some chick said she wanted BHK to sound like a man i suggested the guy who played tiduses voice in ffx....but she fussed
*gives a sigh of releif* whew, thank goodness! i don't think lance should do sephiroth again, i always pictured sephiroth's voice to be a bit more...sinister, that sephiroth's voice was not all that sinister IMO. question, if everyone was reffering steve burton, then why was steve burns mentioned? was that a slip? because in that case it would be blues clues steve. so could somebody clear that up? sephiroth spawn, did you mean steve burton or steve burns. because you said burns. oh and sephiroth spawn, having a girl do BHK is not really all that crazy. it could work, a lot of girls do guys voices. take rugrats for instance, a lot of the babies are done by girls, even tommy.To think a guy from Blue's Clues would do the voice of Cloud is a sin against life
No keep David. He did a good job.MiladyKairi said:You know the guy that did Chaos' Voice is Xenosaga should do riku's voice
i'm confused to, was steve burns being reffered to, or steve burton? i hope steve burton, because i would scream if steve burns was being reffered to...i do not like blues clues. someone answer, sephiroth spawn were you saying burns, or burton!?!? i need to know! darn i'm so bored...again i say, i hope it is steve burton being reffered to.I thought SteveBurn(s) was the guy who made the voice of cloud for the first one....not the blues clues guy....but I bet we are all meaning to say the guy from the first KH....Sorry for the confusion??
and apperently a lot of other voices in digimon, i saw that name on every episode! thank you for clearing that up.I would just keep thinking of Tai from Digimon....*that was his voice*
you are never going to stop with the rinoa and quistis (sorry not sure how to spell it) should be in the game, are you? nice sig by the way.Again, the girl who plays Kate in LOST should do Rinoa (if she is in the game)
i think new2ya might be, whenever asked what charecters should be in KH2, the response is always the same, rinoa and quistis.ok are you obessed about Rinoa or something
Ah yes, I'm obsessed, just like Nomura. Rinoa is his favorite character...kerobaroes said:i think new2ya might be, whenever asked what charecters should be in KH2, the response is always the same, rinoa and quistis.
hell i dont know what i meantkerobaroes said:*gives a sigh of releif* whew, thank goodness! i don't think lance should do sephiroth again, i always pictured sephiroth's voice to be a bit more...sinister, that sephiroth's voice was not all that sinister IMO. question, if everyone was reffering steve burton, then why was steve burns mentioned? was that a slip? because in that case it would be blues clues steve. so could somebody clear that up? sephiroth spawn, did you mean steve burton or steve burns. because you said burns. oh and sephiroth spawn, having a girl do BHK is not really all that crazy. it could work, a lot of girls do guys voices. take rugrats for instance, a lot of the babies are done by girls, even tommy.