own, okay then
- I absolutely LOATHE all of the five nights at Freddie's games, merchandise, movies, books EVERYTHING ABOUT THAT SERIES! it's everywhere you look! overpriced merchandise, a game series that just keeps pumping out more and more pointless games with nothing different, and the fact that it is immortal, and will never die.

I think using a special attack focused Kommo-o (Fighting/Dragon type in Pokémon's 7th generation) is perfectly acceptable, it learns flash cannon and flamethrower, capable of covering it's quad weakness to fairy and flamethrower to punch a hole in ice types.


Silver Member
Jan 2, 2007
DMC1 is definitely a masterpiece, especially considering its age. I do prefer playing DMC3, but I'd still say DMC1 is probably the best game in the series overall. It's also the only one that actually left me pretty damn scared multiple times, and in very different ways than horror games do. It was just...lonely and disconcerting.

That's the other thing. You see, I even prefer playing DMC1 over 3; I'm not a fan of the different styles. As good of an idea as they are, limiting what I can and cannot do in certain styles never jibed that well with me. It's sort of why I like playing as Nero (and Trish in SE) in DMC4 over Dante.

>I did enjoyed Devil May Cry 2.

The problem that I had with DMC2 is mostly that it's just boring. The game looks great, and some of the animations are amazing, but everything else about it just so meh. Slow combat, dull enemies, too easy, and what is basically a carbon copy of the DMC1 plot. Even on DMD the game is too easy.

The only time I think the game veers on the terrible side is the Bloody Palace once you're reaching about floor 5000 or so.


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
Immersion in the Assassin's Creed series simply doesn't work. Recently played Freedom Cry and the way they handle the stealth thing is just horrendous. Oh, you killed someone in the middle of daylight in the middle of the street? No worries, no one cares. No one can see that bulky man with a suspicious robe and obviously noticeable clothes because - guess what - he is standing in the middle of two talking people who don't care either. Oh, now you killed a person people actually care for and you are being chased? Just climb a roof or jump into the water, people will think you vanished into thin air and leave immediately. But no, after all you are not stealthy enough to just walk by people who REALLY shouldn't care about you and who will attack you immediately.

I can't feel immersed in this much stupidity. I just can't.


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
Sonic Heroes is a good Sonic game.

The premise certainly works but it could've done with a bit of tweaking IMO. The changing-who-is-team-leader function is a completely pointless feature that only served to slow down the tempo. All 3 characters move when you push the stick, all 3 jump when you press A, so you're essentially moving all 3 at once anyway. Instead of 2 buttons for switching leaders, just have those buttons activate the power & flight abilities directly, accomplishing the same end result with less button presses & thus keeping the speed up.

Then there's that 3 of the 4 teams are effectively identical & they're basically just separate difficulty settings. Players can required to play through the same stages the same basic way at least 3 times over just to unlock the final boss. & since that requires said players to beat the game on "hard" (IE Team Dark), then the easy & normal teams are redundant (Rose & Sonic).

A SH2 should probably have more diversity in character skill sets so that they aren't lumped into speed/flight/power catagories & let players mix & match characters for their singular team.
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Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
gameplay is the absolute most important aspect of any video game. even if the writing and music are phenomenal, graphics are amazing, it has a big open world, 50+ hours, or even well-integrated multiplayer, if the gameplay isnt fun or engaging then its all pointless. you wasted your time and should have just made a movie.


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
*deep breath*

- I don't see the appeal of Final Fantasy VI. It's a very good game, mind you, but the pacing, the amount of useless/undeveloped characters prevent me from calling it a masterpiece or even the best FF.
Kefka is a bit above just okay, but Dancing Mad and his arguably really good boss fight carry him a lot. Like, the Joker was already a thing, so I'm not that impressed.

- Dissidia is boring and every iteration of it never failed in making me feel like I was watching a fanfiction turned into a videogame to rack up more money. The characters literally behaved like idealized versions of themselves, rather than... themselves.
I guess the gameplay is a huge part of its success, but in a game I look mainly to story and writing.

- The first generation of Pokémon aged really poorly. They're not good games.
Conversedly, I strongly feel that Sun&Moon were with all their issues (mostly shared by the rest of the saga anyway) still the best titles and the only ones with story and characters truly worthy of said definitions.
(it would've been even better if Game Freak understood it's high time to implement a skip cutscene option in 2016-7)

- All the elements that make up a game are important: I don't think that means they're all EQUALLY important. I barely look at graphics issues if the game's story and then gameplay are optimal.
I'm the type of guy that gives lot of importance to ideas, feelings and their realization, so in my mind it goes story > music > gameplay > graphic.
For example, Asura's Wrath's gameplay is almost non-existant, but it's still one of my favourite games ever for the great impact its story and characters had on me.

- Being a huge fan of Undertale, I got into the Earthbound saga with a good feeling. I left feeling okay about it, but far less impressed than I thought.

- Now, something about my favourite franchise.
Disgaea 4 is one of the most popular entries despite being, in my opinion, the absolute weakest. Its characters and jokes got old VERY quickly, and the story wasn't that appealing either.

I definitely have more but let's share my negativity in small doses to avoid intoxication.


Aug 25, 2014
United States
gameplay is the absolute most important aspect of any video game. even if the writing and music are phenomenal, graphics are amazing, it has a big open world, 50+ hours, or even well-integrated multiplayer, if the gameplay isnt fun or engaging then its all pointless. you wasted your time and should have just made a movie.

Agreed with you, gameplay is king. The story can be a bore, but if it's still a blast moment to moment, it might still be worth checking out. Also agreed that it doesn't matter how beautiful the game is or how well the story is told if the gameplay isn't good. I personally did not like Bioshock Infinite at all because I thought the shooting mechanics were lackluster and every encounter was just an onslaught of uninteresting enemies with boring mechanics that were dragged on for far too long.

Another popular opinion: I didn't care for Persona 5. The first half of the game was fun, if extremely safe and by-the-numbers, but the farther in I got, the worse I found the dungeon design and combat encounters to be. Halfway through I was bored and frustrated at the structure of the levels, the social scenarios felt repetitive, and the story felt like it hit a lull. I traded the game in and don't know that I'll go back one day.

I also didn't like what I played of the Dissidia Beta. It just wasn't fun. The combat mechanics were sluggish, combat options were incredibly limited, stages were bland, and the HUD was a disaster. I get the appeal in terms of what the game is, but actually playing it was a drag for me unfortunately.