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Why do so many hate Xion?



Jul 7, 2016
Formerly Daybreak Town
Honestly, I may like Xion (A little)

But, it would've been a whole of a lot better for Roxas to have found out himself. Like, he discovers why he was needed in the Organization and was treated like a mere tool compared to the others.

They could've still added Xion, but make her a lot less of a plot device. And make her not use the Keyblade (Which she already can't use)


Active member
Jun 28, 2017
I will say this: Xion in many ways was the victim of a short game for timing (Compared to other KH games) and also the syndrome "new character". Initially, Nomura wanted to do so for each mission for a day, but then abandoned this idea. Since Xion's new hero was obliged to disclose and give her time because she
For a long time the franchise will be gone and will only be mentioned. Naturally, because of this, she had to pay a lot of attention to the player to be imbued with this character. I think because of this, I had to sacrifice the disclosure of such members of the Organization 13. Perhaps if the game had timekeeping, they would be able to devote more time to it. It's not that Xion is a bad character on the contrary, her story and "death" are some of the most tragic if not the most tragic moments in the game. I think the problem is not even that it was too much, it had to be a lot, because she had a new hero to be revealed as much as possible. And in the fact that because of it, the rest of the characters, especially Organization 13, really
Give more attention. But alas, everything will end up in the end for a lack of space on the cartridge, because of the way, the whole world of Pinoccio had to be cut out.
In any case, 358/2 day for me personally (I think for others) remains one of the most touching, soulful, lamp and tragic games for the series.
Let it be not so important and informative. AkuRokuShi rightfully deserve the title of probably the most open and worked out in terms of interaction of the trio in the game. I like how these three people care about each other, it's just very touching and cute.
Alas, SRK, especially TAV, could not boast of this. SRK is more like a duet between Sora and Riku. TAV as characters are good, but more individually. This is my opinion, but I think so.


Active member
Jun 28, 2017
Luxu,I think then it would be more
blamed for uselessness.

Deleted member 246005

I think people see her as an unnecessary addition to the series and a rethread of old themes/ideas. They also think she's to blame for Roxas's "infantization" and lack of real focus on the organization. They also see her as a thief because she acted like how fans thought Roxas would act during his role in the organization.


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
There's a variety of reasons in Xion' s case. Pretty sure it's been discussed.

Though the sob story and TragicDeathâ„¢ converted some to her side enough for the converters to bypass the questionable hijack of her existence in the game, as was intended.

Not Ienzo

New member
Jul 29, 2017
To me her story is so similar (if not almost identical) to Roxas's story.

Xion was a person connected to Sora working for the Organization and wielding a Keyblade, who wasn't supposed to exist, and eventually they would return to Sora. Aside from the whole memory thing, that's pretty much the same as Roxas.

I guess it makes sense for the Organization to want a backup if Roxas goes astray, not to mention that it gives the Replica Program more purpose after CoM. But still, Xion is basically a literal copy in every way. So I can't hate Xion because I don't hate Roxas and I liked his tragic story.

As others have said though, I wish Roxas was actually the main focus of Days instead of Xion. It also would have made Riku a better final boss instead of something to simply wrap the story up and not an actual "last battle" so to speak.

Oh, and Riku Replica > Xion.


New member
Feb 16, 2018
A worthless time and really, a worthless amount of energy that Sqaure Enix and Disney Interactive worked on. I love 358/2 days, but why add another part of Sora? It just makes it a little more confusing. There is already Roxas, Ventus and if you want to say, Vanitas. But really, basically another Roxas? What's the point in that?

Deleted member 246005

She also is another Kairi pallete swap which lessened her own appeal. She should have just been a regular nobody with her own unique design.


keeps leaving X-mas decor up year-round.
Oct 21, 2011
Here's a case I play devil's advocate. I actually quite like Xion. And to add fuel to the BHK's fanbase's firey tears, I never cared about Roxas in KH2. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To me, he was flat. He had all the melodrama of the BBS trio (of which the same folks that heavily criticize this fact will typically ignore in his case) rolled into a tedious poster-slapping prologue. Days gave me reason to care about his plight, and my desire to see him live as his own identity was born from that plot. The relationship between both of his friends was beautiful and simple and more sophisticated that it gets credit for.

Many say Xion's unnecessary, but I think she just gets heat because she's a main character in that game. Admitting you don't like her just because / tastes is almost a better argument than merely saying she's unnecessary, because, tbh, there's a whole lot of nonsense floating around in the series. The same could be said of almost anyone else with good reason. "Let's create 13 Org members, because that's an unlucky number, but let's give their personalities each the depth of an -insert anime trope here-." Or "Let's make characters that literally look like Tidus, Wakka and Selphie so you don't have to think too hard about whether or not there are similarities among these people." I will say, one area Days deprives us of is the dimension of some of the other members, besides Roxas/Axel/Saïx. However, I don't think the Roxas's story is diminished because Xion is present. I think it's embellished in a way that's very believable.

Vexen's experiments brought us the Replica Program, and it's only natural that he would have birthed these experiments (which I'm glad they didn't just let die after CoM but gave more heft to), to manipulate the power of the keyblade wielder(s). One of my favorite quotes in the series comes from Re:coded's Reconnect scene: (Yen Sid to Mickey) "A man like Xehanort will have left many roads open." Xehanort is calculated af. He's going to utilize every possible option in any given timeline, and Xemnas having multiple keyblade wielders, however flawed, accelerated the goal of summoning Kingdom Hearts.

Xion herself is a prime example of the different kinds of beings we see budding hearts based off the experiences that shaped their individuality. She provides the push to Axel's pull who continues feigning content living life in the Organization (projecting it onto Roxas) while she resolves to seek out the truth.


bronze member
Nov 2, 2011
Albuquerque, NM
Here's a case I play devil's advocate. I actually quite like Xion. And to add fuel to the BHK's fanbase's firey tears, I never cared about Roxas in KH2. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To me, he was flat. He had all the melodrama of the BBS trio (of which the same folks that heavily criticize this fact will typically ignore in his case) rolled into a tedious poster-slapping prologue. Days gave me reason to care about his plight, and my desire to see him live as his own identity was born from that plot. The relationship between both of his friends was beautiful and simple and more sophisticated that it gets credit for.

Many say Xion's unnecessary, but I think she just gets heat because she's a main character in that game. Admitting you don't like her just because / tastes is almost a better argument than merely saying she's unnecessary, because, tbh, there's a whole lot of nonsense floating around in the series. The same could be said of almost anyone else with good reason. "Let's create 13 Org members, because that's an unlucky number, but let's give their personalities each the depth of an -insert anime trope here-." Or "Let's make characters that literally look like Tidus, Wakka and Selphie so you don't have to think too hard about whether or not there are similarities among these people." I will say, one area Days deprives us of is the dimension of some of the other members, besides Roxas/Axel/Saïx. However, I don't think the Roxas's story is diminished because Xion is present. I think it's embellished in a way that's very believable.

Vexen's experiments brought us the Replica Program, and it's only natural that he would have birthed these experiments (which I'm glad they didn't just let die after CoM but gave more heft to), to manipulate the power of the keyblade wielder(s). One of my favorite quotes in the series comes from Re:coded's Reconnect scene: (Yen Sid to Mickey) "A man like Xehanort will have left many roads open." Xehanort is calculated af. He's going to utilize every possible option in any given timeline, and Xemnas having multiple keyblade wielders, however flawed, accelerated the goal of summoning Kingdom Hearts.

Xion herself is a prime example of the different kinds of beings we see budding hearts based off the experiences that shaped their individuality. She provides the push to Axel's pull who continues feigning content living life in the Organization (projecting it onto Roxas) while she resolves to seek out the truth.

I agree, Xion also added a great deal towards the climax within Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. She drove Roxas's decision of leaving the Organization because he couldn't stand seeing himself or Xion being used as pawns. Roxas did decide to comeback to fight off Xemnas to keep his promise to Xion, but by the end of the game. Roxas forgets her. Days being made after KH2 was quite a detriment because it felt like Square Enix was just using a random Kairi-look-alike to fill in important plotholes from KH2 and naturally opening up more questions than answers.

I don't hate Xion. I cried when she died. She was a lot more tolerable than Namine and Kairi because she at least didn't come off as the damsel in distress like Namine did in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories or the person that seems to be only important to the plot because the characters mention her and use the memories of her as motivation to move forward. Perhaps, I am being unfair to both of them.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
She also is another Kairi pallete swap which lessened her own appeal. She should have just been a regular nobody with her own unique design.

Couldn't put it better myself. If she was an antagonist like Vanitas then I would have given her more acceptance, but as is, she's a recycled character design with a convoluted existence. As tragic as her tale is, I can't really feel for her because of these factors.


bronze member
Nov 2, 2011
Albuquerque, NM
A worthless time and really, a worthless amount of energy that Sqaure Enix and Disney Interactive worked on. I love 358/2 days, but why add another part of Sora? It just makes it a little more confusing. There is already Roxas, Ventus and if you want to say, Vanitas. But really, basically another Roxas? What's the point in that?
They probably needed another "Sora" because of the replica program. Although, I do wonder what would happen if Xion just copied Sora's appearance and voice similar to Repliku. Why did she need to be given her appearance by Roxas? It does kind of seem insignificant since Xion's appearance is based on the perspective of who sees her. The whole "appearance based on individual perspective" seems very confusing.

Deleted member 246005

To me Xion is more of a scapegoat for Days and a lot of Days's problems started in KH2. KH2 showed us Roxas's time in the organization with a complete beginning, middle and end. That informs our expectations of what to expect from the story which Xion messes with. Most common complaint is she acts out Roxas's role, going on the arc Roxas was meant to have and leaving him to be dumbed down. Or infantiliazed as the 358/2 retrospective likes to say.

They hate her because she feels like a copycat sue from a bad fanfic Copy Cat Sue - TV Tropes.

People dislike the whole secret member of the organization thing but I didn't mind that as much. The organization doesn't seem that sentimental so them replacing their ranks after 5 of them died in Castle Oblivion made sense to me. It's just she lacks a distinct design/element/fighting style/personality to the point where I've seen better OCs on deviantart.

I'm hoping post KH3 she actually gets a redesign and becomes more distinct. This whole "everyone is sora/xehanort/kairi" got old real fast.
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keeps leaving X-mas decor up year-round.
Oct 21, 2011
Couldn't put it better myself. If she was an antagonist like Vanitas then I would have given her more acceptance, but as is, she's a recycled character design with a convoluted existence. As tragic as her tale is, I can't really feel for her because of these factors.

I like how being a palette swap is okay, but only if you're a villain! Or you can be a damsel, just don't look like Kairi (we'll let Namine slide, though, even though they have the same face...). Being a villain for the sake of being a villain doesn't make a character all the more interesting by default. She's also not 1:1 an exact copy of Kairi's design. As others have mentioned, we were going to see her based off the memories of whoever was closest to her anyways, so the design wouldn't have mattered, because it would have imitated someone in some form anyways. LOL

If we're going to seriously complain about a character's looks because of similarities, then we need to ask why we don't judge the whole lot with such scrutiny. Roxas looks like Ven. Vanitas looks like Sora. HPO look like TWS. Terra looks like all the antagonists. I mean, come on, guys. (Don't even get me started on the Disney character look a-likes.) It's not a problem for me, but it's hilarious to see Xion solely attract hate for reasons that are applicable to so many other cases.


But like, her actual character is more important than her presentation, which is technically fluid because of various forms. Different hair would =/= a good character design necessarily. (You werk that Kairi-rolled-out-of-bed-head look, gurl.)

Deleted member 246005

Vanitas vs Xion really comes down to fan preference same way I'm a bigger fan of Roxas over Sora.

Namine vs Xion is more because Namine already existed and fans rather they did more with her than have Xion created to fill that role. Fans hate Xion more because they feel she stole screentime from other characters they felt deserved it more (like the Org/Namine/Roxas).

Xion's problem is that fans don't see her as a fully fledged character, they just see her as Roxas part 2.

A better way to have used her is to have DiZ create her instead of the Organization. It allows her to have more scenes with Riku's team and gives Namine more to do. DiZ pitches Xion as a namine decoy meant throw the organization of their scent so namine has to teach her how to be her. Namine even comes up with the name Xion as DiZ would just refer to her as No.1 showing his disinterest in her.

This would play out better in a Riku game tho.
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Oct 15, 2008
I think her implementation was the most unnecessary aspect of Days. I don't see why a new character was needed when the current set of characters were heavily in need of development. Her involvement was also disproportionately high and Roxas was forcibly made reliant on her.

I won't mind her as much if she doesn't take up much in KH3, I don't expect her to so my dislike of her is more focused on her involvement in Days specifically.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
I like how being a palette swap is okay, but only if you're a villain! Or you can be a damsel, just don't look like Kairi (we'll let Namine slide, though, even though they have the same face...). Being a villain for the sake of being a villain doesn't make a character all the more interesting by default. She's also not 1:1 an exact copy of Kairi's design. As others have mentioned, we were going to see her based off the memories of whoever was closest to her anyways, so the design wouldn't have mattered, because it would have imitated someone in some form anyways. LOL.

Xion has a default character design. Not only that, unlike the villains (in which the majority will be eliminated after the Xehanort saga), heroes of the Kingdom Hearts franchise have proven to be indispensable. Nomura clearly had the means to make her look unique, but nah, let's make a brunette Kairi instead. And I revert back to her existence, it just sounds dumb. 358/2 Days only really expanded on Saix and Xigbar as Organization XIII members (both of which are Xehanort vessels), so having Xion exist was even more of a nuisance because there's other members that could have been fleshed out but were not.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
She poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our house.


Active member
Jun 28, 2017
Vanitas vs Xion really comes down to fan preference same way I'm a bigger fan of Roxas over Sora.

Namine vs Xion is more because Namine already existed and fans rather they did more with her than have Xion created to fill that role. Fans hate Xion more because they feel she stole screentime from other characters they felt deserved it more (like the Org/Namine/Roxas).

Xion's problem is that fans don't see her as a fully fledged character, they just see her as Roxas part 2.

A better way to have used her is to have DiZ create her instead of the Organization. It allows her to have more scenes with Riku's team and gives Namine more to do. DiZ pitches Xion as a namine decoy meant throw the organization of their scent so namine has to teach her how to be her. Namine even comes up with the name Xion as DiZ would just refer to her as No.1 showing his disinterest in her.

This would play out better in a Riku game tho.

It generally makes a DIZ bastard in that case.
And why should he even create someone if he is against copies and nobody?
Well, I'm just a fan of the RAX trio.

Deleted member 246005

It generally makes a DIZ bastard in that case.
And why should he even create someone if he is against copies and nobody?
Well, I'm just a fan of the RAX trio.
Part of Ansem's appeal is he is a good man turned cruel so I wanted to play with that more. Ansem doesn't see her as a fully-fledged person just a tool to get Sora's memories back and to enact revenge on the Organization.