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What do you like/dislike about people on the forums?

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New member
Oct 24, 2012
Packing my bags to Mars.
This thread is meant to be constructive, with either compliments or criticisms. Please don't single out any person for any reason.

The things that I like the best about people on the KHInsider forums is that compared to other forums that I've been to (and I've been to a lot) is that there is a handful of intelligent and understanding people. Mods aren't snobby, and you can actually friend them, unlike the other forums I've been to. My friendships with people here actually have lasted and had meaning. ^^

On the other hand, what I don't like about people on the forums is that it still has the same online forum drama. And I know that statement is going to be met with, "Welcome to the Internet. Get over it." And that's a problem. People tend not to relate and converse with another poster, they just throw their opinion out there. I don't really have a sense of humanity at all, I'm just "the original poster". :( And with people bulldozing others with their opinions, it's actually a lot harder to make friends than it seems. And I really don't like trolls. I hate it when they hijack threads just to crack a joke. It's not that I'm trying to stop your sense of humor, but people don't appreciate others instigating for attention. I wonder if people ever get my sense of humor... And finally, everything on the forums except for a PM can be seen. This is a huge problem all across the Internet, but I see a lot of things that are way too much information. If you need to get something off your chest, then why don't you just type it in your own blog or Facebook page? Or better yet, why don't you write it in your private diary?


Nov 30, 2014
If you need to get something off your chest, then why don't you just type it in your own blog or Facebook page? Or better yet, why don't you write it in your private diary?

I feel like this is something I'm doing (not trying to say you directed it at me), so I'll try and tell you why:
Because I trust the people on this forum. When I need help, I know they'll help me. Personally, when I post a thread in the Help and Support section, it's not just about writing stuff down: it's about trying to explain your situation and hope others will help you. That said, if you don't like seeing everything... just don't read it, I guess?
Also take this as "what do you like about people on this forum"

I like the people on here and it's grown to a level that I consider this place my home. Yeah, it sounds strange and "don't you have a private life", but that's really the way it is.

There's not much I dislike, really.


Bronze Member
May 28, 2015
I agree with Muke. There is nothing specifically wrong with sharing your thoughts, asking for help, and requesting advice on these forums. The Help and Support section exists for a reason; to share your feelings and question struggles that other users can answer and give you. Personally, the users in said section can give really useful advice.

Back on topic, what I like the most about this forums is it's generally chill tone, but it's bursting with enthusiasm whenever news releases, or in other words, HYPE. This forums can also make pretty funny threads in the Forum Insanity section, helpful posts in the Help and Support section (as stated above), great theories and what ifs wondering in the KH section, and LOTS of info dumps. I actually learned more about KH than I ever did before thanks to this great forum.

But honestly, the one thing I absolute adore the most is the fact I met so much great people here. Seriously, I've been on this site for about a year and a half, and I've never respected and have been respected back by several people on the internet before. This is the best site for me to interact with people who has common interest as me, or hilarious jokes we've made in groups. It's a fun experience. The internet would've bored me if I didn't join such a site with kind people.

As for what I dislike? Not a lot. The obvious downfall are the trolls, bots, and overall rude people that can occasionally appear on this site. But overall, nothing I dislike.


Bronze Member
Mar 1, 2008
In the past, I've found a few of the members here to be pretty shitty. Is it as much now? No. If anything, it feels like a lot of the people who I disliked have left. But I left a few years ago due to just how awful those members could be, rather than actually talk to a staff member about it. The site comparatively is fine now though. Some people still act like assholes, but it can't be avoided.


the ego dies forever
Staff member
Dec 15, 2005
Beyond the Final Destination
I think Chuman 2016 is better than his 2008 counter part. Cause man that guy got picked on a lot then vs now.

This forum isn't anywhere near as condescending intensive as from the years that I remember it. People that joined within the last 6 years however missed several points of where other sections used to just thrive completely. I almost feel bad for moderators like Takushi Reina that literally have nothing to do because the areas they oversee have the smallest population of posters/users. The Creative Corner of this site is virtually crickets with the exception of Fanfiction and the Freestyle Thread (+7 years boys).

A lot of key players kinda fell out of the lime light, got married, had kids, or just lost interest and it was certainly for the better. It says a lot about how less "adult" the forum became and functions now, more as it intended to be. This is comparable to how cartoons have evolved in the West, y'all missed the Ren & Stimpy Era, now we working with whatever is the most recent to make a comparison. As far as having issues with others? Everything is for the most part pretty "transparent" I guess, can't really see people plotting someone's demise here because its even more rare now that you spot members openly looking for someone to bully.

Says a lot about yourselves as a mass group of users doesn't it?

Hell I game with a decent amount of people from this community, your only gonna find what to dislike if your actively looking for it. [I should make a Rap minus e vol. II forum insanity thread]


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
I think Chuman 2016 is better than his 2008 counter part. Cause man that guy got picked on a lot then vs now.

This forum isn't anywhere near as condescending intensive as from the years that I remember it. People that joined within the last 6 years however missed several points of where other sections used to just thrive completely. I almost feel bad for moderators like Takushi Reina that literally have nothing to do because the areas they oversee have the smallest population of posters/users. The Creative Corner of this site is virtually crickets with the exception of Fanfiction and the Freestyle Thread (+7 years boys).

A lot of key players kinda fell out of the lime light, got married, had kids, or just lost interest and it was certainly for the better. It says a lot about how less "adult" the forum became and functions now, more as it intended to be. This is comparable to how cartoons have evolved in the West, y'all missed the Ren & Stimpy Era, now we working with whatever is the most recent to make a comparison. As far as having issues with others? Everything is for the most part pretty "transparent" I guess, can't really see people plotting someone's demise here because its even more rare now that you spot members openly looking for someone to bully.

Says a lot about yourselves as a mass group of users doesn't it?

honestly this summed up my thoughts of the forums pretty well. although it can be juvenile at times and i admit i was the cause of a lot of it, the forums 2-4 years ago were terrible about it. a lot of the "younger" members (who are actually close to my age) are a lot more mature than the badge wearing adults who would delete content and bully members because they felt entitled to do so.

so every time someone thinks the forums are really bad and unreasonable, just know that it is a blessing compared to the recent past


Apr 14, 2005
People think this place is bad? Try joining gamefaqs boards. that place make khinsiders worst days look like nothing.

Anyways, having seen the absolute best and worst of the Internet, this place is pretty nice. Even though I mostly lurk, I've always considered this place my online home because it was literally the first forum I ever joined - I was freakin 12 when I joined. And while it's not nearly as active as it used to be, it blows my mind that this place is still here - and I'm glad it is. I've made a decent amount of friends on here but they're long gone now, and I had my fair share of people I absolutely despised. But for the most part people on here are nice and helpful - though that ratio used to be a lot different back then.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
There's always people you'll dislike if you spend time finding them. I don't see the problem in looking for support honestly. Not everyone has a facebook, diary or good friends to talk to, so finding help here is a good alternative for some folks.


Bronze Member
Mar 1, 2008
so every time someone thinks the forums are really bad and unreasonable, just know that it is a blessing compared to the recent past

Pretty much. I joined back in 2008, so about 8 years ago. I was about 13-14. I got into Kingdom Hearts, found this place, and thought "Wow, what a neat place to go". But then if I remember correctly, there was a clique of members who designated their time to making fun of members who liked Kingdom Hearts. On a Kingdom Hearts forum. I believe their response was "Yeah I liked it, but now I'm staying for the community" and honestly, that can be reasonable enough. I actually somewhat do the same - I still like the series, but I don't participate in discussions here a lot. But then you had these people actually coming to a Kingdom Hearts forum to pick on Kingdom Hearts fans. Heck, I remember these guys making fun of kids.

I once made the mistake of posting an image of myself. Two particular members lashed back at it, giving me insults. Those members were pretty prominent members who were friends with staff. Being a dweeby kid with horrible self esteem, this actually hit me hard. And then there was one member in particular who then decided to go about posting my image. I couldn't handle that and left.

It's been years from then, and those members have pretty much fucked off.


Bronze Member
May 28, 2015
Pretty much. I joined back in 2008, so about 8 years ago. I was about 13-14. I got into Kingdom Hearts, found this place, and thought "Wow, what a neat place to go". But then if I remember correctly, there was a clique of members who designated their time to making fun of members who liked Kingdom Hearts. On a Kingdom Hearts forum. I believe their response was "Yeah I liked it, but now I'm staying for the community" and honestly, that can be reasonable enough. I actually somewhat do the same - I still like the series, but I don't participate in discussions here a lot. But then you had these people actually coming to a Kingdom Hearts forum to pick on Kingdom Hearts fans. Heck, I remember these guys making fun of kids.

I once made the mistake of posting an image of myself. Two particular members lashed back at it, giving me insults. Those members were pretty prominent members who were friends with staff. Being a dweeby kid with horrible self esteem, this actually hit me hard. And then there was one member in particular who then decided to go about posting my image. I couldn't handle that and left.

It's been years from then, and those members have pretty much diddlyed off.
I'm very sorry to hear this.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
Pretty much. I joined back in 2008, so about 8 years ago. I was about 13-14. I got into Kingdom Hearts, found this place, and thought "Wow, what a neat place to go". But then if I remember correctly, there was a clique of members who designated their time to making fun of members who liked Kingdom Hearts. On a Kingdom Hearts forum. I believe their response was "Yeah I liked it, but now I'm staying for the community" and honestly, that can be reasonable enough. I actually somewhat do the same - I still like the series, but I don't participate in discussions here a lot. But then you had these people actually coming to a Kingdom Hearts forum to pick on Kingdom Hearts fans. Heck, I remember these guys making fun of kids.

I once made the mistake of posting an image of myself. Two particular members lashed back at it, giving me insults. Those members were pretty prominent members who were friends with staff. Being a dweeby kid with horrible self esteem, this actually hit me hard. And then there was one member in particular who then decided to go about posting my image. I couldn't handle that and left.

It's been years from then, and those members have pretty much fucked off.

Reminds me of a similar situation not long ago. Glad those people aren't really around anymore.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
People think this place is bad? Try joining gamefaqs boards. that place make khinsiders worst days look like nothing.

Shudder, don't even mention that cesspool. I don't know even know how people can remain so long there.


Nov 17, 2006
I can agree that certain members here could be pretty cruel back in the days. They're gone now, and I must honestly say that the whole khi community seems a lot friendlier now than it was back then. I remember that there was a lot of bullying here back then, and I'm feeling so bad for not supporting the victims more... If I would have witnessed the same today, I would have said something, but I was too afraid back then.

Only thing I do really miss are all my friends back then. Most of them are gone and has moved on from this place... I was also gone for a while, so I need to start all over again getting to know all the new people here xD

Gotta also say that the staff do also seem a lot friendlier now :)

And now I got all that off my chest. Puh.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
I can agree that certain members here could be pretty cruel back in the days. They're gone now, and I must honestly say that the whole khi community seems a lot friendlier now than it was back then. I remember that there was a lot of bullying here back then, and I'm feeling so bad for not supporting the victims more... If I would have witnessed the same today, I would have said something, but I was too afraid back then.

Only thing I do really miss are all my friends back then. Most of them are gone and has moved on from this place... I was also gone for a while, so I need to start all over again getting to know all the new people here xD

Gotta also say that the staff do also seem a lot friendlier now :)

And now I got all that off my chest. Puh.

its okay, i got my name changed to fagcock for defending someone and master spockanort had her name changed to ethnic woman for defending me.

it was a vicious circle and most of the old mods are either gone or just lurking like curmudgeonly old men cussing out kids as if its 2011


Bronze Member
Mar 1, 2008
I'm very sorry to hear this.

It's cool. I was not the best person either, really. It's a shame for people who didn't deserve it though.

Reminds me of a similar situation not long ago. Glad those people aren't really around anymore.

Me too.

its okay, i got my name changed to fagcock for defending someone and master spockanort had her name changed to ethnic woman for defending me.

it was a vicious circle and most of the old mods are either gone or just lurking like curmudgeonly old men cussing out kids as if its 2011

Yeah, I remember seeing that attitude here, and felt it was pathetic. Glad that died out a bit though. Sure, there's remnants, but not to the same extent.


Nov 17, 2006
its okay, i got my name changed to fagcock for defending someone and master spockanort had her name changed to ethnic woman for defending me.

it was a vicious circle and most of the old mods are either gone or just lurking like curmudgeonly old men cussing out kids as if its 2011
Oh, I remember her name being Etnic Woman for a while. Now I know why. Well, I'm glad the forums has friendlier mods now :)


nothing ever ends
Jan 30, 2009
Forums predicated around single-interest issues inevitably have to offer more to increase staying power while catering to the express desires of the users. Unfortunately, particularly where genuine intellectual discussion is concerned, a mixture of apathy, laissez faire moderation, and the anonymity fuelled desire to shoot the shit creates echo chambers. It's not a completely egregious thing (1), but when these snowball into subcultures, their toxicity can bleed to other places on the web or RL (see: the alt-right and reddit). But these forums can be particularly influential for their younger members and I've seen unfortunate ideas or attitudes being imparted from it. You just hope that they grow out of it.

(1) You can argue that a forum revolving around a Japanese action-rpg franchise w cartoon characters isn't the ideal place to have weighty discussions so it's a void complaint. But then again we wouldn't have users like Hidden.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
Forums predicated around single-interest issues inevitably have to offer more to increase staying power while catering to the express desires of the users. Unfortunately, particularly where genuine intellectual discussion is concerned, a mixture of apathy, laissez faire moderation, and the anonymity fuelled desire to shoot the shit creates echo chambers. It's not a completely egregious thing (1), but when these snowball into subcultures, their toxicity can bleed to other places on the web or RL (see: the alt-right and reddit). But these forums can be particularly influential for their younger members and I've seen unfortunate ideas or attitudes being imparted from it. You just hope that they grow out of it.

(1) You can argue that a forum revolving around a Japanese action-rpg franchise w cartoon characters isn't the ideal place to have weighty discussions so it's a void complaint. But then again we wouldn't have users like Hidden.

holy shit you're back

what is this year even
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