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Fanfiction ► Whispers of Destiny

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Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
Aww, thanx. Addivtive? Hmm. Interesting.

Yea...........new chapter should be added........Friday? Yea, that sounds good. I'll try to get it in by then.

Muse: And it'll finally have what I want in it!

Me: Go away! I'm already dreading this next chapter because of you!

Muse: Hey, you agreed to the deal. I won't bring Jaxen back from the dead if you satisfy my needs. Sneaky little Rhiannon, getting out of everything I trap her into..........

Me: *throws Muse in a cage* Stop antagonizing her! Enough people have already seen to that! Now be quiet, I'm going off to write the abomination of a chapter.


Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
Awwww, poor RG, left without any sugar.

With the way this chappie's working out, you'll be luck if you get the next part by then. *fumes at Muse*

Me: Do you know how much work it will be to make the chapter after this?!

Muse: Hey, if you had just killed her in the first place-

Me: No! Stop! Rhiannon is not going to die! You already have your sacrifice, you sadisitc creep.

Muse: :p


Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
Hey, it turns out, you're going to get the chapter earlier than you expected! Here it is, have fun with it..........

It was chaos. The crowd suddenly erupted, a hundred fearful screams rising in the air. Swords flashed in the torchlight, and arrows cut through the night, racing towards the Heartless. Villagers raced in every direction, battling with the shadows or breaking away from the fighters to run to safety. I found myself alone on the platform as the soldiers who had been guarding me left to fight or lead the members of the Council to refuge. Despite the danger, I breathed a sigh of relief. I was lucky to be alive. No, I was fated to be alive. Because I had a job to do. I reached down to pick up my shining Keyblade, which glowed brighter at my touch. A surge of power rushed through me, and I felt more ready than ever as I jumped off the platform. The villagers that remained had advanced closer toward the broken gate, trying to keep the Heartless back for as long as possible. This was the time to prove myself. You will be given the chance to fight.


I whipped about and saw Amera running up to me, her hands still bound. I ran up to her, and she held out her wrists. I cut the ropes open with a swift slash of my Keyblade.

"Thank you." she said. "I couldn’t get them off, so I stayed behind. I’m not much help if I can’t move my hands." Amera closed her eyes for a moment, a look of concentration passing over her features. When she opened her eyes a bright blade materialized in her hand, blue as the sky and golden as flame. Yet it changed colors as I looked at it, shimmering green and silver.

"The Iridescent." Amera said. "Now come on! We have to stop the Heartless!"

I nodded, and we ran to the gates, plunging into the battle. Immediately, several Heartless approached, blacker than night. They swiped at me with razor-like claws. I dodged their attacks, then leapt forward to slash at them with my glowing Keyblade. Three of them dissolved into darkness, just inky black spots disappearing in front of my eyes. Two of them still survived. The remaining Heartless jumped at me. I held up my Keyblade to block them, but just then Amera’s blade sliced down into the shadows, dissolving them in a cloud of night. She turned to look at me.

"Go help the villagers. Let them see what side you’re really on." she said.

"I will." I answered. "Good luck"

Amera smiled softly in reply, then turned to fight more Heartless that had approached. I scanned the battle scene before me, searching for a chance to prove myself. I quickly found it. A young man, perhaps Amera’s age, was furiously attacking a group of Heartless that had descended upon him. Most of them were the shadows that I knew so well, but a few of them were different. Taller, and stronger it seemed, plated with clanking silver armor. They twirled about, jerking wildy, thrusting their red-tipped claws at him. I rushed over, dodging out of the way of the many other combatants. As I drew closer, the young man noticed me, and a look of terror replaced his determined expression.

"No, please! Spare me, Destroyer!" he yelled, panic-stricken. He looked as one who sees a hopeless battle before him.

Ignoring him, I lunged forward and thrust my Keyblade deep into one of the armor-plated Heartless. It disappeared, and I repeated the process with a shadow that had tried to jump on me from behind, spinning around to slice my Keyblade through the air. The young man looked at me, apparently stunned.

"But you’re......You’re.....It’s impossible......"

I let out an angry groan of exasperation. "Shut up, okay? Just shut up!" Yet another shadow dove at me, and I parried it’s blow with my Keyblade before addressing the villager again.

"I’m sick and tired of people who don’t even know me cowering in fear of my presence, or threatening my life. I’m not a demon, got it? My name is Rhiannon, so stop calling me a Destroyer! I don’t know how I got here, but I do know that I’m here to help you out. In case you’ve forgotten, there’s a battle going on and I’m trying to make sure we win it. There’s a shadow behind you."

The villager turned around just in time to doge the Heartless that had tried to attack him. Since there were no more armor-plated Heartless, I left him and went to go fight with Amera, wherever she may be.

It was the strangest thing. I had learned to fight before, but I had never actually been in a real battle. Yet, an hour later, as only a dozen of Heatless that had made up the battalion remained, I thought to myself about how easy it had been. I had only a scratch, a cut on my leg from when a shadow had dodged my attack. It was instinctive, and the immense power I felt in the Keyblade kept me going. And of course, I was beginning to feel a lot more hopeful now that so many of the villagers had seen me fight alongside them. I let myself smile a little as I easily sliced through one of the last shadows.

The smile fell from my face as a pleading scream tore through the air.

I turned around in time to see Amera fall, the Iridescent slipping out of her hands and clattering onto the cobblestone. I rushed to her, my feet eating up the space between us, but it was too late. A Heartless stood there, it’s long arm reaching out as though to grab her. From her chest rose what seemed like a flame, a tiny, brilliant star in the shape of a heart that hovered in the air for a moment before disappearing as I dropped to my knees besides Amera. I caught one last look at her face–her rosy cheeks turning pale and her topaz eyes widening–before she too, faded away in a flash of light.

I knelt there, stunned, my mind unable to comprehend what had just happened even as my eyes filled and my heart wept.

I had to do it. My Muse made me. I wouldn't kill Rhiannon, so we had to meet halfway and do this instead. o_O Sorry for all you Amera-fans............................


Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
Yes. She is a Heartless. Quite unfortunate.

You know what Rhiannon means? *thinks* Oh, you mean her name. Yes, I belive she was an earth goddess, or something like that. I first heard that name in the book I am Morgan le Fay,(An incredible book, read it!)when Rhiannon was a fay in Avalon. It seemed fitting.

Hmmm. Now let's see, what shall I do with this next chapter. *shoves Muse away*
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