I know nothing about the process of making a game. But I know that there are people who do know out there. I would like to know:
Why has it taken so LONG for 358/2 days to come out..also, WHY did they say it was gonna be released in feb when they KNEW that was not gonna happen. But most importantly, I want to know why it takes so dang long for it to finish for other countries. I mean the Japanese already made the graphics and everything else right?..so shouldnt all they need to do is translate everything, add the voice acting and....thats it? And don't they get started on it as soon as they announce its coming to the country?
Why has it taken so LONG for 358/2 days to come out..also, WHY did they say it was gonna be released in feb when they KNEW that was not gonna happen. But most importantly, I want to know why it takes so dang long for it to finish for other countries. I mean the Japanese already made the graphics and everything else right?..so shouldnt all they need to do is translate everything, add the voice acting and....thats it? And don't they get started on it as soon as they announce its coming to the country?