Well, here it is, after hearing the suggestion that I write a sequel to Blinded.
This one is kind of two stories in one, since I'm having a bit of writer's block and I really don't think that I would be able to make two nice, lengthy stories about both Kairi and Namine.
Anyway, enjoy.
--by Darkened Heart--
Due to high demand, I have written a sequel to Blinded, this time featuring Kairi and Namine.
I may as well tell you now that Blinded was an AU (Alternate Universe) fic placed between CoM and KH2, to save confusion. Unspeakable takes place during KH2, also an AU fic. And, in case you don't know, AU means that the events didn't necessarily happen, probably won't happen (but in case I get lucky. . .ha ha), and I don't claim that they ever happened at all.
Kairi waits for Sora everyday at the edge of the shore, gazing out longingly to those bygone days when they would play on the island where they had built their own little world. But slowly, everyone else begins to forget Sora and Riku, even their own parents. Will Sora and Riku return in time to save their own memories? Or is it up to Kairi to keep the memory alive?
Meanwhile, Namine is taken back to Castle Oblivion. Why? And by whom?
The sun rose slowly that morning, its light casting a small cluster of islands into shades of grey, and the colours gradually appearing out of it.
Every resident of those islands were sleeping peacefully, and didn't even notice the warmth slowly crawling through the windows. The only thing that would alert them to it would be the sudden ringing of their alarm clocks, signalling work or school.
However, one resident of the Destiny Islands lay in bed, wide awake, clutching her pillow tightly to herself.
Her cheeks still showed signs that she had been crying, and her red hair, which had grown to between her shoulder blades, was messy and tangled. Her sheets lay in a heap beside her bed.
She made a half-hearted attempt to stop her nose from running by sniffing, but in the end, the nose won, and she made herself take a tissue from the box sitting on the table at the head of her bed and blow her nose.
The alarm clock that sat beside the tissue box suddenly sprang to life as the little hammer moved rapidly back and forth between two bells, creating a loud ringing. With another sniff, she reached for it and flipped the switch in the back, ceasing the noise.
With a dejected sigh, she stood. She placed the pillow on her bed and threw the sheets on, not caring how they landed, and walked sluggishly to the bathroom across the hall.
She looked at herself in the mirror, and made an attempt to rub the redness from her blue eyes, but once she realised that it was just making them worse, she stopped. Instead, she turned on the tap and splashed her face with cold water a few times.
She sighed again as she turned the dials for the faucet in the bath, making sure that the water was hot before she slipped off her pajamas and stepped into the shower.
She let the hot water wash over her for a few minutes as she willed away the fatigue that she felt from not sleeping. She vigorously washed her face. No one would see the evidence from her tears.
A few mintues later, the water stopped, and she wrapped herself with a towel before walking back across the hallway to get dressed.
She felt energized from the shower, and had more of a spring in her step, although it was still a far cry from the gait that a well-rested girl her age would have.
She had reached for a white tank top and had it halfway on before she realised that today was a school day. She scrambled back out of it and put on the white T-shirt, blue pleated skirt, and almost-knee-high socks that consisted of her school uniform. The skirt was slightly wrinkled, but she didn't care enough to get her mom to iron it today. She rolled up the sleeves of the T-shirt, exposing her shoulders. It was one of the few things she was allowed to do to keep herself an individual amoung the rest of the girls wearing the exact same outfit.
She went back into the bathroom and vigorously brushed her hair, then washed her face and went downstairs for breakfast.
Her mother and father were already sitting at the table. Her father was re-reading the thin weekly newspaper, and her mother was waiting for her daughter to arrive so that she could prepare some cereal and save her time.
They weren't really her parents - they had adopted her from the Mayor when she arrived at the islands, without friends or family. They treated her as though she were their real daughter, and she treated them like her real parents in return.
"Good morning, Kairi." her mother said.
"Morning, mom." Kairi said wearily, and gave a weak smile.
Instead of returning the smile, Kairi's mother stared at her with worry.
"You stayed up all night again, didn't you?" she asked.
Kairi shook her head quickly, but the water building up in her eyes gave it away. Instead of scolding her, her mother shook her head slowly, and stood up to get her daughter some breakfast.
Kairi sat down at her place, resisting the urge to sniff as her nose threatened to start running again. Her mother set the bowl of cereal in front of her, and she ate slowly.
"Goodbye." she said to both her parents as she prepared to leave.
"'Bye, sweetie." her mother said.
"Goodbye." her father said.
Kairi attempted to smile again and went through the kitchen on her way to the entranceway. She grabbed her bookbag from the counter of the kitchen, put on her shoes, and left the house.
As far as she knew, Kairi lived the farthest away from the tiny town that had somehow survived on the biggest of the islands. The walk wasn't very long, but her friends had become easily frustrated with how long it took to get to her house.
But she didn't mind. In fact, her distance had become an advantage now that Sora was gone. She had time to focus, to wake up, to let the salty air revive her, before she had to go to school, which, ironically enough, was the first building she would encounter when she entered town.
She stopped at the hill that signalled the outskirts of the village. She gazed over the buildings and across the water, to the island in the distance, that was nothing but shades of red in the sunrise. That was where Sora had left, and that was where Sora would return.
Would she have enough time, she wondered, to go to the shore and try to see if Sora was wandering the island? She wouldn't have to actually get in her boat and paddle over. It was enough just to be able to see the silhouette of someone on the shore.
She'd have to be quick, though. As she made her decision, she began running down the hill, past the school, the stores, the houses, through the foliage, and down the sandy beach to the very edge, where low tide was lazily lapping at the shore. She squinted slightly at her old playground, hoping that there would be a figure moving along the beach, heading for the pier.
"What'cha doin'?" Selphie strode up beside Kairi. The question really wasn't needed - Selphie knew what Kairi had been doing every morning since the beginning of school. She, personally, thought that it was the epitome of a romantic story, and it would only get better once Sora returned.
"I wonder if Riku will come back with Sora?" Selphie continued when Kairi didn't respond. She realised that although Kairi did care deeply for both of her absent friends, Sora was always foremost in her mind.
"I hope so." Kairi replied. "I miss them both so much. It hasn't been the same without them."
She took a tissue out of her bookbag and wiped her eyes and her nose, then balled it up and threw it into the water.
"That's littering, Kairi." Selphie said lightly.
Kairi just shrugged her shoulders and walked with the brunette back up the beach and into the schoolhouse.
Namine was also making a trip to the beach, but she didn't attend school like everyone else she knew. Technically, she wasn't even a resident of the islands, and the house that she lived in had been vacated for a long time. The mayor had been as hospitable to Namine as he had to Kairi, and had fixed up the house and made it habitable for her. After all, the more residents the place had, the better.
She saw Kairi walking up the main road with Selphie, but didn't call out to her in greeting. After Namine had woken up from the apparent coma she had been in, everyone was keeping their distance. She had been talking non-stop about how a twisted little girl called Kairaishi had taken control of Sora and Riku but turned out to be Riku's good fear, and no one believed her. They kept telling her that nothing had happened at all during the week that she had been out of it. The only detail that they confirmed was how she had become comatose, but they said it was during a get-together during the weekend before school started again.
Had it all been a dream? she wondered. But every sensation felt like it had actually happened to her. She even remembered distinctly the smell of the sakura trees when she walked down the path to Kairaishi's Light side of her heart.
She came to a stop a few feet from the water, and frowned at the island that Kairi had been gazing at just moments before. She was convinced that Kairaishi's raft was still ashore over there, and today was the day that she would find out.
Resolutely, she climbed into the boat that had been designated hers (it used to be Riku's), and picked up the paddle. The ocean was calm in the mornings, and made her trip easier than if she waited until morning.
In minutes, she was using the paddle to pull herself into the sand while keeping the boat in the water. She pulled herself out and onto the pier, and marched quickly along the beach to where the raft should have been.
The beach was empty, except for the sticks that, since no one came to the island anymore, hadn't been removed. Namine sighed in defeat. Kairaishi was just part of her dream, after all.
She turned around to leave, disappointed that her friends now had a reason to leave her behind.
But as she began her trek back to the pier, she heard a rustling from behind her. She turned around, fear filling her body. She didn't have any weapons or defence. The best that there was were sticks that had been washed up on the beach.
"Who's there?" she asked nervously, her voice catching in her throat.
The rustling continued, and Namine caught sight of the leaves and brush around the entrance to the Secret Place moving. She began to back away, and prepared to run.
"Hey! Long time no see."
Namine's fear turned into shock, and she was rooted to the spot as a red haired figure clad in a black trenchcoat emerged. He removed himself entirely from the plants and brushed off his sleeves before shooting Namine a smile.
He took in the look of horror on her face, but acknowledged her silence.
"What's the matter? Don't you remember me?" he mimicked disappointment in his voice and his face, his bottom lip sticking out a bit.
Namine recovered from her shock as annoyance took place of the burning need to run for her life.
"How did you get here?" she demanded.
"Aw, didn't the sheltered little girl know? There's no such thing as a closed door anymore." he said matter-of-factly, the pouty face gone and his index finger wagging in the air.
"Why are you here?" she asked, determined to drive him away with incessant questions. She knew that he had no patience for interrogations, and would soon grow bored and leave.
"Because, my sweet, I have a job for you."
Kind of a shortie, but I'd like to leave it here for now.
Even though I didn't say the name, you can probably guess who the character is, can't you?
And, if you haven't yet (and how silly of you, as well), read Blinded! It's linked in my signature.
This one is kind of two stories in one, since I'm having a bit of writer's block and I really don't think that I would be able to make two nice, lengthy stories about both Kairi and Namine.
Anyway, enjoy.
--by Darkened Heart--
Due to high demand, I have written a sequel to Blinded, this time featuring Kairi and Namine.
I may as well tell you now that Blinded was an AU (Alternate Universe) fic placed between CoM and KH2, to save confusion. Unspeakable takes place during KH2, also an AU fic. And, in case you don't know, AU means that the events didn't necessarily happen, probably won't happen (but in case I get lucky. . .ha ha), and I don't claim that they ever happened at all.
Kairi waits for Sora everyday at the edge of the shore, gazing out longingly to those bygone days when they would play on the island where they had built their own little world. But slowly, everyone else begins to forget Sora and Riku, even their own parents. Will Sora and Riku return in time to save their own memories? Or is it up to Kairi to keep the memory alive?
Meanwhile, Namine is taken back to Castle Oblivion. Why? And by whom?
The sun rose slowly that morning, its light casting a small cluster of islands into shades of grey, and the colours gradually appearing out of it.
Every resident of those islands were sleeping peacefully, and didn't even notice the warmth slowly crawling through the windows. The only thing that would alert them to it would be the sudden ringing of their alarm clocks, signalling work or school.
However, one resident of the Destiny Islands lay in bed, wide awake, clutching her pillow tightly to herself.
Her cheeks still showed signs that she had been crying, and her red hair, which had grown to between her shoulder blades, was messy and tangled. Her sheets lay in a heap beside her bed.
She made a half-hearted attempt to stop her nose from running by sniffing, but in the end, the nose won, and she made herself take a tissue from the box sitting on the table at the head of her bed and blow her nose.
The alarm clock that sat beside the tissue box suddenly sprang to life as the little hammer moved rapidly back and forth between two bells, creating a loud ringing. With another sniff, she reached for it and flipped the switch in the back, ceasing the noise.
With a dejected sigh, she stood. She placed the pillow on her bed and threw the sheets on, not caring how they landed, and walked sluggishly to the bathroom across the hall.
She looked at herself in the mirror, and made an attempt to rub the redness from her blue eyes, but once she realised that it was just making them worse, she stopped. Instead, she turned on the tap and splashed her face with cold water a few times.
She sighed again as she turned the dials for the faucet in the bath, making sure that the water was hot before she slipped off her pajamas and stepped into the shower.
She let the hot water wash over her for a few minutes as she willed away the fatigue that she felt from not sleeping. She vigorously washed her face. No one would see the evidence from her tears.
A few mintues later, the water stopped, and she wrapped herself with a towel before walking back across the hallway to get dressed.
She felt energized from the shower, and had more of a spring in her step, although it was still a far cry from the gait that a well-rested girl her age would have.
She had reached for a white tank top and had it halfway on before she realised that today was a school day. She scrambled back out of it and put on the white T-shirt, blue pleated skirt, and almost-knee-high socks that consisted of her school uniform. The skirt was slightly wrinkled, but she didn't care enough to get her mom to iron it today. She rolled up the sleeves of the T-shirt, exposing her shoulders. It was one of the few things she was allowed to do to keep herself an individual amoung the rest of the girls wearing the exact same outfit.
She went back into the bathroom and vigorously brushed her hair, then washed her face and went downstairs for breakfast.
Her mother and father were already sitting at the table. Her father was re-reading the thin weekly newspaper, and her mother was waiting for her daughter to arrive so that she could prepare some cereal and save her time.
They weren't really her parents - they had adopted her from the Mayor when she arrived at the islands, without friends or family. They treated her as though she were their real daughter, and she treated them like her real parents in return.
"Good morning, Kairi." her mother said.
"Morning, mom." Kairi said wearily, and gave a weak smile.
Instead of returning the smile, Kairi's mother stared at her with worry.
"You stayed up all night again, didn't you?" she asked.
Kairi shook her head quickly, but the water building up in her eyes gave it away. Instead of scolding her, her mother shook her head slowly, and stood up to get her daughter some breakfast.
Kairi sat down at her place, resisting the urge to sniff as her nose threatened to start running again. Her mother set the bowl of cereal in front of her, and she ate slowly.
"Goodbye." she said to both her parents as she prepared to leave.
"'Bye, sweetie." her mother said.
"Goodbye." her father said.
Kairi attempted to smile again and went through the kitchen on her way to the entranceway. She grabbed her bookbag from the counter of the kitchen, put on her shoes, and left the house.
As far as she knew, Kairi lived the farthest away from the tiny town that had somehow survived on the biggest of the islands. The walk wasn't very long, but her friends had become easily frustrated with how long it took to get to her house.
But she didn't mind. In fact, her distance had become an advantage now that Sora was gone. She had time to focus, to wake up, to let the salty air revive her, before she had to go to school, which, ironically enough, was the first building she would encounter when she entered town.
She stopped at the hill that signalled the outskirts of the village. She gazed over the buildings and across the water, to the island in the distance, that was nothing but shades of red in the sunrise. That was where Sora had left, and that was where Sora would return.
Would she have enough time, she wondered, to go to the shore and try to see if Sora was wandering the island? She wouldn't have to actually get in her boat and paddle over. It was enough just to be able to see the silhouette of someone on the shore.
She'd have to be quick, though. As she made her decision, she began running down the hill, past the school, the stores, the houses, through the foliage, and down the sandy beach to the very edge, where low tide was lazily lapping at the shore. She squinted slightly at her old playground, hoping that there would be a figure moving along the beach, heading for the pier.
"What'cha doin'?" Selphie strode up beside Kairi. The question really wasn't needed - Selphie knew what Kairi had been doing every morning since the beginning of school. She, personally, thought that it was the epitome of a romantic story, and it would only get better once Sora returned.
"I wonder if Riku will come back with Sora?" Selphie continued when Kairi didn't respond. She realised that although Kairi did care deeply for both of her absent friends, Sora was always foremost in her mind.
"I hope so." Kairi replied. "I miss them both so much. It hasn't been the same without them."
She took a tissue out of her bookbag and wiped her eyes and her nose, then balled it up and threw it into the water.
"That's littering, Kairi." Selphie said lightly.
Kairi just shrugged her shoulders and walked with the brunette back up the beach and into the schoolhouse.
Namine was also making a trip to the beach, but she didn't attend school like everyone else she knew. Technically, she wasn't even a resident of the islands, and the house that she lived in had been vacated for a long time. The mayor had been as hospitable to Namine as he had to Kairi, and had fixed up the house and made it habitable for her. After all, the more residents the place had, the better.
She saw Kairi walking up the main road with Selphie, but didn't call out to her in greeting. After Namine had woken up from the apparent coma she had been in, everyone was keeping their distance. She had been talking non-stop about how a twisted little girl called Kairaishi had taken control of Sora and Riku but turned out to be Riku's good fear, and no one believed her. They kept telling her that nothing had happened at all during the week that she had been out of it. The only detail that they confirmed was how she had become comatose, but they said it was during a get-together during the weekend before school started again.
Had it all been a dream? she wondered. But every sensation felt like it had actually happened to her. She even remembered distinctly the smell of the sakura trees when she walked down the path to Kairaishi's Light side of her heart.
She came to a stop a few feet from the water, and frowned at the island that Kairi had been gazing at just moments before. She was convinced that Kairaishi's raft was still ashore over there, and today was the day that she would find out.
Resolutely, she climbed into the boat that had been designated hers (it used to be Riku's), and picked up the paddle. The ocean was calm in the mornings, and made her trip easier than if she waited until morning.
In minutes, she was using the paddle to pull herself into the sand while keeping the boat in the water. She pulled herself out and onto the pier, and marched quickly along the beach to where the raft should have been.
The beach was empty, except for the sticks that, since no one came to the island anymore, hadn't been removed. Namine sighed in defeat. Kairaishi was just part of her dream, after all.
She turned around to leave, disappointed that her friends now had a reason to leave her behind.
But as she began her trek back to the pier, she heard a rustling from behind her. She turned around, fear filling her body. She didn't have any weapons or defence. The best that there was were sticks that had been washed up on the beach.
"Who's there?" she asked nervously, her voice catching in her throat.
The rustling continued, and Namine caught sight of the leaves and brush around the entrance to the Secret Place moving. She began to back away, and prepared to run.
"Hey! Long time no see."
Namine's fear turned into shock, and she was rooted to the spot as a red haired figure clad in a black trenchcoat emerged. He removed himself entirely from the plants and brushed off his sleeves before shooting Namine a smile.
He took in the look of horror on her face, but acknowledged her silence.
"What's the matter? Don't you remember me?" he mimicked disappointment in his voice and his face, his bottom lip sticking out a bit.
Namine recovered from her shock as annoyance took place of the burning need to run for her life.
"How did you get here?" she demanded.
"Aw, didn't the sheltered little girl know? There's no such thing as a closed door anymore." he said matter-of-factly, the pouty face gone and his index finger wagging in the air.
"Why are you here?" she asked, determined to drive him away with incessant questions. She knew that he had no patience for interrogations, and would soon grow bored and leave.
"Because, my sweet, I have a job for you."
Kind of a shortie, but I'd like to leave it here for now.
Even though I didn't say the name, you can probably guess who the character is, can't you?
And, if you haven't yet (and how silly of you, as well), read Blinded! It's linked in my signature.