(inc. Walls of Text)
So, yesterday I picked up the japanese version of Birth By Sleep and it got me thinking about the small, but special role this series has had in my life. (Excuse any date slip ups I have, it's all pretty hazy x))
First of all, I'm sixteen, so when the first Kingdom Hearts came out I was around eight or nine. Being as young as I was, I wasn't too into the series or anything, and so my brother ended up playing it while I watched, and after we finished, we didn't really look back and I forgot pretty much everything that happened. CoM came out a few years later and I didn't really blink an eye at it.
Ever since I was a kid, I've had an incredibly awful form of Pectus Carnivatum (basically my sternum sticks out, but my case is very irregular.) and so my ribcage is bent and going diagonal in my chest pretty much. It wasn't a big deal, and it never looked that awful. I got an x-ray for it when I was like, six. No big deal.
So a routine doctor checkup when I'm twelve, and stuff gets real. He starts going on about how it's looking way worse than usual, but it was probably just because I was growing. I didn't think much of it, though I probably should've, because a few weeks after I was playing on some rocks by the lake in what I think was early march. I fell onto said giant, jagged rock, right onto my chest and ribs, and was put in the most pain I've ever felt in my life. Went back to the doctor, was told to get an x-ray immediately.
I got the x-ray, and my chest and ribs were all effed up, and I guess there was a chance that I'd get one of my organs punctured and possibly die at some point, so wicked surgery to straighten my body out had to ensue. Wicked, dangerous surgery. I flipped out and was crying non-stop, afraid I was going to die. My mother, in an attempt to console me, promised she'd buy me a video game, so we went to gamestop and I'm depressed as hell looking through all the games. There was nothing I liked, absolutely nothing. Defeated, I told my Mom I wanted to go home. But my Mother thought otherwise and pointed to a Kingdom Heats II cardboard cut out with one copy of the game on it. "What about this one?"
I decided to get it, but I figured it'd just be an rpg I'd blow through without really caring, and then it would be over.
Boy was I wrong, because what ensued was the most wonderful gaming experience of my life. It was just so...fun! I liked the fighting, and I loved the story, and it was just so amazing, and it calmed me down a lot. So before my surgery, I played through most of the game, and it eased the pain and fear so much; it was my escape from reality. Rather than laying in my bed crying about how I might die, I got to take up a keyblade as Sora and fight the forces of darkness in an incredibly cool fashion. I know it gets a lot of grief, but it remains my favorite game of all time.
Obviously I lived through the surgery, and I went back to playing Kingdom Hearts II, grinning and smiling all the way. I beat it as soon as I got back from the hospital, and I'd never been happier in my life, and to this day the series remains very, very close to my heart, and I've gotta thank Nomura and his band of merry programmers and designers for helping me through that terrifying time in my life.
tl;dr: Spelling errors. I almost died and KH II made me feel better. Also I'm a sentimental sap.
Does anyone else have a sentimental attachment to this series for some reason? Feel free to tell. x) Thanks for reading this huge wall of text if you did. ;p
So, yesterday I picked up the japanese version of Birth By Sleep and it got me thinking about the small, but special role this series has had in my life. (Excuse any date slip ups I have, it's all pretty hazy x))
First of all, I'm sixteen, so when the first Kingdom Hearts came out I was around eight or nine. Being as young as I was, I wasn't too into the series or anything, and so my brother ended up playing it while I watched, and after we finished, we didn't really look back and I forgot pretty much everything that happened. CoM came out a few years later and I didn't really blink an eye at it.
Ever since I was a kid, I've had an incredibly awful form of Pectus Carnivatum (basically my sternum sticks out, but my case is very irregular.) and so my ribcage is bent and going diagonal in my chest pretty much. It wasn't a big deal, and it never looked that awful. I got an x-ray for it when I was like, six. No big deal.
So a routine doctor checkup when I'm twelve, and stuff gets real. He starts going on about how it's looking way worse than usual, but it was probably just because I was growing. I didn't think much of it, though I probably should've, because a few weeks after I was playing on some rocks by the lake in what I think was early march. I fell onto said giant, jagged rock, right onto my chest and ribs, and was put in the most pain I've ever felt in my life. Went back to the doctor, was told to get an x-ray immediately.
I got the x-ray, and my chest and ribs were all effed up, and I guess there was a chance that I'd get one of my organs punctured and possibly die at some point, so wicked surgery to straighten my body out had to ensue. Wicked, dangerous surgery. I flipped out and was crying non-stop, afraid I was going to die. My mother, in an attempt to console me, promised she'd buy me a video game, so we went to gamestop and I'm depressed as hell looking through all the games. There was nothing I liked, absolutely nothing. Defeated, I told my Mom I wanted to go home. But my Mother thought otherwise and pointed to a Kingdom Heats II cardboard cut out with one copy of the game on it. "What about this one?"
I decided to get it, but I figured it'd just be an rpg I'd blow through without really caring, and then it would be over.
Boy was I wrong, because what ensued was the most wonderful gaming experience of my life. It was just so...fun! I liked the fighting, and I loved the story, and it was just so amazing, and it calmed me down a lot. So before my surgery, I played through most of the game, and it eased the pain and fear so much; it was my escape from reality. Rather than laying in my bed crying about how I might die, I got to take up a keyblade as Sora and fight the forces of darkness in an incredibly cool fashion. I know it gets a lot of grief, but it remains my favorite game of all time.
Obviously I lived through the surgery, and I went back to playing Kingdom Hearts II, grinning and smiling all the way. I beat it as soon as I got back from the hospital, and I'd never been happier in my life, and to this day the series remains very, very close to my heart, and I've gotta thank Nomura and his band of merry programmers and designers for helping me through that terrifying time in my life.
tl;dr: Spelling errors. I almost died and KH II made me feel better. Also I'm a sentimental sap.
Does anyone else have a sentimental attachment to this series for some reason? Feel free to tell. x) Thanks for reading this huge wall of text if you did. ;p
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