Radiata Stories
Only the Non-human Ending though... sucked...
Only the Non-human Ending though... sucked...
McFluffy said:...katamari damashi's ending sucked alittle... i mean what... now there's a creepy dance party with psychellidellic mushrooms??? WTF!!?!!?!?
fine, square, we all know that you're a stoner... XD.. well, it was good, it just had almost nothing to do with the actual game.Square Ninja said:What are you talking about? That's the best kind of ending.
McFluffy said:fine, square, we all know that you're a stoner... XD.. well, it was good, it just had almost nothing to do with the actual game.
Square Ninja said:Do you by chance mean Klonoa 2?
Well, the Ys series has always focused more on gameplay that narrative.
Spoiler ShowAlbedo dies, is reborn, killed again by Jr. and is taken to 'heaven' by Kirswassers. It made me want to imagine him saying, "LOOK! RUBEDO! I'M JESUS, LOL!"
What are you, a christian? That would exactly be his style.Kira Haro said:XSII-
Spoiler ShowAlbedo dies, is reborn, killed again by Jr. and is taken to 'heaven' by Kirswassers. It made me want to imagine him saying, "LOOK! RUBEDO! I'M JESUS, LOL!"
Seigfreid said:Who else hates this I can Already give a couple of Games
1.FMA and the Broken Angel