Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
pick it up
scream "HOLY IN SHIT!"
run home
go into my game room brracade my room with everything posable
invite a friend over
brag for an hour
send frend home
play KH2
Beat it
BEat it
repeaat until dead
I would scream Holy , Then my mom would be behind and i would get in trouble and wouldnt be able to play it ?BOo-Hoo for my wahn i want kh2 the guy who invetned the f word
knowing my luck id not only not find it i would get the beta version if by some miricle i did id still do this:
+pick it up
+make shure no one is looking and that there are no security cameras around
+run fron the inevitable Indiana Jones Style Boobytrap
+hide game in my secret place while i jack the tv and ps2 from downstairs and drag them upstairs into my room
+gather soda and tuna-fish sandwitches for provisions
+play untill thumbs fall off
+wake up from this dream and be insanly pissed it was all only a dream
You should ask about that another place. On topic: What would you do if you found KH lying on the ground? Make somthing really crazy out of it! Use your fantasy!!
1.pick it pu
2.hijack a car to get home very fast
3.grab many days worth of food
4.barricade all windows and doors to my room
5.play kh2 till i beat it then play it again and again till my fingers bleed and i cant touch anything
6.wait a day or two for fingers to recover then
7. play till i run out of food and havent sleeped in days and then sleep dreaming of kh2
Step one: Look around ( to see if any body saw)
Step two: Kill every one that saw me
step tree: run so fast that my feet burn off
Step four: Repeat step two
Step five: Burn 1000000000 copies.
Step six: sell them on Ebay
Step seven: Get money from bidders
Step eight: By security camras guns that pop out of the seling lasers
Step nine: Baricade every door and window
Step ten: stare for at it for days
Step eleven: get every bit of food in the house
Step twelve: turn on T.V.
Step thirteen: put disk in(with gloves on)
Step fourteen: Play game for Days without sleep
Step fifteen: Beet it 40 times on easy mode
Step sixteen: eat and eat
Step seventeen: Beet it 400 times on expert mode
Step eighteen: Brag to my freinds for an hour
Step nineteen: stay in room until I turn into a gollum cretur
Step twenty: Go out to buy Final Fantisy 12
Step twentyone: Beet that 20 times
Step Twentytwo: Beet Kingdom hearts one, chain of memories, and two over and over again
Step Twentytree:Resume normal life
1. pick it up
2. run home as fast as humanly possible
3. lock every single window and door
4. get crates off food and fill up my room
5. play until i have completed 100% and memorised every word
6. then live off junnk food and turn into smeagle.
7. kingdom hearts 2 my prrrrreciousssssssss
1.Grab it
2.Steal a motorcycle
3.Bang on door until parents let you in
4.Run up to room and lock door
5.Get chains and wrap around doorknob
6.Attach electric wires to doorknob
7.Nail woods on window
8.Start playing. MINE!