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Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

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dick to a lot of people
Dec 15, 2004

With just a few months left until the Japanese release of Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix and the expectation of a short localization time, my hype as a fan of the Kingdom Hearts series is at an all-time high. I have not felt this was in a very long time. While it is indeed true that I have played all these games before, some multiple times even, this all in one package, wrapped in HD goodness, might just be the game that reels me back into the series.

Hit read more to check out my top reasons to be excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix, and see if they match up with yours!

 Kingdom Hearts Perfected 

For most longtime fans of the series, the original Kingdom Hearts title will always be the best, and why not? It introduced the magical combination of Disney and Square Enix RPG’s, with a very interesting game play system and a story that was cherished for its simplicity and family friendliness, all while maintaining the mystery and plot devices of a Japanese role playing game. And certainly, being the pilot game of this now lengthy saga, most of us are probably looking back on the game fondly through nostalgia-tinted goggles.

But let’s be honest, the game is horribly dated due to its very clunky controls. Which is why the changes made to the game in this HD rendition do enough to certainly justify a retread. The most welcome addition is undoubtedly the mapping of the camera controls to the right analog stick [1], a feature heavily demanded and introduced in its sequel. It really does bring the game from an uncontrollable, annoying mess to a more modern 3D game. 

This alongside simpler additions such as mapping certain actions to the triangle button should hopefully make the game feel fresh. The art style that has become synonymous with the series - and to a lesser extent all Nomura led titles - already lends itself to looking fantastic in high definition. It was just a matter of bringing the gameplay up to par. Thankfully, there’s no reason to worry.

For the Addict in Me: Trophies

This one is certainly not for everyone. And for the longest time, I never considered that it was for me. In fact, when achievements were first announced for Xbox Live, I never really got the point. Playing games should be about the experience, and hitting significant milestones in games should evoke a feeling of accomplishment all on its own. The enjoyment one derives from completing all the content should already be valuable enough if the game is good.

Ah, what an idealist I was, and then trophies arrived on the PlayStation 3. All it took was one game I was just a little interested in, and I was hooked. Now I can’t seem to set a game aside without at least attempting to Platinum it. Yes, my previous thoughts were certainly true, but even so, it does feel good to get rewarded for one’s feats outside the game itself and to carry these rewards with pride.

While the specifics of the trophies have not been revealed, basic ones for completing the story are a given. But how nice would it be to get trophies for beating the likes of Kurt Zisa, Phantom, Ice Titan, and Sephiroth? My fingers are crossed that we will get a separate Platinum for Re: Chain of Memories, similar to another HD remake, The Sly Collection[2], which contained separate Platinum’s for each game.

Re: Chain of Memories – Two for the Price of One!

Which brings me to my next favorite aspect, the inclusion of Re: Chain of Memories. I am sure most will disagree, but I am happy that this is the title included in the final package, even over Kingdom Hearts II or Birth by Sleep. Why? Chain of Memories is the one title that deviates the most from the others in the series in terms of game play. It is even hard to qualify it with a genre: while it maintains the platforming and action-RPG movements of its predecessor, it incorporates cards and strategy into the mix!

If I am going to be playing two Kingdom Hearts games back to back, I would like the game play to be as diverse and varied as possible, and Re: Chain of Memories definitely fits that bill. And let’s not forget that it was Chain of Memories that introduced all the complications and confusing story threads to the series, so it will be good to experience all of that again to get a refresher. While I purchased Re: Chain of Memories when it was released in the states, I never got a chance to play it; this will be my first time returning to the title since the GBA version (which seems like ages ago now). I can’t wait!

Experience Days without the Filler           

Let’s get one thing straight: I’m a fan of Roxas. He has been one of the few characters added to the cast over time that I genuinely like. And Days makes some effort at making itself relevant to the plot of the series as a whole: Chain of Memories never completely fleshes out the time that passes between Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, and a lot of mystery remained surrounding the creation of Sora’s nobody, as well as the Organization’s plans in general and just what Riku and Ansem the Wise were up to.

All of these reasons make Days a compelling experience. But the game itself certainly was not a treat for me. In fact, it’s easily the worst Kingdom Hearts title out there – the series just is not built for the hardware (the DS does not even have a single analog stick!) And the important plot points were thinly spread out between filler missions in bland, recycled worlds.

This is where Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix gets it right. Instead of forcing me to trudge through this mess once again, the game will simply take all the important moments and compile them into two hours of cutscenes [3], supplemented by Roxas’ in-game journal. Remaking it all from the ground up would honestly have been a wasted effort. Now I can spend time focusing on what matters: the story. It will be great to have access to these scenes as I play Re: Chain of Memories (in the series timeline, the two games take place simultaneously). It will only enhance my understanding of the story, as opposed to playing these two ridiculously intertwined games years apart.

So, let’s hear it! Agree, disagree? I swear I don’t bite! I would also like to hear what others are looking forward to, or even genuinely concerned about. Comments below!



Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

A very exciting read!

And I do agree with you on the trophies. They add more to the experience of a game as you just want to be able to have the satisfaction of knowing you've completed it to the full.


Dec 6, 2009
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

Great read! You've almost got me caring about the series again. *A*


New member
Apr 7, 2007
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

I agree with nearly all of those points of you, but I am honest, 358/2 Days completely new made did interest me because the original DS Game is pretty bad made.

Cutscenes of 2 hours length would've made more fun to watch when you play the game, but this is where I can't understand Nomura anymore.

He gives so much effort in making cutscenes in length of a whole Blockbuster, yet the Game itself would take over a year to produce? Oh well. At least they can't bring the same sh*tty gamestyle back, but really, I would have been happy for something NEW, really new, like OMG we will think about it and do it right this time! :)

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

He gives so much effort in making cutscenes in length of a whole Blockbuster, yet the Game itself would take over a year to produce? Oh well. At least they can't bring the same sh*tty gamestyle back, but really, I would have been happy for something NEW, really new, like OMG we will think about it and do it right this time! :)

They had made plans to remake the entire game but it would have taken too much time to and their aim for 1.5 was to have it out as close to the anniversary year of KH as possible. It was probably a difficult decision to just make it cutscenes, but in the end we don't have to go through all of those missions and get to the meat of Days. 8D


Oct 9, 2007
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

I agree that 358/2 Days is as bad as a Kingdom Hearts game gets, it's the only game I completed with pauses of multiple weeks, because the mission design was just that boring. But from my point of view its plot is also one of the biggest problems, because it's developing too slow and is repeated (like the missions). So I'm really interested in how it's tightened in the HD Remix.
But you know what would've been cool? Playing the multiplayer mode in full HD on the PS3 with your friends, it's a bit sad this will never happen now.

Chain of Memories takes a special place in my heart, because it was the first KH game I ever played. I didn't really unterstand the plot back then but I liked the gameplay and I still like to to this day. The Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts is the best version of the game (minus the new color shemes), so I'm glad it's included too.

The only thing missing is an option to change the language but I'll keep my fingers crossed for an international release.

Dream Eaters

Nov 27, 2012
Strange World
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix wow I'm really excited about this one. yeah I'll finally get to play it. also I agree 100%.


May 9, 2012
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

I agree, for me the first KH is also my favorite because it has this dark and mysterious feeling. But IMO the story has gotten better and better over time.

CoM never came to Europe so I'm really excited to play it.

I don't really mind that Days is just cutscenes since the story is the biggest factor for me in this series, not to mention it's not as big as the other games, except Coded, gameplay wise.

king_mickey rule

The Great Destroyer
Aug 31, 2007
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

I wonder.. would they have redone some of the effects from certain attacks, say, Ragnarok? I always found that they looked better in the sequels. Maybe they've redone some of them to make them more beautiful in HD?


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

The camera in KH1 was one of the worst parts of the game. Hopefully having more control over it will make the experience a lot more enjoyable.


nothing ever ends
Jan 30, 2009
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

Despite the poor mission design, I enjoyed Days more in retrospect than I thought because unlike Sora in KH1, we're actually given reasons to like Roxas and the gang, as well as see some growth on his part. That, and the fact I've always had a fondness for the character made me enjoy playing as him but I concede that the story's its stronger point. However with that being said, I haven't played KH1 in ages and my current PS3 can't play PS2 games so this is still a game that garners my interest.

king_mickey rule

The Great Destroyer
Aug 31, 2007
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

Despite the poor mission design, I enjoyed Days more in retrospect than I thought because unlike Sora in KH1, we're actually given reasons to like Roxas and the gang, as well as see some growth on his part. That, and the fact I've always had a fondness for the character made me enjoy playing as him but I concede that the story's its stronger point. However with that being said, I haven't played KH1 in ages and my current PS3 can't play PS2 games so this is still a game that garners my interest.

This. I enjoyed Days quite a bit. Sure, the mission system was bothersome (and after a while goddamn boring), the panel system was interesting (not something I really enjoyed but interested, sure made you experiment a lot) but the story is definately the best part about Days.

I've grown to like pretty much all the Organization members because of this game. Put them into a different perspective. Also, the mission system kinda reinforced the idea that a lot of time passed throughout the story so idk, not sure if I'm fully against the mission system, it was just executed poorly.

With that said, I would've liked a HD remake, if the gameplay was fixed (especially if there was an online multiplayer added!) but alas, that won't happen. Still, we'll be able to experience the best part about Days in HD glory, being the story. That alone makes me excited for the HD collection.


Sep 2, 2008
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

This has been a good read :) I'm excited too for this game, only because it's time that we get the Final Mix's goodies like extra abilities, scenes. I wonder for the localization are they going to translate everything even the secret ending into English?


New member
Dec 25, 2012
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

I am soooooo looking forward to this game except for Re: Chain of Memories. I loved every Kingdom Hearts game and had played them multiple times except for CoM. I HATED the battle system. The story is amazing, but it's so hard to continue with it because of the battling. It took forever for me to finish that game and I refused to touch it again. But my love for KH means that I will trudge through CoM for the sake of the story, but I won't be happy about it. :(

Alpha Sonix

New member
Dec 30, 2012
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

I am soooooo looking forward to this game except for Re: Chain of Memories. I loved every Kingdom Hearts game and had played them multiple times except for CoM. I HATED the battle system. The story is amazing, but it's so hard to continue with it because of the battling. It took forever for me to finish that game and I refused to touch it again. But my love for KH means that I will trudge through CoM for the sake of the story, but I won't be happy about it. :(

IMO I found CoM battle system to be pretty fun as long as you had two zero cards at the front and back of the deck. Probably the only problem that I found was that I kept spamming sleights so I wasted my cards (except for a few boss battles, sonic blade spam ftw). Though I hope I wasn't the only one who tried to ignore most of the Heartless in Castle Oblivion, I used the bottomless darkness card I think it was to make sure only shadows appeared on that floor :D.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to playing KHFM for the first time as well as with updated controls and hd graphics, trophies are also cool and 358/2 Days cutscenes as well. CoM is definitely at the bottom of the list though in terms of what I'm looking forward to.


Killjoy Hillington
Jul 3, 2010
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

Am I the only one that didn't mind the camera in KH1? Sure, it was annoying using buttons, but I've gotten used to the fact as every Kingdom Hearts game after KH2 (minus Re: CoM) used buttons as well. That isn't to say I'm not happy with the change (I am), but I wonder why everyone is fussing about the camera when it was just fine.

Alpha Sonix

New member
Dec 30, 2012
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

Am I the only one that didn't mind the camera in KH1? Sure, it was annoying using buttons, but I've gotten used to the fact as every Kingdom Hearts game after KH2 (minus Re: CoM) used buttons as well. That isn't to say I'm not happy with the change (I am), but I wonder why everyone is fussing about the camera when it was just fine.

Can't say I'm fussy about it either but I've played KH1 lots of times so maybe it's become natural to me. I had more problems with being unable to interact with things like treasure chests while I was in a battle which I hope they've changed as well. Trying to grab a ride on a dolphin to get to the Sunken Ship is absolutely frustrating when enemies keep popping up in Atlantica.


dick to a lot of people
Dec 15, 2004
Re: Why I'm Excited for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

Great read! You've almost got me caring about the series again. *A*

That was the point. :> Lub you.

He gives so much effort in making cutscenes in length of a whole Blockbuster, yet the Game itself would take over a year to produce? Oh well. At least they can't bring the same sh*tty gamestyle back, but really, I would have been happy for something NEW, really new, like OMG we will think about it and do it right this time! :)

Hey, thanks for sharing! I believe it is usually much easier to remake cutscenes using whatever Kingdom Hearts engine they are using than to recreate a game that was built for the DS for the PS3. There's just much more work required in terms of game play systems that I think wouldn't be worth it.

But you know what would've been cool? Playing the multiplayer mode in full HD on the PS3 with your friends, it's a bit sad this will never happen now.


The only thing missing is an option to change the language but I'll keep my fingers crossed for an international release.

Hey, thanks for sharing! Wow, I totally forgot about the multiplayer in Days, that's a good point! Hopefully if BBS is in KH2.5 they won't axe the multiplayer there.

Considering that the Japanese release has the option to change the language, there is a moderately high chance that any localized version will too.

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix wow I'm really excited about this one. yeah I'll finally get to play it. also I agree 100%.


CoM never came to Europe so I'm really excited to play it.

I totally forgot Re:Chain of Memories never came out in Europe. If you liked the GBA version you are in for a treat!

Despite the poor mission design, I enjoyed Days more in retrospect than I thought because unlike Sora in KH1, we're actually given reasons to like Roxas and the gang, as well as see some growth on his part. That, and the fact I've always had a fondness for the character made me enjoy playing as him but I concede that the story's its stronger point. However with that being said, I haven't played KH1 in ages and my current PS3 can't play PS2 games so this is still a game that garners my interest.

I'm going to have to disagree with you on this. I think the introduction we get to Sora and co make them a much more compelling cast than Roxas and co. Seeing Sora, Kairi, and Riku from an early age be the best of friends and wanting to go explore the world together made helping them get reunited all the more important. Considering that's the main motivation for playing through Kingdom Hearts 1 (and to a lesser extent 2), I'd say they did a pretty good job.

Maybe I'm anti-icecream.

This has been a good read :) I'm excited too for this game, only because it's time that we get the Final Mix's goodies like extra abilities, scenes. I wonder for the localization are they going to translate everything even the secret ending into English?

Typically, if they are localizing it, all of it should be in English.

I am soooooo looking forward to this game except for Re: Chain of Memories. I loved every Kingdom Hearts game and had played them multiple times except for CoM. I HATED the battle system. The story is amazing, but it's so hard to continue with it because of the battling. It took forever for me to finish that game and I refused to touch it again. But my love for KH means that I will trudge through CoM for the sake of the story, but I won't be happy about it. :(

That is certainly a valid opinion. I think games should have cut scene viewers for people who have your viewpoint. You seem to have the same feelings for CoM that I have for Days.

I hate to be a downer but didn't square say it won't be localized? Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix announcement ‘only for Japan’ - Gematsu

They were simply stating that it hasn't been announced or confirmed for localization. However, the chances of this not being localized are almost slim to none. It will happen, it's just a matter of when. (At least from the information we have to go on).
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