Yes we do, the Ansem Reports stated that those 6 Organization members were sent to the Castle Oblivion outpost of the Organization specifically by Xemnas
They were sent there on assignment
Yet her creating an entire world from scratch, using a power that we have never seen her use or even hinted at possessing, is more likely? She likes to draw, she draws things she's never seen before (Look at her room in Twilight Town), she knows what the castle looks like and she drew it
Namine was conceived when Sora released Kairi's heart from within his at Hollow Bastion, she can manipulate Sora's heart and those connected to his heart due to Kairi's heart being within his for so long
None of this would give her the ability to just create things
The Castle itself does not alter the memories, Namine does. All the altering of memories was done by Namine herself, not the Castle.
Castle Oblivion was not 'created', it is a world just like Yen Sid's tower. The Organization claimed it as an outpost, and Xemnas sent 6 of the Organization members there for research. Marluxia captured Namine and used her for his own plot, not Xemnas', what's hard to understand?
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