I'm not surprised to say the least.Something like that happens every year and it hasn't stopped yet.
Then later that night I'm going to watch the news and laugh at the stupid bastards that were trampled to death in the shopping mob. Because only stupid people shop on Black Friday.
yeah... i wont even to shopping on black friday anymore
Cannot believe what i had just read, this is the most horrible thing that has ever traveled to my mind, i am totally 10000% furious at those people that go to any length to get wha they want.
I just don't understand teh world today, like even america..The chance of freedom, and the land of oppertunities. And then somethiing like this happens, and i compeletly agree with Indrium, this incident makes me to be ashamed to be an american, i just don't understand why this had to happen, that employee had nothing against that person(s) that killed him/her so why did it have to happen.
Did we not learn from Martin Luther King's speech let freedom ring throughout the states and unite us to be a greater and peaceful country, this makes me ticked then anything else that has ever happened,a nd most of us has to agree with me this world is curupt and there needs to be peace in this world before we all are dragged into wars over and over again!!!!!!!!!:cursing::cursing:
Or we could just simpley organize the sales better, have police there, automatic doors so the doormen/women don't get ran over.