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BUT if we do get rescuing Aqua out of the way then she can play a larger role in KH3 perhaps as a Kairi traveling companion.
I just love all of this. I also really love how MX looks. I also loved TAV reuniting at the end. And getting separated again. And how Sora saves Aqua. Oh, and Mickey.
Can somebody free me
I loved the way Geezernort sat there like "where's my popcorn, heh?"
And yes, the flying scene is adorable.
The whole area seems to be based off this.
imo anyway.
it seems to me that it is using the disney logo castle to symbolize all the disney worlds falling to darkness in a single image
they're actually all mx lol
https://68.media.tumblr.com/0d1e756cbb3190eb3ceb4bb372c9c269/tumblr_ofpu19wt7g1ugvzu5o1_1280.jpg <-bigger ver.
That was incredible and god I hope this hints the final fight 0.2 will be Aqua and Mickey vs her memories of those two.
I just see it as reference to BBS' Ending
i think it's just artistic license for the opening.
i'm not-so-secretly hoping that back cover also gets a cgi opening
Seeing such a scene reinforces my views as to why I like the TAV-Trio despite all the admittedly existing flaws the actual BBS had.
There's also hope that they're handled better in this one and KH III itself.
this biggest thing hurting TAV as a trio + development, imo, was the need for them to fit in a prequel where all their stories ended tragically. so characters had to act dumb or uncommunicative in order to make the plot work. but, free of that, i think they'd have a really good chance of becoming a well developed trio in kh3 and on.
I feel like they are just teasing us and she'll actually get saved in KH3 (even though idk how they'd time that).
I'm sure there'll be a cliffhanger at the end of 0.2
Yup. ^-^I think so, too. I kinda don't see her getting out just yet.