Ugh, no. I never liked it even with having Cloud and Sephiroth there to begin with, then later my favorite FF character Auron. I love the movie Hercules, but I just hate hate hate hate the level. I just see it as more of game place like the 100 Acre Wood than an actual world to beat.
You do the same thing throughout the games but with a few tweaks, for example:
Oh noes...Cloud is talking to Hades..oh..I have to fight through the tournament and be "trained by Phil"
Oh wow, whose that guy whining and running? Oh no...I have to fight Hades again..yay..beat the level oh wait..I didn't because I have to go through a crap load more of tournaments!
Hey look it's Phil..he's gonna train me...oh cool..beginner hero training...I have to beat ALL the heartless and enter the tournament later on.
Judging from scans that I've seen you have to team up with Zack and...BEAT THE UNVERSE IN THE TOURNAMENT.
If nobody agrees with that, I'll be shocked. I know I can't be the ONLY one who dislikes OC with a passion. This is just the reason why I don't, and probably will never think (until after I play BBS) OC will be a surprise hit: Too repetitive.
To make a bad joke, I think it'll be a surprise hit, by being even worse and lamer than all the older Olympus Collesium's.