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What would you change about KH2?

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Jan 2, 2013
The only possible complaint I have is that, yes, Kingdom Hearts II is too easy. A few months ago I did Proud Mode for the first time, and it didn't feel any different from Standard until the Xemnas fight. Maybe Critical Mode is what I'm looking for.

Other than that, game's basically perfect.

I don't see why people are complaining about the "mash X" gameplay. Like... that's... that's how the combat is in every single game. But only if you decide to play like that.

I agree, my main problem with kh2 is the gameplay aspect. I think the story is even better than kh1, although i wished the organization was used better


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Memory Skyscraper
Kingdom Hearts 2 was a good game however it was way too easy compared to the original, if it was up to me I would have taken out the much abused reaction command, and also greatly reduced the powers of drive forms. Also I would have removed the ability for mickey to jump in and come to your aid. Bottom line Kingdom Hearts 2 had a good story and fun gameplay and it did improve alot on the first one on things like Gummi ship, Camera issues, story depth, but the game was just way too easy.


Oct 25, 2006
I rely on things that make me go 'ooo' and 'ah', the eye candy of cinematics appeals to me and so whilst the reaction commands were shitty because they made the game 100x easier, I would keep them in because I effin loved the visuals, especially the Roxas vs Twilight Thorn ones!


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Memory Skyscraper
I rely on things that make me go 'ooo' and 'ah', the eye candy of cinematics appeals to me and so whilst the reaction commands were shitty because they made the game 100x easier, I would keep them in because I effin loved the visuals, especially the Roxas vs Twilight Thorn ones!

I agree the visuals in kingdom hearts, especially kingdom hearts 2 are some of the best in the series i love the epic scenes that commence following reaction commands but as i said it just makes the game way too easy although i would argue drive forms are more to blame when it comes to what makes KH2 easy rather than reaction commands.
Mar 19, 2011
The problem with the reaction commands is that they are not reaction based. Pressing the triangle button before you're prompted should cause you to fail the event scene. Instead, you can just mash the triangle button until you exit the scene. They should have done it more like the BBS shotlocks where you only have a small window of time to press each button.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
qte's in general are a bad thing in games and devs should simply stop using them. The only thing for KH2's is that there weren't any "press x to not die" scenarios. Even if there were, just mashing triangle would you get through it.


New member
Oct 10, 2010
The Time Vortex
My only complaint with KH2 is the one that I have for most of the series. The gameplay is way too easy!!! I do have some minor complaints (GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK!, Finny fun, just to name a few), but it doesn't change the fact that KH2 is my favorite game in the series.


Oct 25, 2006
I agree the visuals in kingdom hearts, especially kingdom hearts 2 are some of the best in the series i love the epic scenes that commence following reaction commands but as i said it just makes the game way too easy although i would argue drive forms are more to blame when it comes to what makes KH2 easy rather than reaction commands.

Agreed, final form and even master form is a jailbreaker.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I really enjoyed KH2. The opening grabbed my attention, even though it was a bit of a strange move on the part of the Sqaure Enix team.

If I had to pick some things to change though, here's a few of the biggest ones:

Organization XIII
They just didn't get enough screentime. I wanted them more deeply integrated in the plot, and I felt like I hardly knew some of them. Playing CoM beforehand really helped here, but I still would have liked to see more of the Organzation. They deserved more screentime than they got.

Let me explain this one. I noticed it mostly in the Lion King world. The game's presentation of some of this film's most iconic scenes was a bit underwhelming at times. For example, the battle with Scar is in daylight. No fire or anything. The scene where Simba mounts Pride Rock and roars into the sky is accompanied by no stirring music and just feels like a hollow shell of its movie counterpart. This was the biggest issue I had with some of the Disney worlds.

The biggest issue I had with Sora's character was just how... I dunno... mean he became. When he takes on Demyx, for example, he shows no remorse, even going so far as to openly insult the poor guy. I found myself more sympathic towards #9 than I did towards Sora at this point.

Earning Munny
Specifically at the beginning of the game. Those odd jobs you have to play over and over again as Roxas were just terrible. The music was stuck in my head for the rest of the day.


I wanted more of her. She was so excellent in KH1. I was really disappointed that there was no clash between her and Riku in the sequel. As much as she manipulated him, I was led to expect a battle, or at least some recognition of the discord between them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't even remember Maleficent as much as acknowledging Riku, or her role in his life.

And that's all I can really think of at the moment. I really enjoyed the game. I thought it was fantastic, but those are my picky things that I would personally have changed.


New member
Jun 13, 2013
The only thing I'd change about the game is making the Roxas prologue much shorter. I remember the first time I did it, must've taken me 2-3 hours (I thought the extra AP point would come in handy). There was some good stuff in there, but whilst some of those 'job' minigames were fun the first few times, having to play them several times over in order to get enough Munny was frustrating to say the least. Also, on my second playthrough of the game it was even more frustrating because it felt like it took so long to walk everywhere without the drive form abilities that I'd gotten so used to... So if it had been about 30% shorter I wouldn't have minded.

Atlantica was decent at the time but hopefully they don't include that again. A Cars world (where you actually get to race) would be awesome!


New member
Jun 13, 2013
When HPO+R were at the train station in Sunset Terrace Pence spoke and Hayner's voice came out. XD


Wow I never noticed that before either :O


New member
Jun 13, 2013
I would change a few things.
-Not censor it.
-Make "Get up on the hydra's back" occur less often.
-Fix the summons(they were too awkward to use)
-Make the Disney worlds relevant.

I agree about the censoring thing. Plus that "Get up on the Hydra's back" line was used WAY too much lol.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
New York

I would make it so that line could never be said. Ever. Again.

And maybe make the gameplay a little more, I dunno, varied, I guess? Like KH1 (and most other games since KH2) have included a lot of puzzles and mini games that were necessary to solve/beat in order to get through the story. I feel like KH2 really lacked in that.


New member
May 27, 2013
The Shame Car
KH2 is probably my least favorite game, probably even moreso than Coded and 358/2 which I really only had smaller issues with. As for what I would change, most have already been stated, but I'll go for it anyway real quick. KH2 is probably my least favorite game, probably evenmoreso than Coded and 358/2 which I really only had smaller issues with. As forwhat I would change, most have already been stated, but I'll go for it anyway.
-Maleficent and Pete. Maleficent in this game was prettymuch a distraction, and a major let down from KH1. Allying herself with Peteseems pretty ooc and just comedic, they weren't any real threat and throughoutthe game as you go through the worlds to fight them it feels like a joke andits rather boring. Maleficent's presentation just seemed all wrong, and Petejust plain shouldn't have been there. At all.
-Gameplay. Too easy. Reaction commands made it way tooeasy, magic is unnecessary, summons are completely useless, drive forms aren'tneeded and they were really annoying to level up. I also really hated thelittle orb challenges that appeared every now and again, and I don't think Ieven need to SAY anything about Atlantica.
- Character Involvement. There is a huge lack of theOrganization, especially for something thats supposed to be a big threat. Youspend over HALF the game just derping around in Disney worlds with no real plotand pretty poor displays of disney movies (Lion King, for one). Then at thevery end of the game you get into the good stuff you wanted to be in all along.The Organization was barely there, and they're supposed to be the mainantagonists. Kairi only had a few scenes and they were pretty lackluster, andpersonally I didn't care for any of the main three's outfits. Pull your pantsup Riku and zip up your shirt.
- Script. It was terrible. Sora seemed like a whole otherperson, and his lines were just plain cheesy, out of character, and immature.
- The gummy ship levels and minigames just weren't funand seemed to take up time.
And just really, there are just so many things includedin the game that are unnecessary, and put in the place of something that couldhave way more potential.


New member
Jun 11, 2013
Los Angeles
I personally don't have a huge problem with anything about the game but I could have done without the drive forms. They are cool and don't really get in the way but I don't believe they were needed.


Oct 18, 2006
Destiny Islands
Wow I didn't realize you guys got upset over such odd points. I mean yeah the game's not perfect, then again what game is?, but in all honesty of all the KH games 2 is my favorite. I mean yeah that might change after KH3, but looking back KH2 had a much longer plot hence more gameplay, the drive forms made a big difference what with new abilities and the whole dual keyblades, the reaction commands and quick time events were so cool and still are to this date few games have accomplished such amazing feats, the gameplay was vastly improved, the character designs looked better, and you got to visit each world twice. I could go on, but I feel like I've already listed enough reasons as to why I loved this game so much.
Although to try and stay on topic more I think I'd change a few nit picky things that make sense on the grand scheme of things like Donald and Goofy not remembering The Mysterious Tower at first, the whole not being able to get experience from tournaments, and perhaps a few other plot related details but that's really more nit picky again. I guess it's harder for me to find flaws with this that were really that significant because it has been and always will be one of my all time favorite games. That and there's just so much they did right that improved the series overall.


Flesh by mother, soul by father
Sep 22, 2009
Wow I didn't realize you guys got upset over such odd points. I mean yeah the game's not perfect, then again what game is?, but in all honesty of all the KH games 2 is my favorite. I mean yeah that might change after KH3, but looking back KH2 had a much longer plot hence more gameplay, the drive forms made a big difference what with new abilities and the whole dual keyblades, the reaction commands and quick time events were so cool and still are to this date few games have accomplished such amazing feats, the gameplay was vastly improved, the character designs looked better, and you got to visit each world twice. I could go on, but I feel like I've already listed enough reasons as to why I loved this game so much.
Although to try and stay on topic more I think I'd change a few nit picky things that make sense on the grand scheme of things like Donald and Goofy not remembering The Mysterious Tower at first, the whole not being able to get experience from tournaments, and perhaps a few other plot related details but that's really more nit picky again. I guess it's harder for me to find flaws with this that were really that significant because it has been and always will be one of my all time favorite games. That and there's just so much they did right that improved the series overall.

I find most of the complaints pretty legit imo. Some of them are just nitpicks like the mixed up voices but KH2 did have problems like watered down gameplay which a lot of people took issue with.

Funny enough though it's the things you like the most about KH2 that most people (here at least) dislike about it.


Jan 2, 2013
Wow I didn't realize you guys got upset over such odd points. I mean yeah the game's not perfect, then again what game is?, but in all honesty of all the KH games 2 is my favorite. I mean yeah that might change after KH3, but looking back KH2 had a much longer plot hence more gameplay, the drive forms made a big difference what with new abilities and the whole dual keyblades, the reaction commands and quick time events were so cool and still are to this date few games have accomplished such amazing feats, the gameplay was vastly improved, the character designs looked better, and you got to visit each world twice. I could go on, but I feel like I've already listed enough reasons as to why I loved this game so much.
Although to try and stay on topic more I think I'd change a few nit picky things that make sense on the grand scheme of things like Donald and Goofy not remembering The Mysterious Tower at first, the whole not being able to get experience from tournaments, and perhaps a few other plot related details but that's really more nit picky again. I guess it's harder for me to find flaws with this that were really that significant because it has been and always will be one of my all time favorite games. That and there's just so much they did right that improved the series overall.

When I first joined the forum back in january, I thought that kh2 was the best game in the series. Better than kh1 even. But the more time I spent on the forum and finally started to take of my nostalgia glasses, I finally understood why so many fans were disappointed by the game. The story was horribly paced, the gameplay was ridiculously easily, and the characters were terrible. Sora seemed to lose some of his brain cells during his one year hibernation and was nothing like his kh1 and COM self. Kairi was useless and only given a keyblade to make her seem more important. Maleficent really got the shaft in kh2. She was a shadow of her former self, and reduced to just a filler villian. She is the main disney villian, she should have had a larger role and been treated with some dignity. Organization 13 didnt even feel like a presence since we hardly got to see them throughout the game. Half of them didnt feel like characters. The members that appeared in kh2 should have been written they same way the members that appeared in COM were written. And the disney worlds and characters were treated like filler and didnt provide anything for the story. The disney aspect should have been integral to the plot like it was in kh1

While there were some things I did like in kh2, I can honestly say that its a bad game


Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
Personally, KH2 is my favorite. I've read through all the posts here and while I agree with all of your points, I still love KH2 the most. That being said, I myself have somethings I'd love to tweak.

- Make the 1,000 Heartless battle WAY more epic/harder and include more variety
- Less Reaction Commands. Made the game too easy/repetitive
- Sora is overpowered very early on and it stays throughout the rest of the game. If KH2 had the difficulty balance of BBS, that'd be perfect
- More character development with Kairi. With as much as they focused on Kairi's POV in this game, it didn't really do all that much for her character.

I would change a few things.
-Not censor it.
-Make "Get up on the hydra's back" occur less often.
-Fix the summons(they were too awkward to use)
-Make the Disney worlds relevant.

I've seen this mentioned many times but have no idea what it's referring to. What exactly was censored in KH2?


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I've seen this mentioned many times but have no idea what it's referring to. What exactly was censored in KH2?

Some small things like i.e. replacing the guns of the Pirates from Port Royal with something odd-looking that resembles crossbows (but they retain the shooting sounds), the scene when Will Turner holds a gun to his head in the movie was altered, the scope of Xigbar's "sniper vision" was changed and the scenes where he combines his arrowguns into a sniper rifle were omitted.

Then there's the issue with the Hydra, as in her green blood being replaced with smoke or in Axel's death scene the flames consuming him were completely removed.
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