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Help/Support ► what to do when you have no direction

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cameo lover
May 17, 2007
(ordinarily i don't post in H/S because the community isn't very helpful or i know what the solutions to my problems are and just don't feel like implementing them, but i figure it wouldn't hurt to post this anyway).

I'm going to try and keep this brief.

Essentially, around my last year of high school it struck me that I basically had nothing I wanted to work towards or build towards. Nada. Being independent was a nice thought, and I realize that people who don't work are useless to society, but it's hard to do when you get little joy out of pretty much anything. I'd spent most of high school being an underachiever so I wasn't sure if I could even go very far.

right now i'm enrolled in university (design major, second semester), but I've lost most of my passion for it and have decided to drop out as soon as the semester ends (i would have done it a while ago but my parents insist otherwise), to the point where i've been a very irresponsible student for the last month or so, skipping classes i found too aggravating and generally not doing most of my coursework. I was a law major the previous year, but I couldn't even last a semester.

Law wasn't something I particularly enjoyed the thought of doing, but decided it wouldn't hurt to try for the financial income and social prestige. Unfortunately it proved to be too much for me. Design was fun for a while, but it just annoys me now.

My ideal plan for now would be to quit uni for a while, find a job, and stick to it for a few years so i can try and get used to adult life better.

However there's something that's complicating this issue a lot: my folks.

Basically they won't get off my case whatsoever, and keep nagging me about picking something else to study despite the fact that I'm bonking tired of the institution that is university and just want a break from it for a while. The fact that I don't enjoy doing anything means any major I pick or that they pick for me, I'd probably just get worn out very quickly and quit a few semesters in. They don't seem to understand that the job would be a transitional thing and not something I'd have for more than 2-3 years at most.

They gave me an ultimatum: pick something, or they'll pick it for me, and either way, they're "not going to let me drop it". I find this troublesome because even if I manage to put up with all the tedious coursework and graduate, regardless of the major, I find it likely that I'll be a mediocre professional with a dead-end job and overall just not enjoying being alive, if i can even find employment afterwards at all.

I realize why they're concerned: having no ambition isn't exactly common or healthy, and how I spend my day isn't exactly the epitome of a productive responsible adult: essentially I wake up around noon, eat lunch, sleep a few more hours if I'm sleepy still, go to uni around 5pm, get back home around 11 pm, stay up until around 4, go to bed, and do it all again the next day. Any time I'm not doing those things I spend on the computer, basically, just idling away. I barely get out of the house unless I'm going to the nearby supermarket to buy something. Even if I were to get out more, I wouldn't know where to go and have no one to go with me.

Overall I just feel like dead weight (re-reading this just made me realize my life sounds very parasitic and aimless) and have no idea what I'm going to do with my life right now.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
If you dont want to study for something, you could choose to get an easy job you like and work on it until you are a manager or something.

Go to subway or something and spend a few years and rise up the ranks.
Maybe on the way you will decide what you want to do with your life.

Johnny Stooge

Dec 8, 2004
If you dont want to study for something, you could choose to get an easy job you like and work on it until you are a manager or something.

Go to subway or something and spend a few years and rise up the ranks.
Maybe on the way you will decide what you want to do with your life.
You are horrible at advice. Please give no more. He's asking for encouragement to be productive. He doesn't want you putting him on a path to suicide.

Professor Ven

The Tin Man
Jun 12, 2006
If you dont want to study for something, you could choose to get an easy job you like and work on it until you are a manager or something.

Go to subway or something and spend a few years and rise up the ranks.
Maybe on the way you will decide what you want to do with your life.

Subway in Brland wat.

Paolo, it's really something you have to figure out [somewhat] on your own terms. I decided in my own degree to just go ahead and get a Masters/Ph.D in English, because hell, if I have to do something, it's something I'm good at, and I get to make countless student's lives miserable with quirky coursework and general Idgaf attitude.

You could just sit and think on it; weigh your strengths and weaknesses; what're good at? Blah blah. Even then, you don't have to be good at something to enjoy it - I know squat of editing/making tags with Photoshop (though I was taught by a patient teacher at one point), and it's one of those things that, hey, I might suck, but I'll take a shot at it while I'm still hobblin'.

But putting college/uni aside, if you're finding your sense of purpose/life boring, break the routine and go DO something out of the house. Anything goes; just don't get shot or arrested, and have fun while you're off gallavanting, because tomorrow's going suck, but why give it a chance to today?

Enchanted Rose

worst behaviour
Sep 20, 2004
My ideal plan for now would be to quit uni for a while, find a job, and stick to it for a few years so i can try and get used to adult life better.

This is definitely what I'd suggest. Real life experience is equally, and perhaps more, valid.

It's kind of what I'm doing. Like you, I felt really pushed through the system; I'd already got my bachelors degree by the time I was 20, and all my professors and parents were constantly pressuring me to do a masters leading to a PHd. But I wasn't sure what I wanted to study, and didn't want to make a huge commitment in terms of money, time and effort on something I wasn't sure about. Whilst I'd got the best grades, I knew I had absolutely no work ethic, and the higher I went in academia, the more that I'd suffer. I wanted to take a break, so that I could mature - and perhaps mature intellectually at the same time.

Although I'm always going to suffer from chronic procrastination, working 9-5 has really taken my lifestyle patterns away from something similar to what you described (going to bed needlessly late, waking up late). I always go out on evenings and weekends now, because that is officially free time - before I had always used the fact that I should be studying as an excuse not to do things. Even if you don't have loads of friends available, you can at least have time for your hobbies, and you might feel like you're becoming a more rounded person.

People sometimes use studying as a form of evasion, but it's essential to have work experience, and have the opportunity to gain confidence, social skills and learn responsibility. It can be tough, but I don't regret it and I think sometimes you have to learn the hard way.

The fact is you're only 18, you have ages to decide what you want to do. Your parents are being predictably narrow-minded (parents often want what's best for you, but they don't know what's best for you). Have another go at explaining to them in detail why you think you'd benefit from taking a break from studying. You need to emphasize the fact that you would go back to studying - with renewed motivation - and be able to choose a career that you could feasibly succeed at in the long term. If you're assertive then it might give them a bit more confidence in you. It's also easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, so who is to say you can't start applying for jobs or opportunities.

I don't think my parents quite understand why I felt the need to move to London and get a job at this age (and they still keep sending me links to PHD schemes) but living at home would have sucked away all my independence and made me complacent, particularly as I'd spent the previous 3 years away from home at university anyway.

This is a long post, so I hope it was somewhat helpful, but I think you need a change. The most interesting people I know took time out to travel or work before even going to university, and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter whether you have achieved x by xx age, you just need to be happy. Message me if you want to talk.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
You are horrible at advice. Please give no more. He's asking for encouragement to be productive. He doesn't want you putting him on a path to suicide.

To a guy who doesnt want to study, there isnt much else than a simple job, which isnt a bad idea for some people. Becoming regional manager of a shop is a well paying job for the work you do. For someone with no enthusiasm for anyhing else, it is a pretty sweet deal.

Oh, and he even said it himself :
My ideal plan for now would be to quit uni for a while, find a job, and stick to it for a few years so i can try and get used to adult life better.

Fine, sack up and study something. Only hoes give up. Better?
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New member
Jan 2, 2011
So Cal
drop out of college and take a trip around the world
but in all seriousness you have a passion dont you?well follow that passion and make that your goal xDdont just work in a subway store or open up your own store cause 50$ your gonna end up killing yourself =/(unless thats your passion to work in a subway shop or open up your own store :eek:)


Climb The Sky
Dec 28, 2008
the Wired
I know exactly how you feel
I think taking a break from school and finding a job for awhile is the only thing you can really do, if you continue to go to school your dislike and discontentment will probably only get worse
Just keep in mind that depending on where you live, its not easy to find a job
after high school I decided to get a job, but im still looking

As for having no passion to choose a direction in life, I think its a stupid idea in the first place to pick something you love as a career choice. Even if I love something, eventually I would get tired of doing it every day, then I would get burnt out, and grow to hate it.
Don't be so concerned with finding your passion, just worry about finding something that you can stand, that you neither love or hate.
also there are only a few things in the world that really make enough money to support a person, even if you were to find a passion in life, consider that odds are you would probably be poor and miserable doing it...


New member
Mar 28, 2011
drop out of college and take a trip around the world
but in all seriousness you have a passion dont you?well follow that passion and make that your goal xDdont just work in a subway store or open up your own store cause 50$ your gonna end up killing yourself =/(unless thats your passion to work in a subway shop or open up your own store :eek:)

...He doesnt have ambition or passion for anything right now.
getting a job in the meantime isnt a bad idea. At worst, he will continue to not have a passion, get lots of money and possibly a higher paying job.

What am I thinking?
Such an awful idea. Living at home, living off your parents until you may or may not find a passion is much better.

Wermacht, I would suggest doing something productive right now, whether that be a job or soul searching. Do something that will help the future you.

Johnny Stooge

Dec 8, 2004
To a guy who doesnt want to study, there isnt much else than a simple job, which isnt a bad idea for some people. Becoming regional manager of a shop is a well paying job for the work you do. For someone with no enthusiasm for anyhing else, it is a pretty sweet deal.
At a fucking Subway?

You do know it's possible to get a job and a career and not go to university, yeah?


New member
Mar 28, 2011
At a fucking Subway?
My mistake. Apply for president of microsoft. That might work.
Forget about working your way up, getting work experience, getting money to make any future career easier.

You know, most people dont just start at the top. You have to do the simple stuff first, it helps.
Well paying jobs usually take work experience, or a degree.
I am assuming he has neither, which is fine.

You do know it's possible to get a job and a career and not go to university, yeah?
It is also possible to spend years applying for a well paying job with no success. But, whatever, he isnt in a rut or anything. He can wait that long.

Im totally loving the advice Wermacht is getting from you. Very helpful.

Johnny Stooge

Dec 8, 2004
My mistake. Apply for president of microsoft. That might work.
Forget about working your way up, getting work experience, getting money to make any future career easier.

You know, most people dont just start at the top. You have to do the simple stuff first, it helps.
Well paying jobs usually take work experience, or a degree.
I am assuming he has neither, which is fine.
Please fuck off, Strawman.

There are various types of entry level positions like admin which do not require you to work at someplace like Subway for three years. A multitude of things can count as experience but knowing how to make a fucking sandwich does not count as relevant experience for filing shit.

It is also possible to spend years applying for a well paying job with no success. But, whatever, he isnt in a rut or anything. He can wait that long.
Are you implying that Paolo isn't a reasonable person who'll simply apply for jobs that are unattainable?

Im totally loving the advice Wermacht is getting from you. Very helpful.
Eat a dick, bitch. Your advice is about as useful as tits on a bull.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Please fuck off, Strawman.

There are various types of entry level positions like admin which do not require you to work at someplace like Subway for three years. A multitude of things can count as experience but knowing how to make a fucking sandwich does not count as relevant experience for filing shit.

haha. Read what I wrote. I said "subway or something"
Who is to say that these jobs you suggest do not fit into that "something"?

But, no. You didnt read.

Are you implying that Paolo isn't a reasonable person who'll simply apply for jobs that are unattainable?
Are you implying he will get any job he applies for with no qualifications and no work experiences?
See, I can make pointless questions too.

Eat a dick, bitch. Your advice is about as useful as tits on a bull.
Sorry brah, dont swing that way.
I know you had your hopes up but I just cant. Daddy's always there for you, I bet. His 'door' is always open, dont forget.

Johnny Stooge

Dec 8, 2004
haha. Read what I wrote. I said "subway or something"
Who is to say that these jobs you suggest do not fit into that "something"?
The English language. When you start off with a job like 'Subway' and then follow it up with statements like "or something" or "other such jobs" or "etc" that 'or something' means other like items or in this case fast food jobs like McDonald's or KFC or Pizza Hut. It's basic context. You can't just turn around and say "ohh when i said 'or something' that meant anything". It doesn't work like that. You can't backpeddle like that.

But, no. You didnt read.
No, you don't know how to write.

Are you implying he will get any job he applies for with no qualifications and no work experiences?
See, I can make pointless questions too.
Except what I said directly addressed a statement you made. I haven't pulled anything out of my ass as you've done.

Sorry brah, dont swing that way.
I know you had your hopes up but I just cant. Daddy's always there for you, I bet. His 'door' is always open, dont forget.
Of course you'd resort to ad hominem attacks.

Lady, if you can't argue properly I advise you to either think more carefully about what you're writing or just shut your mouth.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
The English language. When you start off with a job like 'Subway' and then follow it up with statements like "or something" or "other such jobs" or "etc" that 'or something' means other like items or in this case fast food jobs like McDonald's or KFC or Pizza Hut. It's basic context. You can't just turn around and say "ohh when i said 'or something' that meant anything". It doesn't work like that. You can't backpeddle like that.
I forgot how there are not administrative positions at simple places like that.
I guess Mc D is run by a team of 16 year olds. No leaders, no managers, no owners. Nothing.

No, you don't know how to write.
Phew. For a second there I thought you were right, then I realised that you were responding to something I wrote, meaning I can.

Except what I said directly addressed a statement you made. I haven't pulled anything out of my ass as you've done.
If by "directly addressed" you mean "took your suggested idea, changed it, and asked me if it is what I really suggested.

Saying that "applying for good jobs can hard'' doesnt mean "you are stupid so you will only apply for hard jobs that you know you cant get"

Of course you'd resort to ad hominem attacks.

Lady, if you can't argue properly I advise you to either think more carefully about what you're writing or just shut your mouth.

Well, it made me feel better so no, I am fine right here.


Princess of Heart
Jun 17, 2007
p-paolo chan how was this going on and i didn't know about it ;-;

oh my gosh. i totally feel the same way! wtf is with authority figures dese days makin us decide on a default life and write it down in black and white before we even have a chance to EXPLORE the world before we're doomed to some shit future. <_< pisses me off!

but you're giving up already? ;-; it doesn't have to be so definitive...just take it easy and keep on going. you don't have to decide all these things right now. i don't think anybody does. and..well...i haven't been to uni yet, but essentially the same thing goes on here, where we have all the expectations and resources to make something brilliant of ourselves but nothing motivating...i mean i'll probably end up thousands of dollars in debt if i pursue the college and the degree i want to pursue, but what do i know about what i want? i'm not even there yet. and i don't have an answer. i just try to enjoy the opportunities i get every day. :X

absorb what's going on. it sounds like you're just...trying to escape it. but just keep trying, please? ;A; you deserve way better than dropping out without anybody to lean on...

naomi-senpai said it all a lot better than i did (cause i'm confused as you are), but i hope this helps. i guess what i mean to say is, i know you have no direction but..just let the wind take you where it will~
LOVE YOU, kay?


Feb 18, 2006
spitting everywhere
no it's just that both are giving ok advice but throwing insults at each other in a very childish way which sort of subdues both of their posts. normally i wouldnt care but paolo's prob is kind of legitimate compared to the silly things i see in this forum so i will NOT STAND FOR IT.
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