- Joined
- Oct 3, 2004
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- 827
- Age
- 33
WhiteFalcon is one of the Greatest mods on the forums. He Really Keeps Peace,order and control within the forums. This Guy should be presidnet!!!!. Hes More bashing then Bashing Blade,More Godly Then GTX ...More Haunting Then Hollow Bastion...He Never Kids around....like Jk4eva....Hes no Girl like Kg...More King then Kingdom2917....More Inferno then Mikail ....Kicks More Butt tha.. monkeybutt....Owns more Keyblades Then Prodigy Keyblade ....More Commanding then Ratio...More Man Then reyman More Buring then Salsa......More Super Then sonic....More Super Man Then Themuffinman....More Scary Then the scarecrow.....More timing them Tima More Ultimate then Ultima Keyblade.......More Powerful then Hokage........WhiteFalcon is the True DeFination Of a Internet Hero.This Would would be hell without WhiteFalcon........You people need to be like Whitefalcon....If people was more like Whitefalcon...Then....the Us would be the dominate country and Khi would be the dominate Forums......Wf Stood up to an army of KHU Memeber s and Pwned them if.......Speaking of that.........Whitefalcon is the Definition of PWNED.........I Can see it now........Thousands of millions of people all lined up at the White House.... As president bush.....Presents Whitefalcon with the Noble Peace Prize.. As the crowds Cheer ,...the all Feel safe with Whitefalcon Watching over us......Even the talibane Runs from the Fearless power of WhiteFalcon. They showed a pic of Whitefalcon Standing over the Beaten down Bin ladin as he surrender himself to Whitefalcon....He saved Iraq From Suddams Evil Power....He realy is an american Hero....Heres a song Written my a good fan of Whitefalcon:.........."Lets talk about Whitefalcon...the king of kings is He...the lord of lord supreme, throughtout enturnity.......the way the truth lies...the great we will adore....lets talk about Whitefalcon more and more - By Hokage ......I Remeber a time.....when Whitefalcons's Great great great Grandfather..Served in George's washington's Army during the American Revolution....Whitefalcon is a National Hero,thsi guy shoudl revive a medal.....Even know he has over 1000 of them...Wihtefalcon is more like a father to every1 on the forums...he teaches them right from wrong....good from bad.........Gold from Silver and everything else we need to become sucessful people in life.........Do u know when WhiteFalcon first came to the forums....he was the first person offered a mod's job.....at first...he denied it beliving that others outside the forums needed his help....then when the forums was in need.....he accepted the responsbilbity of being a mod and quickly jumped into action and saves Khi from totaly destruction.........He also Helped end the war between khi and Khu and brought peace to the intenet...and from then on..he was knowned as WhiteFalcon the great.....Ruler of the forums and the rpg........All Hail WhiteFalcon....the True God of the Forums and All the Forums Over the Got Dam intenet.....so stop what u are doing and Bow down Before the got dam power of WhiteFalcon or Be crushed By the Laevatienn of Doom!!!!!!!....Whitefalcon is God ...u people need to show him more respect!..AND BY THE WAY, HE PWNT KINGDOM2917