Around 8/10.
- Adds to the overall story.
- Well written story.
- Beautifully portrayed. (The fact it was emotionally captivating in the end and the graphics.)
- The fact Disney Worlds became a bit more relevant.
- New battle system. (Better than Days. Days kinda sucked. D: )
- Secret Ending.
- Music. Yoko Shimomura is so talented and I love her work. <3
- Braig, Isa, Lea. x) 'Nuff said.
- Hell, throw in little Sora and little Riku. <3
- Empty worlds. Seriously. What? Ghosts in the audience in OC?
- Short scenarios. (It took 20 minutes at most per world, taking my time.)
- Easier than KH2. (For me it was. It was waaay too easy. On Proud. Should've done Critical.)
- There is little replay value. (This goes with the fact the Command Board I found pointless and dull, and actually replaying as each character? Hell no! Not worth it!! I won't be playing it again for quite some time. I'll play again at some point in the future.)
- I'm not sure if it was the Western portrayal of Aqua and Terra or just the VA's, but they seriously lacked for most of their scenarios. Emotionless, bland, etc. Aqua I think was mostly due to the VA. However she nailed a few parts quite well. Terra was just an angsty idiot I was bored with after about two worlds in. Ven was the only one I enjoined playing as throughout the entire scenario. (Personal speculation.)
While BBS was a great game, it's not my favorite, and I won't be playing it again for quite some time. My focus is geared toward Re:Coded for now.