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Why do so many hate Xion?



New member
Oct 6, 2015
I loved her, and still do, I hope she does return in KH3.

But my question is why do so many hate her so much? i see some hate art of her on Deviantart just because she's either a Mary-Sue, or she breaks up AkuRoku or RokuNami, which i find ridiculous and childish.

I also heared that they hate her because she doesn't do anything, which is true, but she's done a lot more than Kairi, who has done nothing interesting so far....


Nov 30, 2014
She was just an unnecessary character. She was there to give Roxas a reason to leave the ORG, but they could've done it better and without Xion.

For me it's also just that I really can't stand Days because of obvious reasons

In the end it's all about preferences


eien no chikai
Mar 3, 2015
Yeah, she used up a lot of screen time that in my opinion could have been used better. I don't ship Roxas and Namine, but their interactions would have been so much more interesting and made more sense than making up some new character just because. Xion just feels to me like one of those self insert OCs from fanfics. She's there just to be friends with the writer's favorite characters and adventure in their favorite fictional world. She could be removed from the story and nothing of value would be lost, Roxas had plenty other good reasons to leave the organization and his friendship with Axel was enough without adding Xion in it. Guess it always has to be a trio....

I don't "hate" her, but I don't like her either. Days could have been good but it wasn't and that's a shame :l


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
See, that's the thing: you disagree on hating Xion because she's done nothing, and then you said she did more than Kairi, which is just... not true at all. Even cutting out the existence factor (Xion's entire existence depends on Kairi, whose existence in itself did something since she's a Princess), Kairi brought Sora back as a Heartless, her memories brought him back again in CoM, thus saving the worlds figuratively twice.
Kairi shares Xion's misfortune in getting hated due to (presumed) uselessness.

Me? I'm already half hating her.
Nah, not really. Xion herself is cute and up my alley, the game and how they handled her character totally not.
I even made a theory, a couple of years ago, about how putting her in Roxas role in KH II could've been a better idea for both games.

It's really sad for these characters and their fans though, because they'll hardly get rid of the fandom's hatred.


Jan 13, 2010
hahahahah this brings back memories
*clears throat* I love Xion to the ends of the earth, BUT I'm gonna continue off what DarkosOverlord said and challenge the thing you said about Kairi.

Xion had more screentime than Kairi. It doesn't exactly mean she did more. Like okay, maybe she's done more fighting. They've made Kairi a passive character in the first two games by having her just.. Waiting. But, you know, she's really strong because of that. I'm crossing my fingers that KHIII will have her doing much more. Also this shouldn't be a battle between characters. Xion's not lovable for "doing more" than Kairi, if that were true. She has lovable qualities herself as an individual.

On another note, though Nomura had already begun thinking of the concept of the character that became Xion sometime during KHII, they had to cover up plotholes because they put her in Days suddenly. So I believe that's another part of the reason. Personally, I don't think this is any worse than other plotholes the game has and had to cover up, but the same people probably hate those too.

So a lot of them have these reasons that make sense, and then, like the fans you mentioned, there are some who think she "breaks up AkuRoku" for example, which makes no sense since she doesn't change their dynamic and they all love each other equally. "Ship wars" tend to be a thing in a lot of fandoms though, so it's not surprising.

I've also found that most people probably do love Xion and just tend to... Not see a reason to talk about it?

I even made a theory, a couple of years ago, about how putting her in Roxas role in KH II could've been a better idea for both games.
This would be interesting...


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
Yeah, she used up a lot of screen time that in my opinion could have been used better. I don't ship Roxas and Namine, but their interactions would have been so much more interesting and made more sense than making up some new character just because. Xion just feels to me like one of those self insert OCs from fanfics. She's there just to be friends with the writer's favorite characters and adventure in their favorite fictional world. She could be removed from the story and nothing of value would be lost, Roxas had plenty other good reasons to leave the organization and his friendship with Axel was enough without adding Xion in it. Guess it always has to be a trio....

I don't "hate" her, but I don't like her either. Days could have been good but it wasn't and that's a shame :l

Fanfic-oc is what we gotta pin down here. She's that self-insert I wouldn't like because it's unnecessary to throw them in and obviously just a choice of "omq I really love bringing myself in and being so important x3"
But hey I hate Days!Roxas about as much as I hate her simply because I hate Days.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
You hate Roxas?! What are you IGN?

Don't make me murder you, yo.
Kidding, but yes, I hate that stupid bitch Days!Roxas (and let me say it again: Days!Roxas) because he's a whiny cunt who doesn't get nor really WANTS to get anything. I blame the game, but that doesn't change the fact.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Don't make me murder you, yo.
Kidding, but yes, I hate that stupid bitch Days!Roxas (and let me say it again: Days!Roxas) because he's a whiny cunt who doesn't get nor really WANTS to get anything. I blame the game, but that doesn't change the fact.

You do realize that in DAYS Roxas is essentially a newborn, right? He operates at a purely basic level of emotion. All he wants is to hang out with his friends, yet he's caught up in this elaborate plot that he keeps hearing about, but doesn't know all the facts nor is anyone truthful with him. You really can't come down on someone who was just born to not be whiny.

Back to Xion, I love her for her role in Days. I definitely don't think she should come back, no matter how much I love her. If she came back, it would (for me) take away everything that made her departure so impactful to me.

I can understand why people don't like her, I've heard many reasons. One is that she's the second "rip off" of Kairi. Another is that she basically served no purpose other than make Roxas leave the Organization, which they believe could have been executed more effectively. The one I sort of agree with is that she took up too much time in a game that was supposed to delve deeper into the Organization and Roxas. Instead we don't get much more depth of character from the rest of the Organization (except the "main players").


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
You do realize that in DAYS Roxas is essentially a newborn, right? He operates at a purely basic level of emotion. All he wants is to hang out with his friends, yet he's caught up in this elaborate plot that he keeps hearing about, but doesn't know all the facts nor is anyone truthful with him. You really can't come down on someone who was just born to not be whiny.

It is shown in the game that Roxas learns, basically "grows up" even if not by much.
Xion is a newborn, too, if you want, but she doesn't act as stupidly as he does (which is demanding answers but doing absolutely nothing to get them, and if he does get them, he bitches about how they can't be true. Even when Axel was truthful with him, he was like "uhhh are you nuts????")


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Sometimes I feel people take the "Nobodies' age starts when they were formed" too literally.
Yes, the entity known as Roxas was around for a week and the event was still traumatic (but the other members are a bit impressed by this, so that could very well just be because Roxas is an atipic Nobody. I at the very least don't recall anyone going like his inital behaviour was a common thing).
Surely he lacks a bunch of common knowledge, although even that is partly due to his special condition.

But from that to say he's a newborn with newborn emotions and reasoning would imply Xemnas should have the mindset of a ten years old, when he clearly picks up from where Terranort ended off.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
Sometimes I feel people take the "Nobodies' age starts when they were formed" too literally.
Yes, the entity known as Roxas was around for a week and the event was still traumatic (but the other members are a bit impressed by this, so that could very well just be because Roxas is an atipic Nobody. I at the very least don't recall anyone going like his inital behaviour was a common thing).
Surely he lacks a bunch of common knowledge, although even that is partly due to his special condition.

But from that to say he's a newborn with newborn emotions and reasoning would imply Xemnas should have the mindset of a ten years old, when he clearly picks up from where Terranort ended off.

That, too. I would accept saying Roxas acts like a newborn in the first few days, but just learns and grows way quicker than a regular child would.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
In ye olde times, before 358/2 Days' release, people naturally assumed the game would be about Roxas' time in the Organization and would give much needed focus on the other members, but then comes the mysterious fourteenth member who looks suspicious like Kairi.

While I don't believe there was much hate pre-release, there was certainly some groaning and annoyance by parts of the fandom with Nomura bringing in a brand new clone who's "ooooh mysterious ooooh", especially in a title with so many characters already. Not at all helped that the "fourteenth member" thing is super fanfic-y.
Then the game releases and it's pretty much Tomoco Kanemaki's self insert fic. Cue rage.

Now, Nomura did say that he thought about having Roxas leave due to a girl, but nothing concrete, so Kanemaki came up with Xion's concept. Things snowballed from there.

While I don't hate Xion, in fact I rather like her character, however, Xion is a character who's main role could have easily been filled by others.

Roxas' reason for leaving Organzation XIII? The same as it's always been, the secrets and lack of trust.

Does Roxas really need to have been attached specifically to a girl? Not quite. Instead, give him three certain someones: Hayner, Pence, and Olette. Give a better reason for why Roxas hangs out with them in the virtual Twilight Town by having him hang out with the real ones and growing attached to them during Days. Roxas contrasting between those three and Org. XIII. Roxas having to hide about hanging out with them and the strain it would cause. These are things that would have worked.

Xion is like Genesis from Crisis Core, not bad characters in their own right, but characters that would have been better somewhere else.


Jan 13, 2010
You have opened Pandora's Box.
This made me laugh (it's so true).

Back to Xion, I love her for her role in Days. I definitely don't think she should come back, no matter how much I love her. If she came back, it would (for me) take away everything that made her departure so impactful to me.
Can I ask what it was that made her departure impactful for you?

I like that you like her role, but I do want her to come back. I like that memories have power, and that it seems true memories can't be erased in the KH world (with how Naminé could only rearrange Sora's memories, in a sense, but not erase them). On that note, Sora would have to remember the time he spent meeting Naminé-- which I would love to see, personally.

The one I sort of agree with is that she took up too much time in a game that was supposed to delve deeper into the Organization and Roxas. Instead we don't get much more depth of character from the rest of the Organization (except the "main players").
I can agree with that, too. I would have loved to see much more of the other Organization members overall.

Xion is a newborn, too, if you want, but she doesn't act as stupidly as he does (which is demanding answers but doing absolutely nothing to get them, and if he does get them, he bitches about how they can't be true. Even when Axel was truthful with him, he was like "uhhh are you nuts????")
To be fair, I wouldn't expect Roxas and Xion to act the same when they have different personalities.

But from that to say he's a newborn with newborn emotions and reasoning would imply Xemnas should have the mindset of a ten years old, when he clearly picks up from where Terranort ended off.
But he's not a newborn just because he became a Nobody-- he's a newborn in the sense that he has no memories of his own. Everyone else had memories from their previous lives, and that's part of why a lot of them thought Roxas's situation was odd.


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
To be fair, I wouldn't expect Roxas and Xion to act the same when they have different personalities.

Pshhhht. No they don't.

But he's not a newborn just because he became a Nobody-- he's a newborn in the sense that he has no memories of his own. Everyone else had memories from their previous lives, and that's part of why a lot of them thought Roxas's situation was odd.

That doesn't make you like a newborn in terms of self-control and emotions. People experience memory loss without devolving that far and are still able to express themselves and reasoning.


Jan 13, 2010
Pshhhht. No they don't.
I'm really not seeing how they would have the same personality.

That doesn't make you like a newborn in terms of self-control and emotions. People experience memory loss without devolving that far and are still able to express themselves and reasoning.
But the point is that this isn't memory loss, this is that he isn't the same person as Sora.
Also, he's a teenager. Regardless of the "newborn" question, he's not going to be logically expressing himself and his reasoning all the time.


Sep 11, 2016
I'm neutral about Xion. I can see the reasons people would dislike Xion already posted in this thread, but I did enjoy Xion's story for what it is. I'd love to see someone rewrite Days with Fudgemint's ideas such as Roxas balancing between the Twilight Town trio and Org13?


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
I'm really not seeing how they would have the same personality.

One is always really sad and insecure about what to do, gets frustrated and angry at people for keeping secrets about them, cares deeply only for their two friends and would do everything to keep them safe, even by betraying the Organization, and is at the constant search of a reason to their existence.

Figure out who I'm talking about.
Or rather, show me when they did something the other one wouldn't have done in their place, personality-wise.

But the point is that this isn't memory loss, this is that he isn't the same person as Sora.
Also, he's a teenager. Regardless of the "newborn" question, he's not going to be logically expressing himself and his reasoning all the time.

No, the point was that people use Nobodies age to justify everything about Roxas, EeL literally said Roxas could only perceive emotions at a basic level and should be allowed to be whiny at any length because he's a newborn.
It just doesn't work that way, or I could use this reasoning to excuse him from pooping in its pants for no reason.
Roxas IS capable of complex feelings and reasonings.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
But from that to say he's a newborn with newborn emotions and reasoning would imply Xemnas should have the mindset of a ten years old, when he clearly picks up from where Terranort ended off.

Comparing Xemnas and Roxas is like comparing apples and oranges in this case since Xemnas did have memories from Terranort to base his personality and mindset off, not to mention that Xehanort himself may have had some remote-control as well.
Roxas had nothing to base anything off from, neither Sora nor Ventus (the Sora memories Roxas gained came only later due to Naminé's messing around), that's why he diverges so much from his "original".

But he's not a newborn just because he became a Nobody-- he's a newborn in the sense that he has no memories of his own. Everyone else had memories from their previous lives, and that's part of why a lot of them thought Roxas's situation was odd.

Exactly, that's where the difference lies.

That doesn't make you like a newborn in terms of self-control and emotions. People experience memory loss without devolving that far and are still able to express themselves and reasoning.

Except that it isn't memory-loss in Roxas' case but that he didn't have any memories to start with.
If you have no memories at all you do start out largely similar to a newborn cause you don't have any experience of "expressing yourself" and "reasoning".


As for Xion, I don't hate her per se and I do find her character somewhat interesting, but it is undeniable that she was indeed quite the spotlight-stealing squad on her own and nearly everything in Days had either to revolve around her or connect to her somehow, delegating the other characters to mere statists in a game that was originally advertised as "Roxas' time in the Organisation" to which audiences reacting with expectations that it would be primarily about Roxas and the Organisation (as in the already known members) is not really unfounded.

Roxas had practically zero agenda of his own because all active parts were "claimed" by Xion with all him doing throughout the game is whining left and right only for Xion here and Xion there, which some people can really only too easily compare with the dozens of self-insert fanfics written by "crazy" fangirls back in the early 2000s on FanFiction.net.

The development from his zombie-like subdued personality from the first part of Days to the more inquisitive, rather hardened personality we get to see glimpses on in KH 2 (I'm not talking about the brainwashed simulated personality given to him by Naminé and DiZ) almost doesn't happen at all, he just suddenly falls into that personality shortly before the end.

Another beef I remember people who dislike Xion often bring up is that she was ever even foreshadowed or hinted at anywhere (the BBS trio did get teased beforehand verbally by Xigbar and due to secret endings) and even steals spotlight in scenes where there was no trace of a third person being involved, namely the Deep Dive scenes between Roxas and Riku, which Days somehow manages to again make somehow about Xion rather than either Riku or Roxas.

A third issue I can recall is detractors stating that unlike i.e. Naminé's, Roxas' or TAV's tragic and sad story, Xion's was forced down the audiences throat every second scene and riddled so much with over-the-top drama that in the end it became annoying rather than touching.