One of the problems with people is that they are inherently preoccupied with the three main Abrahamic religions, that being Christianity, Judeism, and Islam. There are other religions people, seriously, go out and do some homework.
Christianity, and urm Islam I think. Anyway I grew up in a Christian household and these fucks are miserable. So are my family members. It enslaves your mind. It's a total facade that people use as a method of control over their family and community.
I love how you presume to know the mental state of the entire Christian community based on your own subjective, and biased, experience. Don't make generalizations - just because your family members are miserable, unauthentic Christians doesn't mean everyone else is the same. You're not a representative sample of the Christian world, don't be arrogant enough to assume you are.
The same goes to the original post which talked about terrorists and murderers and the like - that is NOT a representative sample. The vast majority of Muslims frown upon terrorism, only a small sect of radicals are the crazy ones who blow people up.
Every group has a bit of bad. We're all human, and it is impossible to have a group of perfect people. But just because there's bad people in a group doesn't mean you can judge the group as a whole in such a manner - in fact that is a logical fallacy known as
Composition, in which one assumes that because members of a group have attribute X then the whole group must also have that attribute.
ahahaha. It totally doesn't do that though. It makes them wish for death so they can meet God. I'm not being a dick about it, it's the truth
This is an ignorant statement, showing that you know very little about Judeo-Christian religions and that you only have a very superficial view of what it means to be a Christian. You ARE being a dick about it, and it most certainly ISN'T the truth. Go and do some actual research - because even though you say that you've grown up in a Christian household, it is obvious you have no idea what the religion encompasses.
Religion gives people answers in a similar way that science does, albeit the different methods. If a Christian can make sense out of God creating the universe rather than whatever theory someone else has to say, then I'd say having a religion is the better choice for him/her.
Religion does give answers, though they are wholly different from scientific answers, and they use vastly different methods.
Back to the original topic at hand:
Religion is an inherent part of human nature - whether you like it or not, there is always a sense of mysticism in the human experience, there is always a sense of the unknown - a transcendental experience, if you will. We can't help it, but it happens at random times in our lives - when we see the beauty in the universe, when we think about abstract things, when we have near-death experiences, etc.
It is part of human nature to have vague feelings of something beyond what our senses can perceive. Whether or not these feelings are a response to an objective truth or simply subjective experiences is what gives rise to the question of whether or not there really exists a higher being out there. But regardless of whether or not these feelings correspond to an objectively true deity, the fact remains that we have them, and that they can very well shape our actions, emotions, behavior, and the like. The rationalization of these "Holy" or transcendental experiences is what forms religions, so we cannot rid ourselves of religion any more than we can rid ourselves of our conscience, or our rationality, or some other inherent part of our nature.
And to the idea that with the advancement of science religion becomes obsolete: science doesn't even have the answers to everything under it's own realm. There are problems in quantum physics which still elude reason and empirical thinking. Science will never answer everything, because there will always be something else to discover - the unknown will always be present. And as long as science doesn't have all the answers, then religion will always exist as a necessary part of human society and culture.