Wow I didn't realize you guys got upset over such odd points. I mean yeah the game's not perfect, then again what game is?, but in all honesty of all the KH games 2 is my favorite. I mean yeah that might change after KH3, but looking back KH2 had a much longer plot hence more gameplay, the drive forms made a big difference what with new abilities and the whole dual keyblades, the reaction commands and quick time events were so cool and still are to this date few games have accomplished such amazing feats, the gameplay was vastly improved, the character designs looked better, and you got to visit each world twice. I could go on, but I feel like I've already listed enough reasons as to why I loved this game so much.
Although to try and stay on topic more I think I'd change a few nit picky things that make sense on the grand scheme of things like Donald and Goofy not remembering The Mysterious Tower at first, the whole not being able to get experience from tournaments, and perhaps a few other plot related details but that's really more nit picky again. I guess it's harder for me to find flaws with this that were really that significant because it has been and always will be one of my all time favorite games. That and there's just so much they did right that improved the series overall.