(ordinarily i don't post in H/S because the community isn't very helpful or i know what the solutions to my problems are and just don't feel like implementing them, but i figure it wouldn't hurt to post this anyway).
I'm going to try and keep this brief.
Essentially, around my last year of high school it struck me that I basically had nothing I wanted to work towards or build towards. Nada. Being independent was a nice thought, and I realize that people who don't work are useless to society, but it's hard to do when you get little joy out of pretty much anything. I'd spent most of high school being an underachiever so I wasn't sure if I could even go very far.
right now i'm enrolled in university (design major, second semester), but I've lost most of my passion for it and have decided to drop out as soon as the semester ends (i would have done it a while ago but my parents insist otherwise), to the point where i've been a very irresponsible student for the last month or so, skipping classes i found too aggravating and generally not doing most of my coursework. I was a law major the previous year, but I couldn't even last a semester.
Law wasn't something I particularly enjoyed the thought of doing, but decided it wouldn't hurt to try for the financial income and social prestige. Unfortunately it proved to be too much for me. Design was fun for a while, but it just annoys me now.
My ideal plan for now would be to quit uni for a while, find a job, and stick to it for a few years so i can try and get used to adult life better.
However there's something that's complicating this issue a lot: my folks.
Basically they won't get off my case whatsoever, and keep nagging me about picking something else to study despite the fact that I'm bonking tired of the institution that is university and just want a break from it for a while. The fact that I don't enjoy doing anything means any major I pick or that they pick for me, I'd probably just get worn out very quickly and quit a few semesters in. They don't seem to understand that the job would be a transitional thing and not something I'd have for more than 2-3 years at most.
They gave me an ultimatum: pick something, or they'll pick it for me, and either way, they're "not going to let me drop it". I find this troublesome because even if I manage to put up with all the tedious coursework and graduate, regardless of the major, I find it likely that I'll be a mediocre professional with a dead-end job and overall just not enjoying being alive, if i can even find employment afterwards at all.
I realize why they're concerned: having no ambition isn't exactly common or healthy, and how I spend my day isn't exactly the epitome of a productive responsible adult: essentially I wake up around noon, eat lunch, sleep a few more hours if I'm sleepy still, go to uni around 5pm, get back home around 11 pm, stay up until around 4, go to bed, and do it all again the next day. Any time I'm not doing those things I spend on the computer, basically, just idling away. I barely get out of the house unless I'm going to the nearby supermarket to buy something. Even if I were to get out more, I wouldn't know where to go and have no one to go with me.
Overall I just feel like dead weight (re-reading this just made me realize my life sounds very parasitic and aimless) and have no idea what I'm going to do with my life right now.
I'm going to try and keep this brief.
Essentially, around my last year of high school it struck me that I basically had nothing I wanted to work towards or build towards. Nada. Being independent was a nice thought, and I realize that people who don't work are useless to society, but it's hard to do when you get little joy out of pretty much anything. I'd spent most of high school being an underachiever so I wasn't sure if I could even go very far.
right now i'm enrolled in university (design major, second semester), but I've lost most of my passion for it and have decided to drop out as soon as the semester ends (i would have done it a while ago but my parents insist otherwise), to the point where i've been a very irresponsible student for the last month or so, skipping classes i found too aggravating and generally not doing most of my coursework. I was a law major the previous year, but I couldn't even last a semester.
Law wasn't something I particularly enjoyed the thought of doing, but decided it wouldn't hurt to try for the financial income and social prestige. Unfortunately it proved to be too much for me. Design was fun for a while, but it just annoys me now.
My ideal plan for now would be to quit uni for a while, find a job, and stick to it for a few years so i can try and get used to adult life better.
However there's something that's complicating this issue a lot: my folks.
Basically they won't get off my case whatsoever, and keep nagging me about picking something else to study despite the fact that I'm bonking tired of the institution that is university and just want a break from it for a while. The fact that I don't enjoy doing anything means any major I pick or that they pick for me, I'd probably just get worn out very quickly and quit a few semesters in. They don't seem to understand that the job would be a transitional thing and not something I'd have for more than 2-3 years at most.
They gave me an ultimatum: pick something, or they'll pick it for me, and either way, they're "not going to let me drop it". I find this troublesome because even if I manage to put up with all the tedious coursework and graduate, regardless of the major, I find it likely that I'll be a mediocre professional with a dead-end job and overall just not enjoying being alive, if i can even find employment afterwards at all.
I realize why they're concerned: having no ambition isn't exactly common or healthy, and how I spend my day isn't exactly the epitome of a productive responsible adult: essentially I wake up around noon, eat lunch, sleep a few more hours if I'm sleepy still, go to uni around 5pm, get back home around 11 pm, stay up until around 4, go to bed, and do it all again the next day. Any time I'm not doing those things I spend on the computer, basically, just idling away. I barely get out of the house unless I'm going to the nearby supermarket to buy something. Even if I were to get out more, I wouldn't know where to go and have no one to go with me.
Overall I just feel like dead weight (re-reading this just made me realize my life sounds very parasitic and aimless) and have no idea what I'm going to do with my life right now.